Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1255: Everything is ready!

"Item: Mirage!"

"Introduction: This product is made from the essence of deep sea worms. It has a fatal attraction for aquariums. Every aquarium, smelling this fragrance, must enter the illusion, fascinated by the illusion, shaped like a crazy demon, three thousand universe Self-healing!"

Ranked first is a spice called Mirage, which sounds overbearing, and is still a fragrance specifically for aquariums. However, after reading the introduction, Su Hang felt that it was not suitable.

After sucking the incense, it looks like a crazy demon, but Su Hang wants to lose consciousness. If it drives people crazy, how can they survive the dragon?

It's all about killing yourself!

Continue to look down, Suhang's eyes fell on one of the information!

The fifth place on the first page is the best Kunxiang!

"Item: The best Kunxiang!"

"Introduction: Although the top quality of Kunxiang incense can promote cultivation, it has great side effects and has a strong hypnotic effect. This incense is only produced in the Kunyu cave of the Eastern Region. It was when the founding ancestor Mo Xiangkun died. The essence of the flesh is condensed, and it is only ten grams of a fragrant incense. This fragrance, the ten grams of incense, can make the ninth-ranking founding monk sleep immediately and do not wake up for half a year!"


This is what I want!

Su Hang shined, looking at the price, 20 trillion trillion energy points can be exchanged for one gram, without saying anything, first exchanged for five grams!

Since ten grams can make a ninth-order monk fall asleep, five grams is definitely enough to overthrow a seventh-order strongman, and even one gram may be enough!

Only for the sake of stability, Suhang exchanged more.

Imagine that when the dragon takes off, the incense will be burned in the hall, let him **** for a moment, and keep the one who is confusing him in the past, at his mercy!

However, it is not enough to have a fragrance, and you have to have a way to solve the fragrance. Otherwise, you will not let others down, and you will first put yourself down!

Since it is a fan of incense, there must be a way to solve the incense!

Su Hang retrieved it, and sure enough, the method of deodorizing appeared on the system panel.

Kunlu, in fact, is the essence of the saliva of the scented Kunk, which is also a kind of spice, but the value is not as high as Kunxiang.

Kunlu can be drunk directly or burned. It has the effect of rejuvenating and calming, especially to solve the side effects of Kunxiang!

Su Hang exchanged two bottles of Kunlu, two bottles are the size of a wine bottle, but the value is less than half of the five grams of Kunxiang!

Super God anesthesia is still needed. It can be used to refine the existence of this thing. It is only an eighth-order strongman. It is not necessarily whether this anesthetic can anesthetize a seventh-order strongman.

But talking is better than nothing, Su Hang still prepared some, and then added one to the food and tea prepared by Gouyang, three-pronged approach, to increase the success rate to the highest!

After doing all this, the energy points stored by Su Hang have bottomed out again. All the affairs of Tianyu Palace are handed over to Gouyang to handle and prepare for the matter of the Dragon Soaring of the 7th-order strongman, Su Hang is back to black alone Basket waters!

When the energy point bottomed out, Su Hang was in a panic, or had to fill it up, and he had a bottom in his heart. At any time, he could cope with unexpected needs!


"Brother, how far is it?"

Above the vast sea, the two figures are one behind the other, in front of a young man fluttering in white. This man has a sword and a star, his eyes are cold and firm, and every step is tens of millions of light years!

Behind is a girl who looks only ten years old, in a goose-yellow dress, stepping on a red streamer, like an elf dancing in the air, flying with a royal weapon, barely following behind the young man, and the speed is also very fast.

The girl was obviously a little tired, and some shouted with complaint, a pair of blue eyes like the sea, looking at the wood in front, only knowing the back walking forward, a little angry!

"Quick, fast!"

The young man responded, stepped out, his figure disappeared again, and there was no pause at all!

The girl bit her lips angrily, stomped her feet, and chased her again.

"Three days ago, you said you were coming soon, and then you said that you were coming soon. How far is it? I knew that it was so far, and I wouldn't come!" the girl asked.

"It's you who wants to follow you, no wonder I. If you are too far away, hurry back. I have something to do on this trip, and I don't have time to play with you!" The young man said lightly, and his feet still didn't stop.


The girl snorted, "Don't you want to instruct me to leave, and finally found such an opportunity to come out, and want me to go back, there is no way!"

The youth did not answer him!

"Where is this place where the bird doesn't shit, there is not even a teleportation array, brother, what are we going to do? Grandpa tells you what to do?" The girl complained, and then there were questions one by one!

Woman, what a trouble!

A trace of black thread appeared on the young man's eyebrows, and the girl gave him the feeling of a lark. He was chattering next to him and was very annoyed!

"Confidential!" The youth spoke only two words!

The girl curled her lips. "God is mysterious. When you get there, can you still hide me?"

The young man ignored, "The teacher's ancestor asked me to bring something to Gouyang, and help him solve a little trouble by the way!"


When the girl heard the name, she was stunned. "You mean, Brother Gou?"

"Among the people you and I know, how many Gouyang?"

"He, why is he running in such a remote place?" The girl's face changed slightly.

The young man took a deep breath. "The Zongmen branch was formed to expand the sphere of influence and strengthen the strength of Zongmen. At that time, he applied for the transfer himself. The sisters have been closed for all these years, so the news may be a bit behind!"


The girl's face shook slightly, and the expression on her face looked a little awkward. "That bothered me. I suddenly remembered that Grandpa asked me to silently write the Proverbs of the Master. I haven't written it silently yet, Master, I'll go back first!"

After that, turn around and go!


At this time the young man shouted suddenly and looked back at her, "Is it really gone?"


The girl choked, and didn't know what to say for a while, obviously a little flustered, eager to leave!

But it was stopped by the young man!

"Brother, why are you stopping me?" the girl hurriedly.

The young man took a deep breath, "Sister, you ran out with me this time, do you think the teacher's ancestors don't know the elderly?"

The girl looked up at the young man in front of her, and you could tell that there was something in the young man's words!

"With the magical power of the ancestor of the teacher, it is impossible to know that you ran out. The reason why the old man opened one eye and closed one eye was actually acquiescence to let you follow me to find Brother Gouyang!" Youth said.

The girl's face became quite unnatural, "What am I doing with him? I knew you were here to find him, and I would never come out with you if you killed him. Brother, you are doing well. When you meet Brother Gouyang, don't mention it I!"

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