Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3098: Nightmare Abyss!

And no matter how busy the destiny is, there is someone coming again, Yun Ding Weng!

Yun Dingweng returned to the void world, which should be prepared for a nightmare trip. Su Hang saw that he was full of confidence, and he must have been fully prepared.

Returning to the first thing in Chuangjie Mountain, Yun Dingweng found Su Hang and urged Su Hang to set off quickly. He couldn't wait to go exploring in the ruins.

Whether it can break through the ninth order, maybe it depends on this wave.

Su Hang had no way to take him. He found Bing Ji as a total. Bing Ji apparently did not want to give up this opportunity. Su Hang settled the affairs of Zongmen and his family, and the three of them left Chaos directly.

As for the matter of passing on the post, I temporarily put it aside, and I will wait until I come back from the ruins this time, just let Yin Tianfeng be the internship lord for a few days to investigate.

What Su Hang did not know is that Yin Tianfeng is now a bit Buddhist. He originally coveted the position of the suzerain. He had hinted more than once that Su Hang would let Su Hang pass it to him in the future, but that was because Yin Tianfeng felt himself The road of spiritual practice has reached its limit. There are not many pursuits on the road of spiritual practice. Naturally, the goal of the pursuit is transferred to the right.

But now, after seeing too many stronger existences, Yin Tianfeng really feels that he has a long way to practice, especially when Su Hang has made a 10,000-level ladder, he also wants to try it, maybe he can get the chance, Obtain the qualification to become the king of the world.

Moreover, now that his second daughter is pregnant, he is still looking forward to waiting for his grandson. Originally, he has given up his idea of ​​the position of the suzerain. I never expected that Su Hang would come out this time.

Looking at the group of people under the ladder from afar, Yin Tianfeng was very tangled in his heart and wanted to go, but he couldn't hold his face.

After all, he already knew that Su Hang had decided to move his seat, and he was the next suzerain. The next suzerain also ran up the ladder and climbed up. If he could not climb up, he might be a joke in the future.

But if you don't go, you waste another chance to break through the realm of the realm!

"It's up to him. When my grandson is born, are you still afraid of not having the chance to break through the realm of the realm?"

Thinking of this, Yin Tianfeng's heart calmed down a little bit. In the cold wind, looking at the people gathered under the ladder, Yin Tianfeng was already a bystander behind his hand, and he seemed to be a spectator. The strongest wave exists, almost All gathered here, but I wonder, how many of these people can climb to the top of the mountain and get the chance left by Su Hang?


Besides Su Hang, the three people left Chaos and entered the void world directly. After a lapse of many years, Bing Ji returned to the void world for the first time. The breath here is indeed more intimate to her than Chaos, but because it has been a long time since Back to the void, a little more strange.

And Su Hang, although visited, is not familiar!

Fortunately, among the three, Yun Dingweng was considered an old river and lake, and he was so familiar with the car that he took Su Hang and them directly to the nightmare abyss.

"Senior, did you tell others about our trip to the ruins?" Su Hang followed Yun Dingweng and asked.

Yun Dingweng glanced back at Su Hang, "How can I tell people about this opportunity, do you think I am so stupid like you, is it not good to eat a single meal alone? I still want to ask you this question, except me. Three people, did you tell the others?"

Su Hang shook his head, if not for the sake of breaking the cause and effect, to get rid of the trouble of Yun Ding Weng, and indeed need a strong helper, Su Hang would not even tell Yun Ding Weng, let alone tell others.

Yun Dingweng said, "In fact, this ruin of the nightmare abyss is not a secret. Many powerful people in the void have come to explore the danger, but unfortunately, where is the ruin, but no one can go in, people who have really gone in Very few, and after these people came out, they also kept silent about what happened inside!"

"However, in the case of Emperor Donghua alone, before he entered, he was still trapped in the Tier 6 realm, but after he came out, he quickly made rapid advances, and the merits of several Yuanhuis reached the Tier 9 and advanced the void head. The ranks of the strong!"


Taking the Donghua Emperor as an example, it is a pity that the Donghua Emperor no longer exists. Whatever the chance, he has not lived to the end.

Yun Dingweng then said, "Every of the eight abysses is unfathomable, extremely dangerous, and there may be no secrets hidden. There are very few conquered at this time. This nightmare abyss is equally terrifying. Dare to explore inside, and even the existence of the dominating realm, you have to be cautious. There are a lot of extremely strong void creatures in it, maybe there is an eighth or even ninth order."

Yun Dingweng said that Suhang knew it deeply because he had already experienced it in the original abyss. If it was not led by the East China Emperor, it would be impossible to enter.

This time I came to the nightmare abyss adventure. The nightmare abyss is the same as the original abyss. The degree of danger is certainly not much. Although Yun Dingweng is accompanied, Yun Dingweng is only eighth order. Su Hang can only pray that luck is not too bad. Encountered the existence of order nine.

For nearly half a month, the three finally came to the edge of the void. The same dark crack appeared on the edge of the void, just like a huge beast, with his mouth wide open, waiting for the prey to come to the door automatically.

The nightmare abyss, here it is!

Just listening to the name can let people know how terrifying this abyss is. Three people are standing in the void, there are tens of thousands of light years from the crack, but they are still involuntarily. Chill, perhaps, this is the instinctive fear of the void.

Yun Dingweng untied a gourd from his waist, and there was a vine on the gourd. A few leaves were attached to the vine, and he saw Yun Dingweng pull off three leaves and divided two of them to Su Hang and Bing Ji. .

Not waiting for Su Hang’s inquiry, Yun Dingweng said, “This is a blind leaf, which can cover the state of our body. There are many powerful creatures in this abyss. Most of these creatures are violent and violent. , These creatures will only treat us as ants, and save us a lot of trouble!"

Yun Dingweng is an old river and lake. He used to be there. It should be right to listen to him. Su Hang took the leaf and saw that the leaf opened, and then Su Hang felt that he was covered with a layer of invisible What is intangible, the realm is concealed.

Su Hang knows the power of this kind of place. Yun Dingweng’s approach should guarantee a certain degree of safety, just like there is a wicked dog in front of him. When someone walks in front of it, it will definitely bite, but if it is a The ant crawled over in front of it, then it might not bite!

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