Super Study God

Chapter 811: Heavenly Emperor arrived!

After discussing such a wife, Tang Ao and the hypnotism are somewhat envious. {[<((〔[({{<

Including Su Hang, they are always envious. The so-called lovers will eventually become dependents. Two people separated by 100,000 years will finally reunite again after 100,000 years. What kind of love, what kind of kind it's fate.

Think about yourself again, and say goodbye to Ao Xue, I don't know how many hardships and obstacles to go through.

"the host."

Seeing Suhang, Zhu Bajie immediately left the Buddhist team and ran to Suhang. "The monkey is right, the master is here."

"Come here, have seen all the seniors." Su Hang beckoned to Zhu Bajie.

Eyes, good faith and other people are acquaintances, quickly see the ceremony.

"this is?"

It's true that the others looked at this pig-faced monk with some surprise. This monk is called Su Hang's master, but the realm is not much worse than them. When did Su Hang take such a slave?

The corner of Su Hang's mouth curled up a little arc, waiting to be humane, "You can guess who he is?"


Several people looked at Zhu Bajie with surprise. Is it still an acquaintance?

"Seniors, don't you know me? I'm Bajie piggy." Before waiting for someone to guess, Bajie couldn't wait to report his name.


Miankuan took a sip of tea and pointed at Bajie. He didn't hold back his words for a long time.

Those who are not ugly are also weird, and there are really strange things every year. This year there are so many. That little pig turned out to be what it looks like now.

"Hey, Venerable, let's meet again." At this moment, Sun Wukong also jumped over and smiled at Su Hang's hippy face. "Who are these? Don't you introduce me?"

With that, he jumped up and jumped straight to the front of him, and he wanted to pull his beard.

The eyes of several people fell on Sun Wukong again.

This monkey seems very rude.

"Smelly monkeys, don't be rude." Sound, "This is the infinite Goddess of the supremacy of the door, you are too desperate. You."

"Um? Infinite Heavenly Lord?"

Sun Wukong took a step back and looked at him in surprise. "Eight Commandments, you can't tease me. The infinite Tianzun is the lord of the Daomen, the ancient god. The old man is afraid I can't stand my stick."


At this time, Mrs. Qingxia spoke.

Ling Kong nodded to Sun Wukong, and a golden streamer directly penetrated into Sun Wukong's mouth. Sun Wukong's voice suddenly became dumb. The whole person was acting like a mime, opening his mouth and saying nothing, but No sound came out.

Sun Wukong jumped up and down anxiously, scratching his head and scratching his head.

Several people nearby saw this scene, but all smiled.

"Honestly staying there, and then making disturbances, turning you into a stone." Mrs. Qingxia said.

Mrs. Qingxia, her strength is really unfathomable, and the key is the heartfelt care of her husband. She said that if she said nothing, she irritated her.

The effect was quite remarkable. As soon as Sun Wukong heard this, he immediately settled down and looked at Mrs. Qingxia with a little horror. This woman was really terrifying.

According to Sun Wukong's character, if he is a man, he must care who he is, and a stick has passed, but now, in front of him, she is a woman, and her strength is scary.

It can be said that after the anger was washed away, the present Sun Wukong is no longer the same as that of the Devil Ape. After going through a westward study, his temper was even more astringent.

Mi Tu came over to say hello, and left Sun Wukong and Ba Jie. He came after all on behalf of the Buddhist gate. The Yuxu faction had arranged a special area for these monks. Like Su Jin, they couldn’t help. Come and sit together with Su Hang, the table idler, chatting and farting.

Zhong Ming drum music, today's Kunlun Mountain, can be really lively.

"Hao Tian Tian Di arrives."

A loud shout shook the ground.

Almost everyone's eyes were attracted to the past, and I saw a group of men and women slowly carrying a few pairs of luxurious Luan driving down slowly in front of the mountain gate of the Yuxu School.

Actually came directly from the air, the arrogance can be said to be really big.

From the largest pair of Luan, a tall and middle-aged man dressed in a dragon emperor's robe, wearing a golden crown, sword eyebrows, starry eyes, and awe-inspiring eyes, glanced at him as if he was above the life. .


As soon as this person came out, many big players quickly got up to meet, and Su Hang couldn't help but wrinkle his brows. Could this person be the Heavenly Emperor Haotian from Pan Xing who was mentioned in Ba Jie's mouth?

I am afraid that there will be no second person with the same name but the same status.

Everyone is busy visiting, but no one moves at the Su Hang table, especially a few of them who are sleepy, and have high self-esteem. For them, no matter how strong or weak they are, they are all juniors. The principle of courtesy to the younger generation.

"In this show, you can compare Yuxu." Buxu whispered beside him.

Tang Aodao, "I've heard something about this person. It is said that it came from Pan Wangxing, the emperor of the Taoist ancestors, and the student of the Heavenly Dao. The status is not under the Dragon Emperor."

"Tian Dao disciple? No wonder so stinky." Shake his head.

Mrs. Qingxia said beside him, "I don't think his strength is high. Everyone respects him. I'm afraid it's the face of Dao Zu."

During the talk, Haotian Tiandi had already taken a group of people and sat down with Su Jin and others. As for the group of Su Hang, it was extremely common. Maybe they didn't pay attention from the beginning.

Mian crazy said, "Today can be counted as a Daomen event. The Yuxu faction is the authentic Sanqing Daomen. You said, will Dao Zu show up on this occasion today?"

While talking, the sleepman looked at Su Hang, and several of them knew very well that there is an inextricable relationship between Su Hang and Dao Zu. The relationship is not clear in a sentence or two. .

"It's just right to come, just ask him to chat about Hang said with a smile.

Between this world and the world, the only thing that Su Hang can't see is the dragonfly. For 100,000 years, I don't know what he has become. Su Hang really wants to see him again.



"Boss, look..."

In the corner, there were two figures sitting, a dark-skinned man with a beard all over his face, pointing in a direction and whispering to a Taoist beside him.

If Su Hang notices this, it can be seen at a glance that the two are the two evils who had been able to jump on their own in the West Zezhou.

Mo Linzi looked in the direction of the black bear demon, frowning and frowning, and naturally recognized Su Hang as soon as possible.

This guy, it seems a little bit of history, sitting with him, it seems that they are not idle people. (To be continued.) 8

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