Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3114: court death!

"Boy, dare you!"

At this moment, only to hear a deep drink, as the thunder collapsed, Su Hang was shocked, and saw a figure approaching quickly from that door world, it was smoked.

Although the gate is closing, it is more than enough to come out before the gate is closed at the speed of smoke!

If he is allowed to come out, will this be paid? Su Hang threw his heart directly, and summoned the body of destiny directly. The momentum soared to the ninth level. He stepped out and came to the door. He punched with all his strength and went straight to the door.


?????????? The momentum is rolling, like the sky is breaking, the end is coming, terrifying!

?????????? "Boy, how dare you!" Xun had already rushed to the door, where do you know that Suhang will come?

?????????? No injustice, no hatred, why do you hurt me? He was furious, but there was no way to be angry. Su Hang's punch with all his strength, he did not dare to resist.

???????? Smoke can do, only to avoid, avoid the sharp edge, otherwise it must be seriously injured, but this is the hide, the door slowly closed.

???????? Su Hang stood outside the door, Xun stood inside the door, the two looked at each other, the door closed slowly, Su Hang could feel how angry, hatred, if the eyes in the smoked eyes If it is possible to kill, I am afraid that Su Hang does not know how many times it has been smoked to the bones!


???????????? The door was finally closed, and Su Hang was relieved in his heart. Indeed, he had no deep hatred with Xun. The only contradiction was that when he was on the stone steps, Xun had performance. It has been hostile, but unfortunately, the existence of smoke threatens the Su Air. Based on this, it is already worth the Su Air's shot, and it must be shot!

?????????? Suhang’s strength cannot be guaranteed to overwhelm him. Therefore, Suhang will choose to seal him in the ruins. Don’t blame Su Hangyin and change any one. I'm afraid I will choose this way now.

?????????? The door was closed, and Xun had no token. Even if he had the strongest power, it was absolutely impossible to come out. So, Suhang went to a huge threat and had no worries.

???????? At this time, Bing Ji also had some palpitations, let go of her heart, the existence of Xun also made her uneasy.

???????? However, the mood of Lord Blood Raven is not so beautiful, just saw the smoke out, it is still a bit excited, if there is smoke, he and smoke together, there is still hope to win It is a pity that Suhang did not expect that Suhang would be so bold.

?????????? Putting away the body of destiny, the momentum converged, Su Hang turned his face and looked at Lord Blood Raven, Lord Blood Raven shuddered, almost split.

???????????? "We are now ready to go, Senior Blood Raven, do you have anything else to say?" Su Hang asked lightly.

???????????? The surrounding blood crows haven’t spread out yet, and the entire ground in front of the ruins has been covered in a windless place. Without the blood crow lord’s order, they will never leave!

???????????? There was a little fear in the fierce eyes of Lord Blood Raven, "You, don’t be so proud, I know, you have gained a lot of benefits in the ruins, Hongmeng Jing At least half of the anger was taken by you, and I don’t need much. The so-called see has a share. Give me ten thousand hongmeng spirits, and nothing happens, otherwise, don’t blame me for giving the things in the ruins You shake it out!"

???????????? Threat, this time, this guy actually threatened?

?????????? Su Hang almost thought that his ears were wrong, this man, could not find death?

"Huh!" Before the blood crow lord spoke, Yun Ding Weng stood up first. "Blood crow, are you afraid that you haven't figured out the situation yet? You have a chance of winning against each of us three?"

Yun Dingweng is also simple enough, this posture is obviously standing in line!

Ten thousand Daomeng Hongmeng Qi, but also the export of blood crow said, even if Su Hang is willing to come up with this Daomengmengmeng Qi, why should you give it to you? Is it bad for me? Not fragrant?

"Yun Ding, you villain!" Lord Blood Raven cried out, pointing at Yun Ding Weng and screaming. "What did you say to me before? Now it's repeated, it's really a villain!"

Yun Ding heard the words, his beard shivered, and scolded back, "Damn, what can I say to you and you, don't spit on people!"

The blood crow was anxious. He was really not Yun Dingweng's opponent than the rogue. He immediately said, "Well wait, do you smoke a strong man in this abyss? Although the remains are thorough, but if I will The matter is publicized. Do you think that the strong in the abyss can still sit? The strong in the void can still sit?"

Blood Crow complacent, and finally entered a ruin, can not get any benefits, seeing Su Hang filled it, it is not reconciled!

Su Hang looked at the blood crow coldly, "So, are you forcing me to kill you?"

The blood crow shuddered, and the feathers were about to explode. Serie rapped, "Kill me? Boy, you can't deny that you are not what you are now, but I am not a vegetarian. Even today, if you fight for fish, you just need to stay In a moment, the strong man in the abyss will hear the news. By that time, can you still go?"

Yun Dingweng caressed his beard, "Brother Su, this guy made it clear that even if it is not good for itself, it will not make us feel better!"

Where does Su Hang know? This blood crow is a ruthless character, but it is naive to play ruthlessly in front of Su Hang.

"I've seen more stupid people, but I'm the first time I'm so stupid like you!"

Su Hang sneered, his body surged instantly, and the nine-handed black sword flew out of Su Hang.


The nine black shadows instantly killed the Blood Raven Lord. The speed was fast, almost beyond time. The Blood Raven Lord almost had no time to react, and was directly hit by the nine-handed black sword.

In an instant, Lord Blood Raven felt that his power was banned, and no skill could be exerted at all, and he was terrified now!

However, at this moment, a scene that made it more frightened appeared. Su Hang stepped out and came to it in front of him. A thug grabbed it.

Su Hang grabbed Lord Blood Raven's neck like a duck and lifted it directly.

The strength of Lord Blood is completely banned by the nine-handed black sword, there is no way to resist, only to look at Su Hang with frightened eyes, "Dare you kill me? My brother is..."

"Kill and kill, what else? It's you who killed yourself, don't blame me!"

Su Hang said coldly, punching directly at Lord Blood Raven.


In this blow, Su Hang used the body of fate and exerted the power of the ninth order. How could the Blood Raven Lord withstand it? Its huge body exploded in an instant and turned into nothingness under the violent fist.

The existence of the eighth order, just one punch, gone? Die so simply? Yun Dingweng watched next to him, already unable to hold his mouth!

Imagine if you changed yourself, could you hold the punch? Yun Dingweng swallowed, the answer is no!

"Isn't it good to live?" Su Hang's body surged again, and countless sword spirits were killed towards the Quartet!

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