Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3197: Long-term consideration!

Mo Dexian was about to start his hands. When he heard this, he immediately closed his hands and looked outside. A young man was coming in from the door.

"Master?" Qin Qianshui saw Su Hang immediately, his face suddenly surprised.

During this time, Su Hang was not in the Crab King's Palace, and Qin Qianshui couldn't find his whereabouts. For a while, she even worried that Su Hang would be gone. If he left, who would give him the medicine? , Who detoxifies himself?

However, at this moment, all the worries are gone!

He finally appeared, and somehow, Qin Qianshui suddenly settled down when he saw Su Hang.

"Who came, sign up for the name!" Mo De shook the iron chain in his hand, looking at Su Hang suddenly with a sullen face.

Su Hang approached, looked at Qin Qianshui and others, and turned to Mo Hexian again, "Your Excellency came to my site, hit my subordinates, and asked who I am, don't you find it ridiculous?"

Mo Dexian frowned, and intuitively told him that the man in front of him was not easy to provoke, but his identity was enough to give him a proud capital, "I am the inspector of the Sanpin Waters under the General Bliss of the Bliss City. The order of the general came to the Black Basket to find out that the dragon crab family was destroyed. Since you said that you are the owner here, that is to say, you destroyed the dragon crab family? Occupied the dragon crab family's nest?"

"If this is the case, please follow me to Elysium!"

Mo Dexian clarified his identity, and then shook the iron chain in his hand, threatening it faintly.

Su Hang smiled indifferently, "I am indeed the master of this black basket sea area, but how do you know that I have destroyed the dragon crab family?"

Mo De's gossip said, his face shivered slightly, "Dragon crab clan prince crab B, has arrived in Elysium to complain, can there be fake?"

"Fake or not, discuss again!" Su Hang shook his head. "The key now is, is your water inspector fidelity?"

"Huh, do you dare to question this official?" Mo Dexian sneered coldly, his angry beard shuddered, and then a black token was taken out of his arms. "This is the official third grade official order, open your eyes and see clearly !"

Shake it, and put it away again, as if afraid of being robbed by Suhang.

"I haven't seen a real official order. How can I be sure that you are true?" Su Hang shook his head, apparently pretending.

Mo Dexian called a big fire, "believe it or not, I will catch you and take you back to Elysium for trial, then you will naturally believe it!"

Without saying a word, Mo Dexian was somewhat annoyed and corrupted. The iron chain in his hand came out directly and flew to Suhang.

"Master, be careful, this is the restraint of the inspector, dominating the realm... uh..."

Qin weak water shouted, wanting to remind Su Hang, but, before she finished speaking, she was stunned.

I saw that the iron chain flew, Su Hang did not avoid, he grabbed one end of the iron chain with his right hand, rubbed his hands for a while, the powerful iron chain, before he could wrap it up with Su Hang, was crumpled. A big iron ball!

"Back to you!"

The iron ball came out and threw it directly at Mo Dexian. Mo Dexian was overwhelmed with fright. His hands were picked up, but he didn't catch them. The iron ball hammered on his chest.

His chest almost collapsed, but Mo Dexian actually could not bear to take a step back, and took the iron ball down.

This guy was really a ruthless man, holding the iron ball in his hands, his face flushed red, he obviously wanted to vomit blood, but swallowed it back.

"Sorry, I'm a little stronger!"

Su Hang smiled faintly. Actually, he just saved a lot of effort. Otherwise, if he just blasted the ball just enough, it would be enough to directly smash this ink into scum.

Looking down at the gripping wire that had been crumpled into an iron ball in his hand, Mo Dexian endured the urge to vomit blood, and he was very horrified.

Founding Realm, this guy is definitely the existence of the founding realm!

You should know that the lingering cable can completely control the existence of the dominating realm. This guy can easily resist, it must be the existence of the founding realm!

With the existence of a founding state, one cannot be an opponent at all!

How can there be a strong founder in such a remote place in the Black Basket waters?

It is undeniable that in the fairy world, there are many strong people in the founding state, but basically they are all in the fairy continent. Although there are many overseas, they are all gathered in some large and medium-sized forces. This place is remote to the limit, and it is idle. It's really hard to believe that I will meet one here.

"Will you report your name? I am indeed the Water Ombudsman of Bliss City. If you hurt me, you will be against Bliss City!"

Mo Dexian was already afraid, his tone was soft, but there was only a hint of threat. After all, he thought he was standing high, leaning against Elysium, and he would not give up the last trace of dignity.

"It's okay to tell you, my surname is Su, a famous airline, and I'll repair one!" Su Hang felt a little funny, "Mo Shangguan is right, the emperor here is far away, do you think that if I were to destroy you directly, Can Bliss know?"

Mo De's gossip, his face completely green, looked at Suhang with some fear, "Dare you kill the inspector of Elysium?"

Su Hang smiled indifferently, "Why don't you dare? Even if there will be an inspector from Elysium in the future, I don't know how long it will be. After all, you have been walking for so long before you get here, wait. One more time, certainly after a long time. By then, we have left here early...

Mo Dexian's face was black, and he was completely scared when he heard Su Hang's words. As long as Su Hang started his hands on him, he must have died in vain. Even Bliss City didn't even know he was dead!

After brewing for a Mo Dexian took a deep breath, forcing a smile on his face, "Sue, Senior Su said with a smile, Momou was only ordered to act, just a little offended, it was Momou. We may sit down and talk about the fault, and we can discuss the specific matters!"

At this moment, Mo Dexian has never been conquered just now, at this time he has completely counseled.

A person has to bow his head under the eaves. The so-called strong dragon does not suppress the head snake, not to mention that he is not yet a strong dragon.

"Isn't it alright this way?" Su Hang's mouth smiled a little, and gave Qin Qianshui a gesture to ask her to take a light whisper to wait for someone to heal.

The six of them retreated, and only Su Hang and Mo Dexian were left in the hall. Su Hang stepped onto the main seat and sat down. Mo Dexue took his iron ball and walked down. Although there was a seat next to it, he did not dare to sit down.

Su Hang compared a gesture and asked him to sit down and talk!

Mo Dexian laughed and said, "I can't think of this black basket of waters, and there are powerful people like seniors, but I don't know how many levels of seniors are in the founding realm?"

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