Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3199: Use Teleport 1!

Mo Dexian listened to these words again, and laughed again, wondering what Su Hang meant in his heart. Does this mean he wants to let himself go? Still yin and yang strange?

   Will he really let me go? Mo Dexian couldn't help but wonder in his heart, think about it in a different way, if he is the other party, he will definitely not let go of a scourge that might threaten himself.

  After all, he was not afraid of returning to Elysium, he would report it to the Temple of Poseidon. Does the Temple of Pagoda send the stronger to kill them?

But looking at Su Hang’s indifferent appearance, it does not seem to be a joke, think about it, and put his heart to rest, "I have just talked a lot with Senior Su. I have understood the course of things, and it is unnecessary. I stayed again, and I had to go back to Elysium to recover..."

  Su Hang smiled faintly, waved his hand at the ink, "Then please help yourself!"

Sweat had soaked on Mo Dexian's forehead, and he slowly stood up and arched his hand to Su Hang. "After Momou returns to Elysium, he will definitely pass the matter to the Temple of Poseidon, and he will represent the predecessor Xiang Hai Shrine please seal, as for the matter of Prince Crab I, I will explain to him as my predecessors said!"

  Su Hang just nodded slightly, how to deal with him when he went back, Su Hang didn't seem to take it seriously. 33 Novel debut https://https://

   "Senior!" At this time, Mo Dexian still couldn't understand whether Su Hang really let himself go or pretend to let himself go. "Can Momou ask senior to do a favor?"

   "Say!" Su Hang spit out a word.

   was very busy, "Can you use the teleportation of the Black Basket waters?"

"Seniors, don’t get me wrong. The Black Basket is so far away from Elysium. It took me three million years to come here. If I go back again, I am afraid I have to go another two or three million years. When I come, General Divider only gave me five million years. If I can’t go back, I’m afraid I will be punished..."

   "Seniors can rest assured that the cost of starting the teleportation array can be borne by me. After I leave, the senior can close the teleportation array again!"

Mo Dexian was afraid of Su Hang’s misunderstanding and quickly explained the reason. Now he just wanted to hurry back to Elysium and asked him to walk the way he had come for another three million years. Just thinking about it, he felt big head.

  If you can borrow the teleportation array from the Black Basket area, how much time will be saved.

  However, Su Hang smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Mo Shangguan, not that Su Mou didn't help you, it was really weak, and the teleportation array was already destroyed before I came..."

   Destroyed? Mo Dexian's face shook slightly, and originally he thought that the teleportation array in the Black Basket sea area had just been shut down, and re-opened it would be no big deal, and he could afford it.

   However, Su Hang actually told him that the teleportation array has been destroyed!

   "It doesn't matter if it's destroyed. You can repair it. In fact, it's very simple to repair the teleportation array!" Mo Dei laughed quietly and still refused to give up hope. After all, it was a matter of saving three million years.

  Su Hang waved his hand, "If you don't believe me, I will let you take a look at it. Can you fix it, you have the final say!"

  After finishing the speech, Suhang called Crab Wanzhong and asked Crab Wanzhong to watch the teleport with his ink.

   Not long afterwards, the ink came back leisurely, with a deep disappointment on his face, he thought that the teleportation array was destroyed and could be repaired, but, when I first went to the place to see it, I didn’t even have the star, how can I repair it?

   There is no star mark, and the coordinates on the opposite side cannot be reached. It cannot be called a teleportation array. If it is forcibly teleported, it may not be able to throw you into any corner.

"I really can't help you!" Su Hang's pity, he did not say that the star was hidden by himself, nor did he say that he was also preparing to repair the teleportation array, and immediately took out a few pieces of Chinese fairy Shi, I handed it over to Moxiu, "Slightly, Mo Shangguan, don't dislike it!"

   "This..." Mo Dexian's complexion changed slightly, and he didn't dare to reach out for a long time, "Senior Su, who was not so good at work, was so gifted, Mo Mo dare not accept it!"

  He only dominates the ninth level of the realm. A piece of inferior fairy stone is very rare for him. Su Hang suddenly gave him six pieces of middle-grade fairy stones to him, which is a great hand!

  Is it necessary to say that he is not greedy? He must be greedy.

   Su Hang’s hand did not take it back, “You said that all the world’s bustling is profitable, and the world is full of profit, all are profitable!”

   In a word, Mo Dexian seemed to hear the deep meaning. Su Hang was doing it to his advantage, let him control his mouth, what should be said, what should not be said! 33 The fastest computer terminal for novel updates: https://

  If you don't accept this fairy stone, I'm afraid I can't leave today!

  Moh had thought of it here, shaking his hands, and took the fairy stone from Su Hang's hand, respectfully and respectfully, "Thank you seniors for your reward!"

Su Hang nodded slightly, "Although the teleportation array in the Black Basket sea area is broken, the teleportation array in some nearby sea areas cannot be repaired. You can check it out. It should save a lot of time for your return journey. !"

"Thank you senior for mentioning!" Mo Dexian nodded again and again, and put away the hot fairy stone Actually, on the way he came, he had already checked some teleportation arrays passing by the sea. By the way, although these teleportation arrays are also abandoned, several of them can still be reactivated, so he doesn’t have to go all the way as he always did. He can find a teleportation array that can be used nearby. Can save a lot of time. 33 Novel debut

"I remember the teleportation array in the azure waters can still be used. It is only ten years away from here. I can go to Elysium in eight years faster. If my seniors want to go to Elysium in the future, maybe I can go to the azure waters. Borrow!"

   Mo had a casual talk, and then he left after leaving, as if he was afraid that Su Hang would stop him again.

   For Mo Dexian, eight years is indeed much shorter than three million years, saving a lot of time!

  Sky blue sea? Su Hang shook his head, he could not go to any azure sea area, just need to repair the transmission array of the black basket sea area!

   As for why Suhang did not tell Mo Dexian the truth, and did not allow Mo Dexue to walk around the black basket sea transmission array, it was because Su Hang did not want Mo Dexian to return to Elysium as quickly as possible!

   That will bring a lot of variables!

   He didn't understand Mo Dexian. Although he took advantage of himself, he returned to Elysium, but he might not speak for himself. In case of bad things, he wouldn't know how to end.

Therefore, Su Hang let him go back. Although he found a shortcut, it also took several years. Eight years, eight years. Su Hang has the confidence to continue to break through several levels and have stronger capital. !

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