Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1246: Falling red dust!

   Immediately afterwards, Gouyang summoned all five to the front and talked about his overall plan.

   For the five people in front of us, it can be said that Gouyang believed completely and completely without reservation!


  Black Basket Sea, Destiny Island!

   This time, the five elders in Tianyu Palace can be brought under his command. Su Hang is in a very good mood, and everything has come so smoothly.

  However, this did not satisfy him. He wanted to take root in the Black Basket waters and the nearby waters. He had to find a way to win the forces of the volley.

   On the side of the couch, not allowing others to sleep soundly, the existence of the sixth-order Gouyang has always been a threat to him.

With the previous methods, Su Hang can no longer guarantee its absolute effectiveness. Super God anesthetic is used against the sixth-order strong, even if it is useful, I am afraid that it will have to increase a lot of doses. I'm afraid it's not so easy not to be caught by Gouyang!

   From the few mouths of Shen Xiu and them, Su Hang probably knew Gouyang. This is a very cautious person. It would be difficult to attract him.

   Therefore, Su Hang asked Shen Xiu to go back to the five of them first, so as not to hit the grass and startle the snake, lurking next to Gouyang and waiting for the meeting!

   And Su Hang specially used the immortal walnut to release the seventh-order momentum, used to deter Gouyang and chaos his mind!

   As long as he is in a state of confusion, he is prone to flaws. As long as Gouyang trusts enough to sink a few of them, then Su Hang is not afraid of not finding a chance. He always wins Gouyang!

   After returning to Destiny Island, the first thing for Su Hang is to pull out the Xueshen system and find a way!

  Since I am worried that the Super God anesthetic is not strong enough, look for any medicine that is stronger than the Super God anesthetic. As long as you can administer Gouyang, then all the problems are solved!


   "What are you talking about? He even gave me a banquet for me?"

  In the main hall of Destiny Island, Su Hang listened to Shen Xiu, and was a little stunned!

Shen Xiu nodded, "When I return to my master, Shen Xiu acted very thoughtfully. He asked me to invite the ancestors of the Su family. He hosted a banquet in the Heavenly Palace. Although he was called to make friends, in fact, He wanted to find a chance for the master to plant a heart-biting spell to control you..."

"Moreover, listening to Gou Yang said that an ancestor behind him promised him a fortune, and the condition is that he can take down your master before the reinforcements arrive, so Gou Yang is definitely at any cost of!"

   Su Hang frowned slightly, "Hehe, every bite bite curse, you want to control me? It's ridiculous!"

   "The old slave knows that his master has a lot of magical powers, but he is not afraid to bite the heart curse. However, the old slave feels that your master must go on this trip. This is a perfect opportunity to win him. Don't miss it!"

   "Oh? Why do you say that?"

   "Gouyang knows that the Su family ancestor is a seventh-order strongman, and naturally he dare not touch it hard, so he and his master think of something and think of a very mean trick!"

   "You mean, I'm mean!"

   "Old slaves don't dare!" Shen Xiu sweated.

   "I didn't say that I'm not mean, what are you anxious?" Su Hang gave him a blank look, "And let's talk, how is that Gouyang a mean method?"

Shen Xiuhan said, "He is going to make hands and feet at the banquet. Gouyang Zang has a pot of ancient wine called Falling Red Dust. He wants to deceive the master at the banquet. You drink it. Once you drink it, even a drop of it, I'm afraid you can't bear the master. Listening to Gou Yang said, this wine has drunk the ninth-rank strong!"

   "Oh? Falling red dust?"

   Su Hang frowned, "Drunk the ninth-order strong man, so powerful? Where did he get this super-god?"

Shen Xiu said, "The power behind Gouyang is extremely huge. Most of this wine comes from the force behind him. Although I haven't seen it before, Gouyang should not be telling lies. Listen to him. The wine was made by a super strong man named Li Dabai!"

   "Li Dabai?"

   Hearing this name, Su Hang suddenly shuddered. What a familiar name. Isn't his pair of fairy walnuts exactly the treasure of Li Dabai?

   By this time, Su Hang had already believed a few points, or rather, already convinced, if it was really the wine brewed by Li Dabai, drunken him as a monk who had just arrived, wasn’t it too simple?

Shen Xiu said, "At that time, Gou Yang would not dare to have a head-on conflict with his master, so he took the name of a banquet and drank fine wine with his master. He has a method of hangover, so he is naturally not afraid of getting drunk, just wait for the master to get drunk. , He can cast a spell on your master..."

   Su Hang heard this and couldn't help but want to laugh. This method is exactly the same as his tricks, except that one can use anesthetics and the other is alcohol.

"Master, Gou Yang’s thoughts, you already know, naturally it won’t work. Since he can play yin, then it’s hard to guard against us playing yin. Therefore, the old slave believes that the host should not give up this opportunity, we He also did some tricks at the banquet. When the time came, he could not eat and walk around. He was clever and mistaken, harming others and harming himself!"

  Shen Xiu held his breath, this guy, obviously Gou Yang suffocated under his hand, I wish to take down Gou Yang earlier, a bad breath!

   But Su Hang is not the kind of impulsive person. After all, the other party is the sixth-level peak powerhouse. With their current strength, if they are hard, even if several people go together, I am afraid they are not the opponents of Gouyang's rounds!

"Master, make a decision early, only half a month, if you wait for the reinforcements of the Tianyu Palace, then there will be no chance!" Shen Xiu You must know that there is a real seven The Tier Strong is on the way to the Heavenly Palace. If Su Hang can take Gouyang before then, everything is good to say, maybe he can still use Gouyang to win the Tier 7 strong together. However, if Gouyang cannot be won during this time, then when the strong man arrives, Gouyang is bound to immediately bring the strong man to the Black Basket waters. At that time, it depends on whether Suhang runs fast enough Now!

  After thinking for a moment, Su Hang said to Shen Xiu, "I already know, you go back first, tell Gou Yang, tomorrow the Su family ancestor is willing to make his friend, I will definitely arrive tomorrow!"



  Although it is clearly a Hongmen feast, but it is definitely going to go, because the time is tight, this is a great opportunity to approach Gouyang!

  However, before going, Suhang must be prepared for a complete strategy!

  After Shen Xiu left, Su Hang found a quiet room and pulled out the Xueshen system to study!

   "Item: Falling Red Dust!"

"Introduction: This wine is brewed by Li Dabai, the ninth-ranking strongman in the founding state, and is the supreme best in the wine. One drop can drunk the founding state. Li Dabai also drunk into the sea and the sea and drank in the east of the sea because of drinking this wine. Among the immeasurable holy pools in a forbidden place...



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