Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3187: Izumo-zong?

what is that? Hu Zizi? Is this a woman?


   This is clearly a transvestite man. Su Hang felt that his three views were a bit broken. This image is completely incompatible with the weak water Daxian he had imagined before. It is completely a Vajra Barbie.


   Crab Baineng is obviously also the first time to see the weak water fairy, the whole person is stupid!


   "Crab yellow, come take this seat!" Weak Water Daixian shouted at Crab Power with her rough voice.


   Crab Baineng was so shocked that he quickly handed a snail shell in his hand to Hua Qingyu next to him!


   "Sister!" Hua Qingyu respectfully respected the past!


   Weak water Daxian took a look at it, the shell was full of Huang Chengcheng's things, a slight sniff, and a bit smelly.


   "Why is it much stronger than the previous crab flavor?" At this time, the weak water Daxian's brows were wrinkled, and it seemed that something was wrong.


   "Ah?" Crab Baoneng knelt on the ground with a thud, thinking that he was shattered by the weak water Daxian and shivered.


   I really don’t have any mental endurance. Su Hang was speechless for a while. The weak water looked like a crab, and it’s strange not to see it!


  At the moment, Su Hangdao said, "Return to Daxian's words, this time, the crab crab is a product selected by the patriarch from the boutique, and the beauty and beauty are even more effective..."


  To tell the truth, crab dung is still slightly stinky, but Su Hang applied some means to cover up the smell and replace it with fragrance. However, it is always a bit different from the real crab yellow.


   Of course, Su Hang deliberately left some flaws, just wanted to try the depth of this weak water fairy!


   Although the weak water daxian is rough in appearance, but can be the boss, the brain must be easy to use, not stupid, since the psychology has already generated doubts, how would they believe in Su Hang's explanation.


   "Come here!" Weak Water Daxian pointed to Su Hang, "Give me a bite first!"


   Su Hang heard that his face changed a little bit. Is this a pitfall? Let me eat That's special, but crab dung!


   However, Su Hang did not panic, "Daxian, this is the crab yellow specially prepared for Daxian, how dare I eat it, and, the small one is the crab family, how can the crab family eat the crab family..."


  The voice hadn't fallen yet, and the momentum of the weak water daxian was forced to Suhang. Sure enough, this momentum was really overbearing!


   "Hmm, you know you have a problem, who are you?" Weakwater Daxian suddenly angered and threw the screw shell in his hand directly towards Suhang.


   For the weak water daxian, in front of his momentum, this person can still achieve his face without changing his color, is it as simple as a crab family? I have the realm of today, no one has seen it, and no big winds and waves have encountered it. From the first glance, I have seen the difference of this young man!


   That's dung. Where did Su Hang dare to pick it up? With a hand, the shell flew towards Hua Qingyu.


  There is no rush to whisper, how can you avoid it, use your hand as a knife, and cut it in the air!


   bang, the spiral shell exploded directly, a large number of Huang Chengcheng objects exploded in an instant, the scene can only be described as flying in the sky.


   The whole hall was instantly blown up with a thick layer, and large pieces of Huang Chengcheng still kept pouring out, almost filling the whole hall almost instantly.


  You must know that there are hundreds of tons of crab dung stored in the shell. Where the hall can be installed, it instantly becomes a dung pit.


   While Su Hang saw the plane quickly, he had already appeared outside the hall with soft legs of crabs, and watched the piles of smelly crab dung squeezed out from the gate. That scene, really don't mention it!


   The whole Crab Palace was alarmed, and the guards of the Quartet approached here.




   At this time, a voice came from the main hall, it was the sound of the weak water fairy, and the two figures flew out of it as soon as the big hall exploded.


   is the weak water and the light whisper, and there are a few people beside him. Su Hang has the strength to dominate the territory at a glance. Presumably it is the few protectors under the weak water big constellation!


   has an eighth order, two seventh orders, and then a sixth-order Hua Qingyu, and the remaining one has only three orders.


  The six powerhouses dominating the realm, including the existence of the ninth order of the weak water daxian, such a combination, if placed in the void world, is enough to achieve a super power!


   is placed in the fairy, and it can also dominate the existence of a party. Of course, where is the score? Just outside the marginal overseas, it can indeed dominate the king.


At this time, the weak water Daxian had darkened her face, although she was not stained with a little crab dung, but her figure was already a bit embarrassed, thinking of how she could be insulted by this kind of thing, how could she not be angry and angrily corrupted, Even the nose hairs are shaking.


   This guy is really strong enough, his muscles are swollen, his hair is vigorous, and Su Hang can't see it at all. Where is this woman with weak water and big fairy?


   "Where is sacred, dare to let go of my weak water sect?"


   The weak water Daxian pointed to Su Hang and snorted. The five guardians such as Hua Qingyu next to him quickly surrounded Su Hang and prevented Su Hang from escaping.


Su Hang glanced from side to side, not panicking. To be honest, he did not put this group of people in his eyes. The strongest weak water Daxian, the ninth order dominates the realm, but there are some gaps compared to the black crow. Su Hang Can kill the black crow in seconds, and naturally will not take it in his eyes.


   "The Sect Master asked questions, but I can't answer them quickly!" Next, the old man who dominated the eighth order, shouted at Su Hang.


   This situation has scared the crab Baineng to be stupid. It can't bear the strong coercion. It quickly changed back to its original shape and shivered in the corner.


  Su Hang looked at the weak water without hurrying, "Qin weak water, do you think no one can find you if you hide in the sea of ​​bliss?"


   In a word, it was like thunder and thunder. In an instant, the angry expression on the face of the weak water Daxian froze, and instead he was full of surprise.


  I don't know how long it has been since no one has called his own name. What a familiar and unfamiliar name.


   "Who the **** are you?" When she came back to her, the weak water fairy asked in a deep voice.


  Su Hang shrugged, "Who do you think I will be?"


   "Are you from Izumo-zong?" The weak water Daxian asked immediately, and then gritted his teeth, "I have made this look. I'm hiding from overseas, do you refuse to let me go?"


"Oh!" Su Hang chuckled. "Before the 20th Jue, you held your own beauty and lured out Chu Zongxiu, the young master of Yunzong, and grabbed the treasure of Izumune from his hand. Zong chased, fled to overseas, and relied on the remnant of the red furnace to practise the cloud **** pill, and practiced to the present state, but unfortunately, the peerless appearance was also destroyed by the **** pill. The ghost of a woman..."

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