Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3121: Lord, please!

?????????? Of course, Su Hang can see that the body of these two people, the tall and thin one is the dark zombie, and the short and fat one is the filthy poison frog. The strength of these two is even faint. It is higher than the one that has just been killed by Su Hang.

???????? Two peaks of the eighth order, in the darkness around them, there are at least hundreds of existences that can be detected by Su Hang, all of them are dominated, among which the eighth order, and Five, more than twenty of the seventh order, more down!

???????? This dark abyss, a lot of inventory, there will be so many dominating the realm of power, this momentum, but more than just a few of the goods of the South Region Sanyou more shocking.

???????????? "Who is Su Hang?" The expression on the creepy face remained unmoved and stiff, as if someone owed him a lot of money.

?????????????? "I am Su Hang!" Su Hang came out, "I don't know what the two of you are teaching?"

???????? The two looked up and down at Su Hang, their indifferent eyes looked cold, as if looking at a corpse, "You are Su Hang? Then follow us!"

???????? He didn't answer Su Hang's question at all. The creepy voice was very cold, completely the tone of command.

?????????? "Go? Where do you go?" Su Hang was stunned.

?????????? "Humph!" He grunted, "Naturally it is the Lord of my family who pleases, the Lord of my family is the Lord of Darkness and Abyss, if you are Su Hang, just follow us !"

?????????? The two of them were really crazy, and the tone of the speech was nothing like the attitude of asking people.

???????? Su Hang was unimpressed, "The Lord of Darkness invites me? Then there should be a head start? Can the two of them tell me, what is the Lord of Darkness looking for me for?"

???????? Both clams and creepy brows were slightly frowned. Obviously, they were a little dissatisfied with the attitude of Su Hang.

?????? "We are only responsible for finding people. As for why the Lord is looking for you, you have to ask the Sect Master to go!" The creeping voice is quite impatient, if not because of the vagueness that Suhang made him feel a threat There is a breath, he may have come up to grab people!

?????????? What attitude? Su Hang's face is very dark, if you want me to go, I will go, then I am not ashamed.

???????????? "You don't say why, then I can only say, sorry, I'm not going!" Su Hang shook his head and directly rejected the two.

???????? The two heard the words, the face of Tie Qing, "You reject us?"

???????? "You can think of it as a rejection!" Su Hang sent an admonishment. "After all, you have no sincerity!"

?????????? "Humph, what kind of sincerity do you want when you die?" Cree feels that Su Hang is ridiculous and even ironic.

?????? "Boy, in front of us, you don't have any right to refuse, you have only one way, either follow us or die!" The clam is simply, don't want to engage in a roundabout tactic with Su Hang, a roundabout tactic!

?????????? Su Hang couldn't help laughing, "Two, it seems that the comers are not good, you don't make it clear, I won't go with you!"

???????????? "Well, if you can't walk, then you can't help you!" Ceng Leng hummed, reaching for Su Hang with his right hand, and a dark black iron chain in his hand flew out, directly towards Su Hang was entangled.

???? Su Hang was willing to commit wherever he went, and immediately flew out a black sword, and cut directly towards the iron chain.


There was no suspense, the chain was short in two moments, and it flew back without tangling Su Su.

???????? Holding the iron chain in his hands, his face turned a little blue, "Boy, how dare you, dare to destroy my magic weapon?"

???????? The angry voice made the surrounding space tremble slightly.

???????? Su Hang felt a little ridiculous, "I don't fight back, are you still waiting for you to take me?"

???????? During the speech, the remaining eight black swords also flew out, revolving around Su Hang, guarding, and the black gas coiled on it, mixed with the terrifying majesty.

???????? The clam-faced sarcasm, "Worm, are you capable of this? You can't even hold such a kid, hum, and when I go back, I have to explain to the Lord, what are you like?" Unbearable!"

???????? "Hum, you have the ability to take him!" Chill cold snorted, the two broken iron chains in his hand have been refused together.

???????? In the speech, Cree took a step back. When the short soldiers just met, Cree had already felt that the young man in front of him had some troubles. It might as well let Clam try his depth!

???????? "Two Dao friends be careful!"

??????At this time, the voice of the spirit mother was heard next to him. The spirit mother saw the existence of the dark abyss. It was like seeing a savior. The fear just now has been wiped out most of the time, and the rest is more What is more exciting is that they want to catch Su Hang. As long as the dark abyss group has taken Su Hang away, will she be saved?

?????????? "This Soviet airline has unpredictable strength. Just now, the three friends in the South Region have all broken into his hands!" The spirit mother's voice was shaking, and now she pinned her hopes for life. In the dark abyss of the powerful group.

?????????? It seems that the Lord of Darkness is not close, but the lineup like the Dark Abyss is already large enough. In the darkness around, I don’t know how many powerful existences are hidden, They gave the spirit mother faith.

???????? "Mother, you are looking for death!" Yun Dingweng yelled beside him, but he was also twitching his eyes, already thinking about his little nine or nine.

???????? This time the Soviet airlines got into it, but the Lord of the Dark Abyss, such a powerful and terrifying existence, can Suhang be able to carry it? If you can't carry it, will you be involved in yourself?

???????? It can be said that Yun Ding Weng is really a very complicated person, as a wall of grass, now he is already looking at the wind!

?????????? Su Hang raised his hand, interrupted Yun Dingweng, his eyes fell on the clam, with a little provocation, "I'm worried that the repair is stagnant, just you I hurried to send me a virtual core, although I am very embarrassed, but I am not afraid to accept the thoughts of the Lord of Darkness!"

?????????? As soon as this word came out, the darkness around it boiled. This kid is too crazy, do you still want to take our virtual core?

?????????? "Good Enough arrogance, but hope you qualify for arrogance!"

???????? Clam glanced at Su Hang contemptuously, then made a ruminating action, a big mouth, a moment, a jet of black water sprayed towards Su Hang overwhelmingly.

???????????? The posture was like the ocean tsunami, the Tianhe broke the embankment, Yun Dingweng was still some distance behind the Su Hang, and when he saw this scene, he quickly sacrificed a big ding , Protect the whole body strictly.

???????? On the other side, a layer of white gauze was also raised on Lingmu Shangzun to resist the overwhelming black water and fly back quickly!

Disgusting, disgusting!

Looking at the sky of black water, Su Hang almost vomited. At the moment, the nine-handed black sword was sacrificed, the volley was twisted, the space twisted, and the sky of black water was directly twisted up, and the black water was turned around. In the direction, shoot straight towards the clam.

To be honest, Su Hang is now using the body of destiny. Out of self-confidence, Su Hang is not afraid of the poison of the black water, but he is not happy to get a touch of it!

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