Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1245: Calculate each other!

   "Teacher ancestor, what do you mean?" Gouyang trembles, listening to the old man's tone, it doesn't seem to be good!

   The old man's complexion became ruthless, obviously very displeased, "What do you mean by that person? The ancestor of Tianhe Kingdom?"

   Gouyang sweated and talked to this ancestor, how could it be so hard?

   "When I return to the teacher's ancestor, it is indeed the ancestor of the Wanshi family in Tianhe Kingdom. It seems that it is the Su family. This time I came. According to the disciples, there are two fifth-order masters in addition to the family ancestor..."

   "Hehe! I haven't heard of it, but a seventh-class family, in the eyes of an old man, is fart!"

"The teacher's ancestor said that, but his disciples' strength is low, and he can't stop him!" Gouyang was sweating a lot. He already complained a little bit. Your old man is terrible, but you are not here. I only have level six. Not at all opponents!

   The old man touched his beard. "The old man will go to see the sect master a little while later. There is no effort to take care of you. I will let Tengfei come to deal with it..."

   Gouyang paused, "Teacher ancestor, with the strength of Brother Tengfei, came from Zongmen to Lingkonghai, and it would take half a month to say less, the disciples were afraid..."

"What are you afraid of? Don't say for half a month, even for half a year, you have to wait for me. The 7th-order monk, try to hold me back as far as possible. The sect needs to grow and need to absorb more and stronger power. You If you can persuade your brother to join my ancestor before he arrives, hehe, Xiao Gouzi, then you will be a great deed. Just a while ago, the sect master made a furnace of God Territory Pill and gave the old man a few. One of you is enough for you to enter the seventh-order state!"


   Gouyang was overjoyed, how much temptation is the seventh order?

   "Thank you teacher ancestor, thank you teacher ancestor!"

   Gou Yang quickly kowtowed and was so excited that he couldn't hold himself. The teacher ancestor wrote him a rather big check!

   "Do your business well, there is nothing important in the future, don't disturb the old man, the old man is gone!"

   "Give my teacher an ancestor!"

Gouyang crawled on the ground, and the sound in his ears gradually disappeared. For a long time, he dared to look up and saw that the incense in the incense burner had been burned, and the remaining smoke was scattered, and then looked at the ancient painting, and the old man again Sitting on the stone, it was the same as before, looking out at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance!


  Exhaled for a long time, Gouyang only found out that he was already soaked with sweat already!

   It seems that the whole person has survived from the edge of death. I want to put a strong sixth-level strongman on top of the fairy continent. It is also the existence of countless people's admiration. Actually, there are such unbearable times.

   This is the supremacy of the strong, no matter how strong you are, you have to bow your head in front of the stronger, even if it is only the remaining spirit of the other party!

   Stared at the ancient painting in front of him for a while, Gou Yang's eyes had become firm and scorching. After coming out of the stone room, his face was no longer the slightest anxiety. Instead, it was only extremely confident!


When    walked to the main hall, Shen Xiu and the five elders waited here respectfully for a long time!


  Everyone looked at Gouyang and couldn't help but wonder. When Gouyang left just now, he was obviously worried. Why is it that he has changed his mind now?

   Vaguely, all five have a bad hunch!

   "Palace, the seventh-order strongman, how do we deal with it?" Qingyun San asked.

Gou Yang sat on the throne of the palace master, his body was full of confidence, and his eyes looked at the five people in front of him, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, "The deity has notified the sect of the matter, and the sect has sent A master came to help, hehe, a seventh order, dare to make trouble on my site, I don’t know how to die!"


  The five people heard that all of them were sinking in their hearts. No wonder Gou Yang had such a big difference before and after. It turned out that he had informed the forces behind him!

This is awful. Su Hang wanted to take Gouyang back and let them come back to implement the plan. He did not expect Gouyang to so decisively ask for help from the forces behind him. , Make some means, if a few more stronger, it will be more difficult!

  Feeling that the five people had different looks, Gou Yang's brows were slightly wrinkled. "Why, what's the objection?"

   He didn't know that the five confidants in front of him had betrayed him, and he didn't think these five confidants would betray him. He was still very confident about the power of the heart-biting spell.

  The five men recovered, and Shen Xiu said, "So, is the palace master ready to attack that senior Su?"

"Otherwise?" Gouyang threw a blank eye over him. "Every 7th level, only you treat him as a person, hum, Zongmen means, solicit, so Zongmen needs new strength, but if If you can’t solicit it, wait for Zongmen’s reinforcements to come and ask him to look good!

   "Then I don't know, when can Zongmen reinforcements arrive?" Qingyun San asked.

Gou Yang took a deep breath, "At the latest half a month, and half a month later, Brother Tengfei will arrive, with the strength of Brother Tengfei's seventh-order peak, I would like to see, what the ancestor of the Su family, dare not dare Reveal his momentum!"

   The seventh order peak!

  The five people heard that they were extremely dignified, but their faces were all pretending to be relieved!

   "It turns out that the palace owner had already arranged, so I can rest assured!" Lu Changsheng said, and the rest of the people nodded their heads!

Gouyang enjoys the feeling of being There is a smile on his face, "blame his hand is too long, he is an ancestor of the eighth-level kingdom, staying Isn’t it possible for Faerie Continent to be a hero and a blessing? You have to run so far to die!"

   "The palace master is wise!"

   Five people cried together!

"Hei Xin!" Gou Yang's eyes flashed a bit of fierce, "You go to the Black Basket sea area again, and you say that the owner of the palace has a request. Tomorrow, there will be a banquet in Tianyu Palace. Make friends with him. Face appreciation!"

   Several people heard it, all of them were stunned. Shen Xiu looked at Gou Yang in amazement, "Master, what do you mean?"

   Gouyang snorted, "Teacher Zu has a word first, if I can conquer this person before Brother Tengfei arrives, Teacher Zu will give me a fortune, hehe..."

   Breaking through the seventh order, how can Gou Yang not be excited, at this moment, he already has a comprehensive plan in mind!

   "So the palace lord, want to conquer that senior Su? But, that's the seventh-order strong!" A few people were crying and laughing. This Gouyang, Could it be that Su Hang had the same idea?

   Gou Yang's eyes were very cold, "Don't worry, even though Tier 7 is strong, as long as you can find a way to plant a heart-biting spell, will he let me do it?"

   During the speech, Gouyang's insidious and harsh eyes made people shudder!


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