Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3120: Darkness is coming!

???? The eighth-order dominant powerhouse has no phase, so it was solved by Suhang with a punch? And it was solved without suspense?

???????? That is the eldest brother of the three friends in Nanyu, the strongest one, because of the same name as your friend, was so killed?

????As Su Hang slowly closed his fists back, the remaining three were trembling. Su Hang seemed to have killed an annoying mosquito, and turned to destroy Er Niang to look over, "You How do you say it, or did I do it myself?"

?????? Since I got one, Su Hang did not intend to let go of the rest. Otherwise, like Yun Dingweng, let go of Lingmu, and Lingmu brought him so much trouble.

??????????Tear Er Niang's face full of fear, she knows that Su Hang also moved her to kill her, but, she is not the kind of person who is waiting to die, and now a big mouth, a roar, horror The giant mouth suddenly became bigger, and in a moment, the world was dim. Obviously, the law was used, and Su Hang was directly included in the mouth.

???????????? The vast space, damp, stench, endless stench, stinking, people dizzy, want to vomit, like entering a ten thousand years biogas tank.

?????????? This is the inner world of Deng Erniang. The rules are formulated by Deng Erniang. Enter this world and let it be done.

?????????? The stench, repression, Suhang did feel the suppression of the law, but this is totally worthless to him who used the body of fate.

?????????? "Whoosh!"

?????????? A wet, disgusting tongue shot directly at Su Hang, as if it contained immense power, and it was going to smash Su Hang into pieces.


???????? Su Hang snorted, how could he let this disgusting thing hit?

?????? The nine-handed black sword sacrifice, countless sword qi, instantly twisted that tongue into a smash, under the supernatural power of these super-scientific instruments, it ignored the law at all.


???????? The nine-handed black swords joined together and rose into the sky, instantly bursting a large hole into the enclosed space.

???????? Immediately afterwards, Jian Qi leaked, the big hole collapsed, the whole space collapsed, Su Hang stood at the same spot, unmoved, Nine Swords flew back, regained the divine veins, and destroyed Niu Niang In front, however, the head was gone, leaving only an empty body.


???????? The flesh collapsed to the ground, and the black air was transformed, revealing the body. It turned out that the Void Deity of Er Niang was really a toad, but now this toad has no head!

?????????? Just now, when the Nine Realms broke through her inner world, she had directly crushed the spirit of Destroying Er Niang. At this moment, there are only one King of Thorns left in the Three Friends of the South. , And still seriously injured, no combat power!

???????? This is the three friends in the South Region, there is a big reputation in the entire South Region, once worked with the ninth-rank strong, but it was just one by one?

???????? Lord Lingmu was completely messed up at the moment. She spent a lot of money to find the three friends in the South Region. She thought that Yundingweng had been settled. She never thought that she had encountered Su Hang, and In front of the Su Hang, the three friends from the South Region were so vulnerable.

???????? When Su Hang's gaze turned to Lingmu, the Lingmu shuddered again, and the subconscious wanted to escape, but her feet could no longer move!

?????? "No, don't kill me!"

?????? The spirit mother was directly paralyzed to the ground, she could not bear the terrifying pressure of Suhang.

???? Su Hang looked at her indifferently.

?????? Do you think that I will be cheated by you for the second time? Su Hang does not have any psychological fluctuations at all, "Give me a reason not to kill you!"

????????reason? Lingmu's face was pale, "Emperor, if you spare me my life, I would like to be a slave and serve you!"

?????????? After that, he looked up and showed a pitiful expression, as if he wanted to impress Su Hang with beautiful colors.

?????? At this time, Yun Dingweng came over, "Brother Su, this woman is poisonous, and the heart of the viper, don't let her lie again!"

???????? Yun Dingweng was really afraid that Su Hang would let this woman go again, and she would be troubled by evil in the future.

?????????? Su Hang wouldn't know this truth, now he wants to bear the spirit mother, but, at this time, the mutation suddenly emerged!

???????? "Boom!"

?????????? There was a thunderous roar from outside Yunding Mountain. When Su Hang looked out of the mountain, the void was already dark, but in the darkness, there was a more darkness in the fast Approaching, it was like a black thundercloud.

???????? Far away, people feel a bit violent and depressed.

?????????? "What's that?" Su Hang's brow furrowed slightly, his eyes pierced through the void, and he could see a lot of dark shadows shaking in the darkness.

???????? Only a moment later, darkness has arrived, and the horrible black cloud surrounded the entire Yunding Mountain.

???????? "Darkness? Is this a breath of darkness?" At this time, Lingmu Supreme exclaimed suddenly, apparently he did not expect to encounter such a situation, suddenly cried in surprise. , "Haha, Yunding, have you provoked the existence of the dark abyss?"

?????????? Yun Ding glared at her, "Let's worry more about your own situation now than gloating!"

???????? Ignore the spirit mother, Yun Ding looks out to the darkness outside the mountain, her heart is also trembling, the breath of darkness, the existence of the dark abyss, who really found it? So fast?

?????????? He is very clear that the death of the blood crow must not be concealed from the dark abyss, the Lord of Darkness will definitely avenge the blood crow, but he did not expect that the black crow actually found Su so quickly Air, but also found here.

?????? Yun Ding turned his face to look at Su Hang, and he didn't know what kind of expression was on his face, the dark abyss, what kind of a terrifying power, he was afraid to be hostile to the dark abyss Now, we can only look at how to operate Su Air.

???????? It sounds like a dark Su Hang naturally also knows that this is the cause and effect retribution, but he did not panic, the system of learning God swept, this dark There is, all the information is known to him, and there is not much to fight at all.

???????? "Since it's here, why hide your head and come out, come out!" Su Hang said lightly.

?????????? Yunding looked at SO Air's calmness and calmed down a bit. Seemingly, Su Air may have really broken through the ninth level.

???????????? The voice fell, and two black shadows came down in the dark, one tall and one short, slightly taller, 30 to 40 years old, and his face was a bit waxy, and his face was not abominable. , But it's not very beautiful, wearing a black robe, the temperament is very cold.

???????? The fat man next to him is slightly shorter, also in a black robe, the fat on his face is gritty, and a large mouth is quite exaggerated. If it was not for the Xueshen system to scan his information, Suhang almost had I thought this man was the brother of Er Niang.

Yun Dingweng's face was still amazed, and he whispered sideways to Su Hang, "I have seen these two people, the dark demon under the Dark Lord, the tall one is called Cree, and the short one is called Clam. It is the existence of the eighth order peak!"

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