Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3115: Yunding Mountain!


???????? As the fireworks exploded, countless blood crows had no time to escape. When they were touched by sword gas, they exploded into nothingness.

?????????? There are two blood crows of rank six or seven, although some injuries, but Su Hang's sword energy is not enough to wipe them out, the two blood crows immediately fled, but, always Still unable to escape, Yun Dingweng and Bing Ji were alone and resolved directly.

?????????? Just a moment, tens of thousands of blood crows, turned into nothingness!

?????????? "Brother Su, let's leave quickly, so as not to have long nights!" Yun Ding Weng Fei came back and said to Su Hang.

?????????? Su Hang nodded slightly, and the three flew straight out.

???????? It's dangerous when you go in, and it's much simpler when you come out. Three tier eight dominate the realm. This combination, I am afraid that few dare to touch it!

?????????? "Just now, the blood crow lord said, what brother does it have?"

?????????? The nightmare abyss exit, Su Hang took a long sigh of relief, and finally came out. This trip to the ruins was really dangerous. In retrospect, Su Hang couldn't help but feel lucky.

?????????? Yunding Weng said, "There is such a saying that this blood crow lord, who has a righteous brother, is the dark abyss lord ink crow. It is said that there is a ninth-order state, but, The Mexican Crow hasn’t been around in a long time. It’s mysterious!

?????? "Blood Crow, Mexican Crow?" Su Hang frowned slightly, "So, if I kill the Blood Crow, it's equivalent to offend a big brother?"

???????? Yun Dingweng heard the words and smiled, "Is the Brothers of the Soviet Union's current state, still afraid of its black raven? Besides, the distance between the nightmare abyss and the dark abyss is so far, we do clean, ink How could the crow know that the blood crow is dead, even if it is known, it is not so easy to find the brothers Su!"

?????????? This said, unabashedly compliment Su Hang, Su Hang listened, but did not take it seriously, since there is such a number one character, is it afraid that he could not find himself ? The existence of the ninth order is not so easy to fool.

?????????? But Suhang is not afraid. In the situation just now, it was entirely blood crows who killed themselves. If Suhang does not destroy it, maybe it will do something for the sake of less in the future. Trouble, you can only kill the blood crow.

???????????? "Brother Su, where are we going now?" Yun Dingweng asked.

???????????? Su Hang was hesitant to hear a word, he had to find a place to stabilize the state, now it is a bit inappropriate to go back to the chaotic world.

?????????? "Well, let me sit down first?" Yun Dingweng asked tentatively.

?????????? Su Hang thought for a while, slightly nodded, "Alright!"

???????? In the void world, Su Hang does not have a station, simply go to Yun Ding Weng, first trim it for a while, he also knows what Yun Ding Weng is playing.

???????? Su Hang made the decision, Bing Ji did not object!


?????? Yunding Mountain!

?????? It is said that it is a mountain, in fact it is a star falling in the void, polished by Yun Dingweng, fixed in the corner of the void, guarded by a magic circle, and seen from a distance, like a giant buckling upside down There are four peaks in the tripod, and the power of the void is very strong.

?????? This is Yun Dingweng’s cave house, and the monks in the void, are not so demanding of their cave house. For them, they only need a place to stay, after all, cultivation is most important.

?????????? "Oh, Brother Su!"

???????? Ding Tianfeng, there is a cave house, Yun Ding Weng is usually contained here, just a moment after repairing, Yun Ding Weng is already a bit impatient!

????????"Unexpectedly, this time the ruins, the Su brothers were made. If I guessed right, the Su brothers must have climbed to the top of the stone steps, right? But I don’t know if the ruins are on top. What is it? The legend can lead to the fairy, is it true?" Yun Dingweng began to talk.

???????? Su Hang listened, and the corner of his mouth bent a little arc, "Senior, if that place can lead to the fairy, do you think I will be here now?"


?????????? Yun Dingweng's face shook slightly, yeah, if it could lead to the fairy, did Su Hang go to the fairy early? How could it be possible to come out with them.

????????????"No matter what, the Brothers Su must have been made, even if they haven’t gone to the fairy now, they can go to the fairy spirit in the future, fairy, listen to Xun , That's where the existence above the dominating realm stayed." Yun Ding Weng Qian laughed, his eyes full of yearning, but soon, the expression on his face became a little frustrated, "Unfortunately, I originally thought, This trip to the ruins, you can get some benefits, it is best to break through the ninth level, I never imagined that it would be smoked to overcast, and get a little benefit."

?????????? I have to say that this Yunding Weng is really a lot of drama, not only a lot of dramas, but also a lot of dramas. As I said, my eyes squeezed a few tears.

?????????? "Don't say it!" Su Hang waved his hand. Didn't he know that Yun Ding Weng was deliberately acting for him?

?????????? It's nothing more than to remind Suhang to benefit him. Suhang is a little depressed, but he did promise to benefit Yunding Weng.

?????????? At the moment, Su Hang's right hand spread out, and a stream of purple air gathered in his palm, and the air flow entangled, forming a big ball with fists.

?????????? Yun Dingweng's eyes were round and round. It is probably estimated that the humongous spirit in Suhang's palm might be hundreds or thousands of strands?

???????????? "Enough?" Su Hang looked at Yun Dingweng sideways.

?????????? Yun Dingweng put away his saliva and looked at Su Hang with a bit of annoyance.

?????????? "I said, are these great spirits enough to satisfy you?" Su Hang asked.

?????????? "Give me?" Yun Dingweng was thrilled and his beard was shaking, "Enough, enough, enough for me to raise the limit and break through the ninth order shackles!"

?????????? Very urgent, fearing that Suhang will repent, Yun Dingweng feels that his heart must jump out of his throat, hundreds of thousands of strands of Hongmeng spirit, if given To him, he can fully enhance his ultimate potential. The ninth-order dominance is no longer a! "Su Hang's face smiled a little, "You have also contributed a lot to this relic tour. Although there are dangers and twists, but we have come back alive anyway. I am Su Hang, who is not stingy and does not like to eat solitary food. Since I promised After you, you will never gossip. Seniors, these hongmeng spirits can give you, but you must ensure that the things in the ruins are tight-lipped, otherwise, I can only treat you like a blood crow! "

?????? Treating blood crows, is that not death?

???????????? Yun Ding Weng nodded quickly, "Brothers Su rest assured, with this great spirit, I will retreat in the future, I will not break through the ninth order, and I will never go out, so I don’t need them I’m worried about what I’m going to reveal, and how will I do something that’s insignificant in your relationship?”

???????? As said, where does Suhang believe? However, Suhang did not pay too much attention to it. In fact, he hesitated whether to destroy Yun Dingweng, just thinking of Yunlang , Su Hang gave up this idea.

?????????? He didn't want to make enemies everywhere. If he killed Yun Ding Weng, he must have offended Yun Lang from his death.

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