Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3186: Weak water fairy!

Hearing this, Wan Wan immediately rejoiced, "Returning to the predecessor's words, the Weak Water Sect was built by a group of aquariums in the ten-square sea area that were scattered and repaired. Among them, the aquarium monks accounted for the majority, but basically they were not the core, and the core was just a few. People, as far as I know, they are all human races, headed by a female monk, who is called a weak water and a big fairy, seems to have a strong strength with a ninth-order dominion!"


   "In addition, there are a few others who also have the power to dominate the territory. In this black basket sea area, no one can be their opponent!"


"Eight hundred thousand years ago, the weak water daxian found us and knew we were hiding here. At that time, I almost waited for the genocide. I was forced to submit to her. Afterwards, she didn't know where to hear the rumors, saying that my family's crab yellow With the effect of beauty and nourishment, my family will provide a large amount of crab yolk every year, forced by the obscenity, and in order to exchange Qilingchi water for the people to open up their wisdom, I can only complicate and fulfill her request..."


   "In order to raise these crab crabs, my family does not know how many girl people give their lives every year, alas..."


   Talking, crab Wanzhong is off topic, old tears!


  Where can Su Su not see this guy is trying to make himself sympathetic, listening to this kind of encounter, Su Hang really is not in his heart!


   "Under the world, there are many poor people, not only your crab clan, but also more miserable than your crab clan, but there are more!" Su Hang sighed.


   Crab Wanzhong's face was stiff, what did Su Hang mean by that? Are you unwilling to help?


"However, if it's as you said, since I was met by me, then I can't ignore it!" Su Hang hesitated and turned to look at the crab, "But if you said there was a little deception , Don’t have to do it with the weak water sect, I’ll hand you the result!"


   Crab was overjoyed, and quickly kowtowed to Su Hang, "Thank you, Senior, I dare not have a half-truth, if Senior can help my family get revenge, from now on, Crab will be willing to be based on Senior!"


Su Hang waved his hand, "What's the use of I want you servants? It's just that you accidentally killed your prince, and it's a little compensation for you. Moreover, as you said, I do have a teleportation array for the Crab Palace. interest!"


Wan Wanzhong was excited and inexplicable, "Senior, just two days later, it was the day of sending crab yolk to the weak water sect. When I prepared people to have enough crab yolk, I went to the crab palace with my senior, otherwise there would be a strict guard there. ..."


Su Hang shook his head and said, "No, don't you mean that preparing crab yellow will kill a lot of female crabs, don't try to kill evil, get some crab dung, let the crabs take it with you, just go with me! "


   "Dung?" Crab Wanzhong was stunned for a moment, and quickly shook his head. "That would make it impossible. If the weak water Daxian finds out and angers our family, our family will definitely..."


   Su Hang stared at him, "Why? Do you not believe in my strength?"


   Crab was stunned for a moment, and quickly kowtowed, "Dare not dare!"


   "Then do as I say!" Su Hang said with a commanded tone.




   quickly nodded, but did not dare to rebel against Su Hang, quickly pushed it down, fearing to find crab dung.




Crab King Palace is located in the most central area of ​​the Black Basket Sea, on a submarine plain below 30,000 meters under the sea, with the appearance of huge conch shells of various shapes, like various fortresses piled together. It looks really artistic!


   Outside the palace is a palace wall piled with colorful corals. A group of black sharks are cruising back and forth. Several humanoid turtle monsters and shrimp monsters are guarding the door. This guard is still very strict.


As soon as Su Hang and Crab Power arrived, they were stopped. These janitors were called Gaoao. I heard that the Crab tribe came to pay tribute. There are many advantages before they let them in.


   A huge golden yellow conch shell in the palace, covered with spikes, like a sword, giving a very sacred feeling.


This should be the main palace hall. There are several sea monsters guarding at the door, and they are stopped again. Just as a handsome man came out, I heard that the crab Bai Neng sent the crab yellow, and quickly let The guards withdrew and led the two into the Crab King's Palace.


   The man's eyebrows are clear, but his face is a bit white, which seems a little unpleasant to Suhang. He scanned it with his consciousness. This person's name is Hua Qingyu, which is also a somewhat feminine name!


Human race, dominates the sixth rank of the realm, is a master, once a disciple of Hua Qiangu, because he committed a crime, fled overseas, and lived with the weak water and the immortal. Now it is one of the five protection methods of the weak water sect. Zong core figures!


Listening to the light whisper, the weak water daxian is in a bad mood at the moment. This woman cares about her appearance very much, almost eccentric, sees nothing old, can't hear an old word, someone just made a taboo just now. , She was directly ashed by her finger!


After hearing this, Su Hang only felt strange, and Crab Power was the first time to come. No matter how hard he heard this, he already shivered. He touched his face subconsciously. He shouldn’t be old, he should not be taboo. Right?


   Crab crabs are now sending crab yolks. It is really the time to come. The crab lobsters of this crab clan have the effect of nourishing the beauty. If they see the weak water daxian, they will definitely be depressed!


  Su Hang also wanted to see, this fascination is somewhat strange, the weak water Daxian, what kind of a fairy beauty!


   "Sister, the crab family has brought the crab yellow!"


   The main hall is very spacious. There are several sculptures of lantern fish on the dome and a few pearls hanging on the tentacles. The light illuminates the whole hall.


The ground is as smooth as a mirror, with a dragon bed in front of it, covered with a dragon tent. Several fish demon maids are serving by a crystal mirror beside the dragon bed, as if carefully dressing someone~www.wuxiaspot. com~ It's just that these fish demon maids are blocking you, you can't see the real person, but if you want to come, it should be the weak water fairy!




   came a voice, obviously with a bit of joy, but this sound line, why is it a little weird?


   Su Hang's brows were slightly wrinkled. When he thought about it, the sound of the weak water fairy should be the kind of very young, clear voice. Why is this sound so rough?


   Alto? Unlike, it is clearly the voice of the old men!


   At this time, the maids gave up and showed that figure, Su Hang looked at it, and suddenly stupid!


   A white light gauze dress with long hair fluttering and looking at the back, I just felt that the woman was slightly burly, but barely passable, but this turned around to show her face, so Su Hang was petrified!


   A standard Chinese face can't be more standard, thick eyebrows, big eyes, thick lips, garlic nose, although thick fat powder is used, but it can't naturally cover the male hormone of her thick eyebrows!

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