Super Study God

Chapter 823: who am I?

Moreover, among them, the only Yang Jian who knows his previous life has already confirmed that this reincarnation mirror can reflect his previous life, so we have to verify it scientifically. How can we verify it scientifically? Of course, I had to find some people who knew clearly in previous lives.

The first thought of Su Hang was the Eight Commandments. The Eight Commandments were reincarnated once. Everyone knows what he was in his previous life. Everyone knows that if he can be photographed, there must be no objection.

"I'll call it, and by the way call Wukong and Wujing together."

Mi Tuo has a mess, and would like to quickly confirm whether this reincarnation mirror is useful. An eight precepts may not be enough to explain what. Sun Wukong and Sha Seng also followed him to the Jade Deficiency Palace this time. The details of these three people are very clear. When the time comes, it becomes clear.

Mido went out for a while. Several people in the room pointed around the mirror, but more still refused to believe that Su Hang had repaired the mirror.

"I am a disciple of Daomen. How could I be a poor student in my life?"

The sleepaholic is a little ecstatic, "I am even more laughable. I was actually a flower boy in my last life."

Su Hang listened next to him and said, "Actually, what is the last life, is it important? It doesn't matter at all. What is important is that several seniors now have very high achievements. When they talk about this life in the next life, I should be proud."

"Bah ah...what did you say?"

Tang Ao sighed a few words, what is not the next life, more unlucky, and let people live.

Su Hang grinned.

At this time, Mituo returned with the three brothers of the division. Sun Wukong jumped in first and jumped directly in front of Su Hang. "God, what are you waiting for?"

Su Hang looked back, and several people entered the house. The monk Sha was walking at the end. Seeing so many diggers in the house, he seemed a bit restrained. .

Su Hang was not nonsense, he directly handed the mirror to Bajie, and instructed him to take photos.

At this time, Yang Jian also immediately opened the magic mirror.

Bajie was somewhat inexplicable. He took the mirror and took a picture, and immediately froze.

"Master, is this the mirror of the demon? Show me my original shape." Ba Jie pointed at Suhangdao.


When everyone heard it, they all walked around and looked in the mirror. Sure enough, a golden-haired pig face could be seen farther away to see a golden-haired pig. Isn't it the Bajie pig?

Ba Jie also feels a bit strange. In the middle of the night, call them, and the atmosphere is so dignified, just to follow his original shape, what is his original shape, don't everyone know?

Could it be that everyone suspects that he is a fake golden piggy?

After thinking of the eight precepts, I started thinking about it.

"This is not according to your original form, but the previous life." Su Hang patted Ba Jie's shoulder and briefly explained the cause and effect.

At this time, the people next to each other were silent.

Even two people who were clear in the previous life, Yang Jian and Ba Jie, clearly reflected the previous life. What else can be explained?

Listening to this mirror, Bajie could help him find Chang'e, and he was immediately inexplicably excited, "Master, you mean, with this reincarnation mirror, can you find where Chang'e is now?"

"Go! You stupid."

As soon as the voice fell, the mirror was snatched by Sun Wukong. He had just heard Su Hang's mystery. He was also curious about his past life. You know, this problem has troubled him for a very, very long time.

Since his birth, he has been very troubled by this problem. Others say that he jumped out of the stone, but he wanted to pursue his past life. He also asked the Buddha, but the Buddha never answered him.

The mirror slowly turned around, and Sun Wukong was unprecedentedly serious. He carefully looked at the mirror of the reincarnation mirror, a pair of flaming eyes, as if he wanted to see through the mirror.

There was a chaos in the mirror, and then, the mist was surging, and there was a huge shock. A towering black ape monkey was hammering his chest, roaring angrily in the sky, as if he had hatred against the sky.

The mountain, the foot of the mountain, the small town, and the black-haired ape monkey's tyrannical vent of anger, immediately destroyed the small town.

Sun Wukong stared dumbfounded at this scene, is this his previous life?

Such a big monkey?

Bajie and Sha Monk were also staring at them. It turned out that their monkey brother's previous life was so terrible and brutal.

At this time, from the town, two figures flew out, far away, unclear, but faintly, the two figures made people feel a bit familiar.

Familiar, of course familiar.

That is Su Hang and Mido. In this scene, they are still fresh in their memories. When they met the demon in the town that day, even Jiang Li Naxi was frightened and fled. Not much better.

"this is me?"

Sun Wukong's head almost went to the mirror, and the whole person was very excited, but the picture quickly recovered from chaos, and what appeared to everyone was just a mist.

Su Hang and Mi Tuo looked at each other for a while, and they didn't speak. Obviously, they all knew that this mirror reflected Sun Wukong's previous life, and there was no slight deviation.

"Only in the picture, is the deity and the Buddha Amitabha?" Sun Wukong suddenly looked back to Suhang.

It must be said that Sun Wukong's flaming eyes were really sharp, and the flash of the picture was captured by him. Su Hang couldn't hide it, so he nodded.

"Who am I?" Su Hang acknowledged that Sun Wukong was a little excited, and immediately grabbed Su Hang's hands, "God, who am I?"

Su Hang was shaken, "This is not important, the important thing is that you are Sun Wukong now."

" I want to know who I am, everyone else thinks I jumped out of a rock, I want to know where I come from, who I am, the black ape in the picture just now, but I The previous life?" Sun Wukong said excitedly.

Su Hang looked at Mido, "Let Master Mido answer it for you, uh, or, ask the sand monk, he should be clear."

Sun Wukong looked back at the monk Sha.

The monk Sha was sullen, facing Sun Wukong's sharp eyes, and quickly shook his head, "Brother, I don't know."

Monk Sha is very honest. He never tells lies. He said he didn't know. That must be unknown.

Sun Wukong looked back to Suhang again.

Su Hang slapped his head, "I forgot, the sand monk has forgotten the past life, there is no memory of the past life."

At that time, the predecessor of the sand monk Molong King, who had been ordered by Mita to protect Huaguo Mountain, should be clear about the origin of Sun Wukong. It is a pity that Molong was transformed into a sand monk and he forgot his past. Let him remember his past life, so now he really knows nothing. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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