Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3099: Blind gourd!

???????? "Remember, don't do it easily, as soon as you do it, this blind leaf will lose its effect!" Yun Dingweng also concealed his own breath and reminded the two of Suhang. , Then the gourd suddenly became bigger, "After entering the abyss, everything has to listen to me, otherwise, don't blame me for losing my life!"

???????????? The voice fell, Yun Ding Weng turned into a streamer, directly into the gourd, Su Hang and Bing Ji looked at each other, and followed.

???????? I saw that the gourd slowly faded away, and quickly disappeared, as if it had become nothingness. After a scream, there was no movement.



???????? In the gourd, the space is not big, that is, a small room, which should be a place where Yunding Weng often practices, and there is not that luxury. Except for a cabinet with stacked clothes, there is only one meditator. Futons.

???????? Su Air can clearly feel that the power of the void is very abundant, at least a hundred times thicker than the outside.

???????? Or Su Hang took a table from the storage ring and three stools came out, this is a place to sit.

???????? "The place is rudimentary, let's just take a look. After a while, we can get to the place!" Yunding Weng said.

???????????? Bing Ji Road, "If I am not mistaken, this should be the obstacle of the cloud cave master?"

???????????? Yun Dingweng heard the words, his face shook slightly, but did not reply.

???????? Su Hang reminisced a bit, this gourd is Yunlang's baby? Yun Dingweng returned to the void for so many days, I'm afraid he just asked Yunlang to borrow this gourd, right?

???????? Seeing Su Hang's eyes, Yun Dingweng raised his eyebrows, "He took the virtual mother's virtual core from me, I asked him to borrow this gourd for two days, right?"

?????????? The two of Su Hang talked up, yes, why not, after all, they are two brothers, even if they are wearing pants, what can others say?

?????????? Yun Dingweng caressed his beard, "This gourd can be transformed into nothingness, and sent us directly into the abyss, to the place of ruins. I waited for the realm to be concealed. , It's time to get to the place!"

?????????? This is an invisible train, and Su Hang did not expect that Yun Ding Weng was quite well prepared. In this way, the methods he prepared did not seem to work!

?????????? Yun Dingweng finished, he sat on the futon, closed his eyes and meditated, this dangerous abyss in the abyss, he had to fully obsessed with manipulating the blind gourd, in addition, You have to stay at your peak.

?????????? Su Hang and Bing Ji are all right. When Yun Ding Weng drives the gourd, the two will wait to get off at the station.

?????????? The abyss is unpredictable, I don't know the bottom, or how long it will take to get to the place, all three begin to rejuvenate and deal with the next unknown!

?????????? Time passes by one minute and one second.

?????????? "Boom!"

???????? With a loud noise, the blind gourd seemed to have been attacked by something. Suddenly, a huge shock awakened Su Hang and the three people.

?????????? The table in front of them all flew to the wall and shattered. Both Su Hang and Bing Ji could not see what was going on outside. They both looked at Yun Dingweng. How did this guy open? Car?

?????????? Yun Dingweng opened his eyes, his face slightly pale, "Meet a big guy, you guys, sit still!"

?????????? Before Su Hang asked the situation, they felt that the blind gourd suddenly accelerated, and the two were almost unable to stabilize their bodies.

???????? "What's the situation?" Suhang asked.

???????????? "Blood Crow, an eighth-order blood crow lord!" Yun Ding Weng said.

???????? Eighth order? The expression on Su Hang's face was loose. As long as it was not Tier 9, it would not be enough to move him. After all, Yun Ding Weng was Tier 8;

?????????? So, if it's just an eighth order, you don't have to worry, just trouble, you can hide, you can hide, and avoid fighting.

?????? "Where does this blood crow come from? Can the blind gourd be found?" Bing Ji asked suspiciously.

?????????? Yun Ding Weng said, "This blood crow has a unique talent, has a pair of holes in the virtual eye, can see through the false, just blinded the gourd accidentally passed through its realm, and alarmed it! "

???????????? When talking, Yun Dingweng's forehead was covered with sweat. Obviously, the blood crow in Yun Dingweng's mouth was still chasing after him.

???????????? Su Hang also raised a heart, if the blood raven attracted other tyrannical existence, it would be indispensable.

???????? It seems that Yunding Weng's blind gourd is not so foolproof.

?????? At the moment, Su Hang called out the third eye on his forehead, directly pierced the gourd wall, and looked out. However, what he saw was that Su Hang was breathless and startled. .

?????????? The back is overwhelmingly covered with blood red, just like the hot sun is falling to the ground, and almost did not blind the eyes of Su Hang, look carefully, since there are countless blood red devil crows, There are three-legged, four-legged, and even five-legged and six-legged, just like a group of mad zombies, chasing behind the gourd.

???????? "Aren't you saying there is only one?" Su Hang's scalp numb.

???????? Yunding Weng said, "I mean, one of the strongest, eight-footed blood crow!"

???????? By the way, Su Hang almost scolded his mother. Isn't it considered a threat below the eighth order?

?????????? This overwhelming number of blood crows can reach a lot of dominance, let alone a dozen or twenty, there are countless below the domination, this is a strength that cannot be underestimated, If it is entangled, I am afraid that it is not so easy to get out.

???????? Among the bright red, Su Hang saw a huge blood crow that almost covered half of the sky. This blood crow had eight legs and looked weird and terrifying, especially the pair The icy eyes are even more chilling.

???????? Presumably, this is the blood crow lord!

?????????? "Don't you say that? Why did you break into the blood crow den?" Su Hang asked, saying that Yun Dingweng should be familiar with the car, how could he commit this? Kind of error?

???????? "Are you accusing me?" Yun Dingweng looked up at Su Hang, the old man's temper was obviously not very good, "Go to the ruins On the way, there is a ninth-order smoked beast lord. The existence is much more fierce than this group of blood crows. I have already deliberately detoured, and I have to pass the blood crow's territory. The territory of the beast, or the territory of the blood crow?"

???????? As soon as Su Hang heard this, he had nothing to say. Although Tier VIII and Tier IX were only a single word difference, they were actually very different. Su Hang would rather encounter a hundred heads. The eighth order, and absolutely do not want to provoke a ninth order.

???????? He had seen the battle between the East China Emperor and the Dragon, how powerful the ninth rank was, he could not imagine.

???????? "Relax, rushing through this area, almost to the destination, I do not believe that this group of evil animals can still follow us!" Yun Dingweng quite confident.

After all, he is also an eighth-order strongman. In front of an eight-footed blood crow, he thinks he still has the ability to protect himself!

Do not believe? After looking at the crowd of blood crows outside, Su Hang didn't think that this group of crazy guys would be so easy to give up!

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