Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3198: Great man Su Hang!

"Does this have anything to do with you?" Su Hang carried the shelf and went straight back.

"Senior, I just asked casually!" Mo Dexian looked a little embarrassed, and he seemed to have violated the taboo of the strong!

But one thing is very clear, no matter how many realms there are in the Suhang, he will definitely be able to do it!

Quickly change the subject, and said in a casual way, "Senior, to be honest, I came to the black basket sea area to check the situation on the order of the general water divider. After all, the dragon crab Prince Crab, knocked the drum of the sea god, and shocked the sea temple, I ordered an order to find out..."

"Whether it's a big event, why would you just send you alone?" Su Hang asked, clearly speaking between words and words.

Mo Dexian smiled embarrassingly, "It's true that the sea of ​​bliss is huge and immense. Things like this happen almost every moment. If the pieces are to be created by the strongest founder, then it's really no fun to play, like There is no such place in the Black Basket waters, and I have been bloodsucked for eight lifetimes, and I was sent by the water divider to do this!"

"Three million years, it took me three million years to get here. Alas, if these three million years are practiced for me, maybe I can enter the founding realm!"

Mo Dexue was talking, and he began to complain. He could see that he was really grieving.

Su Hangdao, "Even if the teleportation array in the Black Basket area is broken, you can walk over the teleportation array in the adjacent area. As long as you walk for so long?"

The vastness of the fairy world, Su Hang is really a little unimaginable. A strong person who dominates the ninth rank must take three million years to get here from the center of the sea of ​​bliss. How big is this sea? !

Moreover, this is just a sea, not a fairy continent.

Hearing Su Hang’s words, Mo Dexian smiled bitterly, “You don’t know about the predecessors, the use of teleportation arrays, especially this ultra-long-distance transmission, consumes a lot of energy, and both sides of the teleportation array must be turned on. To complete the transfer!"

"Although almost every sea area is encapsulated, a teleportation array will be built and connected to Elysium. However, the power stone to enable the teleportation array is to be borne by each sea area, except for some sea areas that are often connected to Elysium. Many sea areas cannot afford the energy consumption of the teleportation array, and almost all of them are abandoned!"

"As a result, Bliss City is actually not connected to many sea areas, especially some remote sea areas..."

"Actually, this is also impossible. After all, the sea of ​​bliss is too big, and places like the Black Basket are too marginal. The attitude of the sea temple is to let these sea areas spontaneously die, as long as they accept the sea temple’s That’s the jurisdiction!"


After listening to Mexico and talking about it all, Su Hang already knows, "So, there is no difference in who is the master in this black basket area!"

"Theoretically, this is the case!" Mo Dexian laughed dryly, "However, if you want to become the official owner of the Black Basket Sea Area, you must accept the seal of the Sea Temple, and the new Lord who is not recognized by the Sea Temple is always available. Possibly liquidated by the Sea Temple!"

"And, Senior Su, you did not do this cleanly, leaving a disaster, and leaving the crab family alive. The dragon crab family prince, who lived for 25 thousand years, walked from the Black Basket to Elysium. City, knocked on the Poseidon drum, that is to say, the Royal Poseidon, the Poseidon Temple cannot be ignored!"

"So what do you think of me?" Su Hang said lightly.

Mo Dexian touched the sweat on his forehead, "This matter is actually very simple. The Dragon Crab Prince sued Qin Qianshui, but Senior Su is not Qin Qianshui. Moreover, things have passed for tens of millions of years. The Black Basket sea area is no longer the former Black Basket sea area. Seniors can find a suitable reason, for example, the seniors have taken the revenge, and have avenged the Crabs, and removed the thieves who had been evil. I can even ask the Sea Temple for help for the seniors. At that time, wouldn’t it be beautiful to let the Temple of Poseidon seal the predecessor as the domain owner of this black basket sea area?"

I have to say that Mo Dexian's method is very beautiful, but in order to live his life, he can only help Su Hang for the time being!

"The Temple of Poseidon is so easy to fool?" Su Hang said quietly.

Mo Dexian laughed, "There will definitely be more officials coming down to find out the situation, but the seniors should know that the world is full of benefits, and the world is full of benefits. As long as the seniors pay, they are not afraid. They don’t speak black as white, they say white as black..."

This guy is really something. Su Hang stared at him for a long time and shook his head gently. Such a person, he could not believe that if he changed hands and sold himself, it would be troublesome!

"Senior?" Seeing Su Hang shaking his head, he was puzzled.

Su Hangdao, "As you said, the dragon crab clan's hatred, indeed I have dealt with them. This point, you ask the black crab clan to know that I am now asking them to recall several other branches of the crab clan, including The Dragon Crab family, so please trouble you to go back and report to the Temple of the Sea, Dragon Crab Prince Crab B, you can immediately return to the Black Basket Sea area, inherit the throne of the Dragon Crab..."

"Uh..." Mo De's gossip froze, staring at Su Hang with a stunned look. It's completely unclear what operation this is, "Senior, what are you talking about?"

Su Hangdao, "I'm not really interested in what domain master, so whenever Prince Crab wants it, I will give him the domain master seat in the black basket..."

Mo Dexian heard this and couldn't help scratching his head, "Senior, are you telling the truth?"

"I don't like to joke, especially this kind of thing!" Su Hangdao.

Mo Dexian frowned But, what did the senior do for this? "

Yeah, why are you such a strong man, why would you help the Dragon Crab family? Is it simply to do good things for others? No reason? Can there be such a good person in the world?

"Alas!" Su Hang sighed. "You may not believe it. Some time ago, I visited this place and accidentally caught a black crab in a belly. But the black crab was the prince of the black crab family. The black crab family looked for Come to me, there is no way, I can only give them a cause and effect, help them a favor..."

Su Hang's words are really true, but if they listen to Mo Dian's ears, it is just too fake to be fake!

Eat a crab? Have a favor? I believe you a ghost!

Although I was thinking about it in my heart, Mo Dazang only smiled and nodded, "Senior is really a good person. So, Prince Yi should be grateful to you. Dade is..."

Su Hang waved his hand, "I just want to be at ease when I am doing things, and I don't ask for anything else. Since Mo Shangguan came here from afar, I can stay here for a while. After inquiring about it in the Black Basket waters, I found out the situation. , Do not go too late!"

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