Super Study God

Chapter 822: Why didn't you respond?

Mi Tuo is a black forehead with heavy lines, and thought he would be a cowardly character, but did not want to be such a tender little Sha Mi.

Several people were laughing, and Su Hang was intrigued, and they got together.

Fortunately, Su Hang's eyes glared at this.

"Little toad?" Su Hang exclaimed.

The laughter of several people came to an abrupt end, and they all looked at Su Hang with a dazed expression. I wonder why Su Hang was like this.

"It's rude to give people nicknames, but it's impolite behavior." Hearing Su Hang's shout, Mi Tu felt a little bad for the whole person, and Su Hang was making up for himself.

"No." Su Hang quickly waved his hand and pointed at Xiao Sha Mi in the mirror. "I know this little monk."

The voices were a little excited, or unexpected.

"you recognize?"

Several people looked at Su Hang with some surprise, but the mirror was the previous life of Mituo. How did Su Hang see the previous life of Mituo?

Seeing Su Hang's expression, it seems that he is not kidding. Everyone thought of a possibility. Is it possible that Su Hang has also gone to a world earlier than 100,000 years ago, and saw this little Sha Mi who was a previous life of Mita?

The Su Hang person is simply mysterious. It took him 100,000 years ago to go to an earlier age. It seems not surprising.

Mi Tuo was staring at Su Hang, and someone suddenly told you that he had seen your past life, and you must be ashamed.

Su Hangdao, "I met a young monk while I was still out of the earth. His name was Little Toad. He was the monk of King Kong Temple on the earth. He was very talented and young, and he stood out from the younger generation. ."

Little Toad, when he was the only king of the planet, Su Hang met a few young talents on the way to Yuzhou Hall of Kings in Yuzhou. Now he still has two fresh memories of Su Hang. There is also a little toad carrying a big wooden fish.

The big wooden fish that was a little bigger than his body left a very deep impression on Su Hang.


When several people heard this, they couldn't help but stunned for a moment. What Su Hang said was the earth at this moment?

Mituo’s previous life is now on earth?

How is this possible?

The past life hasn't hung yet, where did Mito come from? Besides, Mituo was a figure of 100,000 years ago, the ancient Buddha, his past life will only be farther away, how could it appear on the earth now, and still such a small Sha Mi?

"Are you sure? Won't you admit the wrong person?" Mituo asked.

Su Hang nodded, "This little look, and the huge wooden fish, the characteristics are too obvious. Su Hang dare to be 100% sure that the person in the mirror is the little toad."

"I said, wouldn't this mirror be repaired by you?"

This matter cannot be explained at all, and Mituo did not cross from the afterlife. How could that child be his previous life? They are more willing to understand that this mirror is not reliable.

Su Hang felt a little bit like this, how could the little toad be the previous life of Mita? This is not scientific at all.

Could it be true that this mirror has not been completely repaired, and the rules in it have become disordered? But why is Yang Jian correct when used?

At this time, Tang Ao stroked his beard, "I guess, this photo is not a previous life, it may be a future life."

"Go to your future generations." Mituo listened and took a direct sip, "Monk, I'm still alive, what future generations will come?"

Didn’t Tang Ao curse himself? Mi Tu is a little depressed.

Tang Aogan laughed, "That must be something wrong with this mirror, Yang Jian, do you take photos of us?"

Yang Jian nodded, and the appearance of the mirror was indeed repaired, but this function seems a bit untrustworthy.

If this is repaired by Taoist ancestors, there is no way. Everyone must be convinced, but unfortunately this is Su Hang's repair. They think they know Su Hang better than others. In the eyes of others, the mystery of Su Hang's possible identity is mysterious. And being able to talk to the ancestor of Taoism, there must be a great magical power that is beyond the reach of the people, but they are very clear that Su Hang is just just in line with the realm.

Twenty-year-old monks in the Taoist realm, which were placed in the ancient times, can only be regarded as a rare genius in the young generation. If they repaired the Taoist tools, how can they be convinced?

Are you scraping putty for exterior walls when you repair the road? Put on a layer of putty cream, it can be restored?

The photo was not taken in vain, the picture is a poor student who read by night.

Miankuang took a picture, in the picture is an old ragged beggar.

Mrs. Qingxia took a photo, but the picture was chaotic and chaotic, like a paste, and the fog was heavy. Yang Jian explained that this happened in the reincarnation mirror in the past, only to show that Mrs. Qingxia did not have a previous life, but a newborn dragon soul.

Although the argument is somewhat convincing, everyone does not trust the mirror. Among the old men, Tang Ao is a little better, like a brother-in-law of a rich family.

I don't want to believe that my previous life is so humble, it must be that the broken mirror is broken.

"You see for yourself." Tang Ao handed the mirror to Su Hang.

Yang Jian applied a method to the mirror, and Su Hang took it and took a picture of himself.


Su Hang froze for a moment, "Why didn't you respond?"

In the hands of Su Hang, the mirror became an ordinary bronze mirror. They did not take the picture like Yang Jian did. Mrs. Qingxia at least still showed a chaotic chaos, but Su Hang only took one picture of him. Own face.

Yang Jian was also stunned for a while, and applied several methods to the mirror in succession. However, the mirror still did not respond at all.


Yang Jian tried it by himself in the past, still able to reflect his previous life, the sweaty woodman.


Su Hang was also looked up at Yang Jian, hoping that Yang Jian could confuse himself, but Yang Jian was also stunned. It seemed that this was the first time he encountered this situation.

Everyone can take photos, why can't Su Hang take photos? This is obviously not the same as Mrs Qingxia's situation.

"I'll tell you, this thing is not reliable." Tang Ao waved his hand.

He doesn't die the country, how can he just be a son's brother? All kinds of signs show that this reincarnation mirror is not reliable at all.

To put it professionally, the program in this mirror is bugged and the database is messed up.

Including Su Hang, I was also puzzled. This partial refinement cost more than 100 million energy points, but failed to repair the reincarnation mirror?

"I'll call Bajie to try."

Su Hang thought about it and couldn't get the result that the reincarnation mirror couldn't be done because of the verification of these people. After all, no one here except Yang Jian knew what his previous life looked like. Such verification didn't have any. Persuasive. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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