Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1254: Fragrant!

This matter cannot be tolerated in the slightest. He could be swallowed up in a small way. In case he is smashed, he will smash himself. Therefore, if only 80% can be assured, the airline will carefully consider whether it is feasible. !

Gouyang said, "Xiaonu said that Bacheng is actually reserved, because Brother Tengfei may know that I have such a bottle of wine, knowing that the falling red dust is strong enough to drunk the ninth-rank strong, he may not drink it. In addition, according to me As far as I know, Brother Tengfei is not a good wine drinker. Although it is not drunk, I did not see him drink very much at the time of Zongmen. Based on these two reasons, the success rate is only 80%!"


It seems to be the same reason, in case people don't like to drink, you can't force others to drink by then?

Su Hang nodded slightly, "So, we still have to prepare with both hands. Do you know what his hobby is? Especially in this area!"

"A hobby?"

Gou Yang thought carefully and shook his head. "I haven't paid attention. This person has always been cold and will not let people see his preferences. However, he has been preparing to break through the eighth order, and I am afraid that it will also be stuck. It’s been a long time, if the master can find him a medicine that breaks through the eighth order, such as an eight-turn **** realm, he will definitely swallow it!”

Eight turn **** domain pill? Su Hang shook his head again and again, not to mention the value. Even if he could get it, he would not be able to overturn the take-off. Not only could it not be overturned, but also the strength of the other party was improved, which was even more unfavorable to him!

As before, use the bait of destiny to simulate the **** domain pill, and then mix some super **** anesthetic in it?

That thing is not necessarily effective for the sixth-order strong man, not to mention dealing with a seventh-order strong man!

In general, the difference in the strength of the Soviet Air Force is too large, the seventh-order strongman should be able to easily see through his fate disguise!

When he engaged in Gouyang, the Soviet airlines dared not use the bait of fate, let alone a stronger seventh-order powerhouse?

"Master can have other methods?" Gouyang asked carefully. He now knows that Su Hang is a silver wax gun head. Although there are many methods, it is actually only a monk of the first stage. !

If it is not a bond of servitude, like this, Gou Yang can slap at least ten dead!

"A person, no hobbies? How is it possible?" Su Hang shook his head again and again, the so-called flies do not sting seamless eggs, if this egg is not cracked, he can't help it!

At this time, Gouyang seemed to think of something, "Master, I remembered it. Although Brother Tengfei didn't pay much attention to eating, he liked one thing..."

"What?" Su Hang looked at Gouyang.


Gouyang spit out a word!

"Scent?" Su Hang's eyebrows slightly picked!

"Not bad!"

Gouyang nodded, "Brother Tengfei came from the Yinglong clan in the deep sea, and the thing that likes incense is their instinct. When I was in the sect, I had heard that Brother Tengfei was really very fragrant and fragrant. In his room, an unknown strange incense burns, and more than a day is necessary..."

"Qixiang? What kind of fragrance is it?"

Playing incense, this is not a quirk. When you are on the earth, there are a lot of Yashi who can play, incense can clear the eyes and mind, cultivate the sentiment, but it is definitely very expensive to play good incense, most people can’t afford it!

Gou Yang thought for a while, "That smell is very weird. I heard that it is made from a vanilla from the deep sea. What is the specific name, Xiaonu is not very clear. After all, Xiaonu I have no interest in Xiangdao!"

Su Hang nodded, "Are you trying to say that we can make a fuss about this?"

"Little slave does not know whether it is proper!" Gouyang Qian laughed, "After all, Brother Tengfei likes to play incense, his attainments in incense must be very high, if we make an article on incense, we may not be able to hold him!"

"This is not necessarily the case. The so-called killing and punching, drowning and flooding, do what you want, and often have unexpected effects!"

"Master is wise!"

"Don't compliment me!" Su Hang waved his hand. "There is still time for us to deal with it. Let me think about it. Then I will take care of it and set up a set to wait for him to drill. You also think about it. This time, we must be sure...


The waves are rolling, the clouds and waves are connected, and the dense black clouds cover the volcanic waters. After a few thunders, there is a heavy rain!

This situation seems to herald the future mountain rain!

The advent of a 7th-order pinnacle strong man is enough to change the pattern of the volcanic waters and the surrounding hundreds of waters!

There is not much time, so Su Hang must make sufficient preparations. Now, he can completely improve his realm through the system of learning God, but the time is too late!

According to the past progress, even if you use the inheritance function of the Xueshen system, it can be said that it takes one month to upgrade to the first level. If you do not consider the consequences, you are not afraid of unstable foundations. Half a year!

If you want to win the Dragon Soar, you must at least upgrade to the eighth level. Su Hang has just reached the first level of the founding state not long ago, and has not yet reached the bottleneck of the first-level peak. It is not a time to continue to break through!

Therefore, we still have to use some obscure means.


In the palace, Su Hang pulled out the Xueshen system. Since Long Tengfei likes incense, then he would like it.

Su Hang wanted to find out if there was anything special and powerful like the fragrance.

The search conditions were entered into the Xueshen system. Soon, tens of thousands of pages of data appeared on the system panel.

With so much content, Su Hang is naturally not interested in reading them one by one, so that the system is ranked from high to low in terms of grade and price.

In this way, he only needs to look at the first few I believe he can find what he wants.

"Item: Destiny Fragrant!"

"Introduction: The **** incense enshrined in the ancestral hall of the Destiny Palace, which is composed of the wish of the sentient beings, can smell the tranquility of the heart, eliminate the malaise, and promote the cultivation of virtue. It is the first **** incense in the world..."

The system puts this piece of information in the first place, the price is also the highest, the grade is super **** level, naturally the world's first fragrance!

However, although this fragrance is strong, it is a positive effect, which is not what Suhang wants!

Turning down a page, all with positive buffs, none of the first 50 kinds of incense with debuff!

Now, Su Hang entered the search keyword again, fan!

Soon after the system is sorted, it is displayed on the system interface, and there are still tens of thousands of pages.

It is conceivable that there are too many fragrances. The system only displays 10,000 pages, with ten types per page, for a total of 100,000 types. There are definitely more leftovers!

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