Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3116: Lord of Darkness!

???????? "I hope you do what you say!"

???????? Su Hang glanced at him lightly. People like Yun Ding Weng, whoever is good, fell to the other side. To deal with such people, Su Hang still has a way to do it. Greed is a good thing. Afraid that he is not greedy, as long as he is greedy, Su Hang can firmly control him.

???????? During the speech, I saw Su Hang stroked his hand, just like cutting an apple, and directly split the ball formed by the Hongmeng's essence into two halves, and half of them were given to the cloud. Ding Weng.

?????????? Yun Dingweng's mouth opened with exaggeration, and instantly swallowed those Hongmeng spirits, and played a clever whole body, so refreshing!

?????????? Hongmeng Qi spread throughout the body, that kind of feeling, really not too good!

?????????? Soon, Yun Dingweng realized his gaffe, with a laugh, his eyes fell on the other half of Hongmeng's spirit in Su Hang's hands. What does Su Hang mean? Why only give yourself half?

?????????? Su Hang smiled indifferently, "Why bother, I and Bingji and I need to retreat for a while, and wait for us to retreat, and the remaining half is naturally yours!"

?????????? It seems that Suhang still believes in himself, Yun Dingweng feels a little embarrassed, but the embarrassment is embarrassing, the benefits are still needed, although Suhang gave him only half , But it is also full of hundreds of Hongmeng spirit.

???????? Hundreds of words, for Yun Ding Weng, that is absolute wealth, but who would be too much for Hongmeng Jingqi?

???????? For the other half of Suhang, he naturally wanted it, so Yun Dingweng did not dare to think carefully, and quickly faced Suhangdao, "Brother Su, rest assured, you can rest in peace. Yes, I will leave the rest to me. In Yundingshan, I am not afraid that someone will make trouble unless he does not want to live!"

?????????? In Yun Dingweng's opinion, what can happen? How many enemies can Su Hang have in the void? There were only five of them in this relic trip. The blood crow was killed, and Xun was imprisoned in the relic. Who else can find them?

???????? Therefore, Yun Ding Weng dare to pat his chest and assured Su Hang that half of Hongmeng's spirit will definitely be his!


???????????? However, how can things in this world be so absolute, you know, there are no impenetrable walls in this world.

???????????? Dark Abyss!

?????????? is also one of the eight terrible abyss of the void world.

In the dark abyss, there is a black hole. The black hole is like a huge eye, gazing at everything outside the abyss.

???????? Such an abyss is enough to make anyone shudder. In this black hole, there are many strange and strange dark creatures, each with a strong dark breath.

???????? Quiet, so suffocating.

?????????? "Hum!" Suddenly, a hum came from the deepest part of the black hole, and a crowd of dark creatures flew wildly, with amazing momentum!


?????????? A roar of the beast came from the deep hole, and then a snake head, a terrifying monster that was so large, climbed out of the black hole quickly. If anyone saw a scene, I'm afraid I will pee my pants directly.

?????????? However, the snake monster just ran out of the hole, and saw a giant claw sticking out of the black hole, with a thud, the snake monster was pressed to the ground.

???????? The giant snake monster has no ability to resist in front of the terrifying giant claw. Any struggle is only in vain. In the end, it can only be screamed and lived by the giant claw. Drag back into the hole.

?????? The snake claws four claws grabbed desperately on the ground, but it had no effect, leaving only a few claw marks in the abyss.

???????? The next second, a sound of chewing came from the black hole, that sound, it sounded really terrifying and scary.

???????? In the depths of the black hole, the same dark, a black crow covered in feathers, entrenched on a round black stone platform, this crow, not only black, black as if completely integrated into the dark, And, if you look closely, this crow actually has nine feet!

???????? wrong, it should be nine and a half, and one foot, very small, as if it has just grown out, not fully developed.


???????????? The black crow raised his paw, licked the black blood on the paw, and then took a sip, seemingly dissatisfied with the food just now.

Below ??????????, dozens of powerful dark creatures shivered.

?????????? "Why run? Not all said just now, is it your honor to be the food of the deity?"

?????????? The black crow's indifferent eyes swept across the beasts, and the beasts were gutted.

???????? "Respect, respect the Lord, can become the food of the Lord, it is indeed an honour for the subordinates, Hei Lin does not know what is wrong, it pollutes the Lord’s mouth, and should be depressed!" A black giant worm said at this time.

???????? This giant worm looks like a maggot. When it speaks, its mouthparts are like gears. It looks really chilling.

?????????? If there are people who know the goods here, they must be able to recognize it. This is the dark zombie known as one of the ten dark creatures in the void, named Creep.

???????? can make it so trembling, said the Lord, no need to say at all, it must be the legendary Lord of Darkness, Black Crow!

It is no wonder that these dark creatures will be afraid. The Lord of Darkness is moody, and every time he wakes up after retreating, he will eat, and the objects it eats are these powerful dark lives.

?????????? The entire dark abyss is ruled by the Lord of Darkness, but they still have to send them to the door automatically for the black crow to choose and become a sacrifice after the black crow wakes up.

?????????? Just now, the Dark Lord who slept for a long time woke up, the first thing is naturally to summon them and choose food, but Hei Lin was selected, but Hei Lin's psychological tolerance is too bad , Unable to bear it, chose to run away.

??????escape? Escape from the place of the Lord of Darkness? Can you escape?

Escape from the hands of the Lord of Darkness, only accelerated death, but what can be done without escaping? Who is really willing to make others' rations?

At this time, the black crow's gaze turned lazily to the creep, perhaps the shape of the creep really made people have no appetite, so it can live to this day.

The whole body to look up and stare at the black crow at all, just like a little mouse meets a natural enemy.

"You guys, more and more disappointed with the deity's appetite!" The black crow took another bite, as if what she had just eaten, "The deity wants to change its taste today!"

Change your taste?

When the strangers heard this, they were all stunned, but then they were relieved again, and the Lord thought that our taste was not delicious, so are we not alive?

Think about it, this is the psychology of a group of food, how humble it is!

"I don't know, I don't know Venerable, Venerable Lord, what do you want to eat?" At this moment, a huge black toad asked.

This black toad looks black, covered with Lai Zi, dripping black water constantly, and looks disgusting!

When the words fell, the black crow's eyes were glared, and a ray of light shot from his eyes, projecting a figure of a young man on the wall of the abyss.

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