Super Study God

Chapter 810: Kunlun Market!


Su Hang shook his head secretly in his heart. At that time, Dragonfly hadn't become a Taoist ancestor yet. [(({network

No matter what, Su Hang was still worried, staring at the deep hole of time and space, looking forward to his smooth return.


Through the empty hole at that time, Su Hang could clearly see Su Jin's experience of 100,000 years ago, change into himself, go to the ring to help himself compete, he could even see that after the game, someone was posing as himself, himself Yelling in the yard.

Seeing this again, Su Hang felt that he was really stupid enough to change his destiny, but no matter what you want to change, she is just following its direction.

In the end, everything was settled, Su Jin finally returned, the time had passed for a long time, the time and space black hole also healed slowly.

Su Jin still has tears on his face.

After 100,000 years, I finally saw his mother thinking day and night, how can I describe it with only one excitement.

He is very strong and strong, but he is still a child lacking in parental love. After seeing Ao Xue, that kind of feeling can no longer be suppressed.

Su Hang stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, speechless comfort.


At this time, a rustling voice came.

Su Jin seemed to feel something, raised his right hand, and his face suddenly changed.


The faces of the three people all changed. I saw the Avenue bracelet, which was like a weathered stone. It quickly deserted, and it dissipated with the wind in just a moment. It turned into a powder.

Not to mention Su Jin, even Su Hang was stunned.

Although the Avenue Bracelet has restrictions on its use, it is not a consumable item. How could it dissipate?

Su Jin was completely panicked. This bracelet was not only a relic from his mother, accompanied him for 100,000 years, which was of great significance to him. Moreover, it was just now that this bracelet could help him to break back in time and space. In the past, as long as the bracelet existed, he could go back again. Now that the bracelet is suddenly gone, what kind of blow should he have?

"How could this be?" Su Hang was puzzled.

Tai Ao raised his eyebrows next to it and thought, "Sure enough, the power of time and space is too strong, and its self-healing ability is too strong. It will not tolerate something that breaks its rules. This bracelet should be Crushed by the power of time and space."

For a long time, both Su Hang and Su Jin could hardly accept this fact.

This loophole has emerged in time and space, and it has been made up in time. Under the powerful time and space crush, even though it is a Taoist weapon, it cannot be carried, it can only be destroyed.

Su Jin also has some fears in his heart, if that force acts on him, I am afraid he has already turned into nothingness.

"It's a pity, a pity."

It's a pity that Su Hang even said two times. Before, he thought that the opponent of the Avenue of Rings could only be human. Now he knows that even time and space can become an opponent, and then break it. In this way, can Panwangzuo also be broken? ?

Of course, at this moment, this can only be an idea. Dadao Bracelet has broken, even if it can break Panwangzuo, it is now impossible.

Pity, pity.

In Su Hang's heart, Yu Yu sighed.

Sometimes, reality is so helpless. Su Hang patted Su Jin on the shoulder and gave him a hint of comfort. No matter how cruel the reality is, the future still has to go.



On the ninth day, the Northern Ezhou, the Kunlun Ruins.

The ruins of Kunlun are the ancestral courts of the ancient Yuxu. Although the Yuxu faction has long since fallen, it has been forgotten by many people, but this time Yuxu reopened the mountain gate, and it still shocked the Quartet.

Daomen authentic, this name alone, there are a lot of people who come to support the crowd.

The vast Kunlun, towering like clouds, auspicious clouds swirling around, fairy birds soaring from the clouds on the top of the mountain, came a wave of fairy music, at the foot of the mountain, a group of young disciples dressed in glamorous Taoist costumes, were busy welcoming guests from all directions.

On the top of the mountain, the palaces are scattered, the magnificent atmosphere, the all-class classical architecture, the pavilions and towers, are extremely luxurious.

After so many years of war, the Yuxu School has long been in ruins. However, the current Yuxu Palace, but Yang Jian and Huang Tianba reproduced it according to the impression of the Yuxu Palace in memory, it can be said that it is completely presented. The appearance of the ancient jade fiction.

In the ancient times, the Yuxu School was the most important school among the Daomen, but today Yuxu reopened the mountain gate, but there was no limit to the origin of the people who came to congratulate.

After all, this is a great event, all it needs is lively.

The relationship between Su Hang and Yang Jian Huang Tianba is naturally to be regarded as a guest of honor, plus it came with the Dragon Palace, of course, received special courtesies.

There are quite a lot of people here today, many of whom are not known by Su Hang. However, there are also many people that Su Hang knows. They are not guilty. They originally said that they could not come, but they are not fart. Deng's coming?

There is no person if there is a Buddhist temple, but Mi Tuo is here. He took Jin Chanzi as a mentor and apprentice, and some Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. It can be regarded as Yaowu Yangwei, and he also gave Yuxu a congratulatory gift.

"This monk, it really came out on top."

Su Hang and Buxie sat down together to reminisce about the old, and when they saw Mituo's almost smile-face in the distance, he sipped a cup of tea and was quite disdainful.

Tang Ao shook his head sideways and smiled bitterly, "It's not honourable to lean on the apprentice."

There is also a bit of sourness in the tone.

"Don't be sour."

Miankuan shook his head next to him. He knew that Tang Ao must have envied his heart. These days, he followed Tang Ao around, and he heard some news about the silkworm bushes of Tang Ao's disciples, but the news seemed to Not very optimistic.

"It's not You look at this old monk, his tail is going up to the sky." You said sideways.

Su Hang didn't speak, just smiled, listening to these old men running against each other, it was quite fun.

"You don't count, you, are the pinnacle of life." Tang Ao looked at the woman next to the invisible, with a kind of evil smile on his face.

This woman is none other than Lady Qingxia.

After 100,000 years, Mrs. Qingxia didn’t seem to have changed much. It was only a little more noble and indifferent. Only then did she listen to what she said. In these years, she has been practicing at the bottom of the North Sea and has never been out. Beihai has been waiting for a step forward, and now the outsiders have no idea what level they have reached.

Although Mrs. Qingxia did not show her skills, everyone has speculated that she is afraid that she already has the Heavenly Realm Realm. After all, she is a Dragon Clan Royal, with noble blood, and she was already a strong Venerable Realm. Slow, not much progress in a century and a thousand years, but now that 100,000 years have passed, it is very likely that she has already proven heaven. (To be continued.) 8

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