Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3089: Many systems!

???????? Item: Macho System [Super Edition]

????????Introduction: This system can be hosted by intelligent life bodies, the host can call various men in virtual or reality through the system to obtain the ability of men, and the system can also release missions and get rewards. , Designed to train real macho men...

?????????? There will be a collection of systems here? Su Hang’s head is a little messy and a little dazed. The word system is very sensitive to him because he has a system parasitic on him!

???????? Super God of God system, wrong, it should be the ultimate version of God of God system now!

???????? Looking at the booth next to it, Su Hang was even more stunned. On the booth, there was also a fog-shaped thing, which was blurred.

???????? Item: Godfather System [Super Version]

???????? Introduction: This system can host and intelligent life, the host can through the system function, worship any existence as a godfather, and get the protection and ability of the godfather...

?????? "Uh, this..." Su Hang is even more dumb, and it is a super system, and it is so... such an alternative weird!


?????????? Item: Worship System [Super Version]

?????????? Brief introduction: This system can be hosted in intelligent life, the host can use the system function, and any existence of worship, harvest the other party's righteous loyalty and ability!


?????????? Item: Marriage System [Super Edition]

?????????? Introduction: This system can be hosted in intelligent life, the host can pass...


?????????? Item: Enhanced System [Super Version]

?????????? Item: Pet System [Super Edition]


???????? This row of rows, on the thirty or forty booths, turned out to be super systems. Su Hang stood in the middle and the whole person was stupid. This really completely subverted his three views.

???????? For a long time, he thought that his super-scientific system was unique, and only he had it. But here, there are so many collections. Su Hang felt that he was a bit ignorant. Can't even believe this is true!

?????????? There are so many systems here. Are these systems the same as your own system of learning gods?

What is the system? Isn't fate evolved? Could it be that the system here is all destiny?

?????? This is not realistic at all. Destiny is only destiny. He was a strong man in the Void Hongmeng. He transformed into a super-scientific system, and he coexisted with Su Hang to support the growth of Su Hang. Su Hang has almost determined that Now, the theology system is the destiny, but why are there so many super systems here?

???????????? Meng Nan has so many super systems from there?

?????????? Could it be said that these systems have all been transformed by the same strong fate? Thinking about it, the only explanation that Su Hang can find is this!

???????????? The strong fell and turned into a system? Collected by Meng Nan again? What is this operation?

???????????? Su Hang suddenly thought of a problem, a problem that made him a bit creepy. These systems have definitely depended on a strong man, or it is as strong as fate. By the person, that is to say, Meng Nan collects them here, what about those strong people parasitized by the system? What about those strong incarnation systems? Will it be destroyed by Meng Nan?

?????????? Previously, when Su Hang contacted Meng Nan, he heard Meng Nan talk about the two words "collection" more than once. Now I think, Meng Nan is not a quirk of collection? Would he be making an idea, staring at his own atheistic system and wanting to store his own atheistic system?

???????????? Thinking of this, Su Hang couldn't help but shudder, and his heart was cold and cold!

?????????? However, when I think about it again, I think it's impossible. If Meng Nan wants to collect his system of theology, he can do it directly without giving him so much help? You know, Su Hang can live to the present, but thanks to the help of Meng Nan, otherwise, he would not know when to hang up!

???????? Or, is he waiting for the growth of the theology system? But didn't he have the treasure to upgrade the system? It didn't mean anything to him.

???????? Su Hang felt a little scared himself, a little persecuted paranoia.

?????????? For a while, Su Hang calmed down and walked out of the system area. He already had the system of learning the gods. It was useless to use these systems. Two systems, one system can't support it!

?????? Moreover, here are basically super systems, and there is no ultimate system, there is no reason for Su Hang to ask for a lower level!

????????Although shocked, but the purpose of Su Hang’s coming here this time, he has not forgotten that he saw an hour approaching, and even if he went to the booth that had just passed, he took the fairy pot .


?????????? Promise Palace!

???????? After exiting the treasure house, the treasure house key disappeared and ceased to exist. Su Hang sighed for a while, and his heart was still turbulent.

???????? I wanted to go to Meng Nan to ask about the situation, but after thinking about it, it was forgotten, since Meng Nan would let him enter the treasure house, I am certainly not afraid that he would see that bunch of systems, since Meng Nan So calm, what's the use of questioning yourself?

???????????? With Meng Nan’s strength, if he really meant to be detrimental to Su Hang, Su Hang asked so, asking something, it would only hurt him, if others were calm, even more so No need to ask!

?????????? Taking a deep breath, Su Hang calmed down his mood. It is imperative to cultivate the Hongmeng Tree!

?????????? The heart sinks into the Purple Mansion, the vast Purple Mansion, the Hongmeng Tree quietly vomits, without hurrying, even if Su Hang adjusts the energy concentration in the Purple Mansion Qihai extremely High, can not affect it half a point.

???????????? A watering bottle appeared in the Purple Mansion, it was the fairy pot, controlled by Su Hang consciousness, the lid was opened, and suddenly, a huge suction came from the pot, Crazy swept the energy in the Suhang Purple House.

???????????? The speed is really fast, but for a moment, the huge Qihai was sucked away for more than half, and Su Hang quickly took out a pile of void spirit stones, madly absorbing and supplementing the Qihai Consume.

???????????? It didn’t take long, the watering bottle seemed to be full, the lid was automatically quietly floating in the purple house, the surroundings were turbulent Qihai was quickly recovered by Su Hang.


?????????? Su Hang took a long breath, just for a moment, almost not sucked by the watering can, but fortunately he was still prepared enough to withstand consumption.

?????????? Thoughtful arm, lifted the watering can, came to the top of the sapling of Hongmeng, Su Hang tilted the watering can, and the cool water flow immediately poured out from the shower, Pour directly on the sapling of Na Hongmeng!

In an instant, the sea of ​​air was boiling, and the sapling of Hongmeng, like a person asleep, was suddenly awakened and stretched a big lazy waist.

The tiny trunk seemed to be infused with infinite vitality, rapidly expanding, rising up, the third leaf, the fourth leaf... the first branch, the second branch...

The Hongmeng tree grows rapidly, and soon grows more leaves and branches, but at the same time, the Hongmeng tree is also madly absorbing the energy in the Su Hai Qihai to supplement the consumption of growth!

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