Super Study God

Chapter 831: Cowboys engaged in live broadcasting!

The cattle-raising youth buried his head, and the whip was set aside by him. In his hand, he held a mobile phone abruptly. When he looked closely, a star-shaped pattern was stuck on the back of the mobile phone.

Before Su Hang asked, Hongjun said, "This is a small village 2,700 years ago from Panwangxing. His name is Sun Shouyi, and he lost his parents in his childhood. He was a companion, and everyone in the village called him a cowboy. "


Su Hang’s eyes almost fell out. This name wouldn’t be the cowboy of the cowherd and the girl weaver?

Hong Jun didn’t answer, obviously it was the default. “He was a honest and honest child. He should have spent his life in an ordinary way, but he was deflected by that thing and embarked on the road of monasticism. The merits, the things attached to it, even if it is just a stone, will gain beyond the imagination,..."

"What capabilities does the phone have? What is he playing with?"

Su Hang looked at the picture in the sea of ​​clouds and could only see Niu Lang playing his cell phone with his head buried there, but he didn't know what he was playing.


Hongjun spit out two words.


Su Hang's ears were raised, and she didn't quite believe her ears.

Hong Jun said, "There is a live broadcast software in the phone, which is integrated with the fragments of the chemical beads. This kid can not only peep into the daily life of the gods and gods through the live broadcast software, peep into privacy and practice skills, but also engage in live broadcast by himself. It’s a different number to gather merits. If he continues to do so, his original history will be chaotic."

"I wipe, talent..."

Su Hang listened to Hong Jun's words and was shocked to speak.

This is all right. The three views of the Soviet Airways have been subverted.

"You don't care?" Su Hang asked.

This is a big problem. The legendary cowboy is just a young man with a solid heart. If he is allowed to grow up with merit, the legendary eight achievements will change.

Hongjun shook his head, "Why don't I want to control, but there is no way, as long as I approach, it feels my existence, 80% have to run again, and then it will take some effort to inquire about its whereabouts, and it will last forever , Always an endless loop."

Su Hang is also a little dignified, which can make Hong Jun have such a headache. The debris of the chemical beads can be really not small.

"What do you want me to do?" Su Hang said to Hongjun.

Hongjun said, "I can break through time and space and send you over. Your skill is low. Be careful. It should not be suspicious."

"And then?" Su Hang then asked.

Hongjun pointed to the cowboy in the picture and said, "Find a way to approach him and cheat the phone. I will take you back in time."


Su Hang was a little surprised. He could actually get the word cheat out of Hong Jun's mouth. It seems that he hasn't done a lot of deception in this 100,000 years.

Hongjun nodded without blushing, "The phone has already recognized Niulang as the dominant player. Unless Niulang actively gives it to you, even if you rob it, you will still use it. You can only think of a way to cheat him. If you swindle your phone, everything will be fine."

Su Hang hesitated, how could it feel that Hong Jun was digging a hole to jump in?

"If I promised you, how would you thank me?" Su Hang asked.

You can't help yourself when you are busy.

Hong Jun looked at Su Hang eccentrically, "I will help you to give the Eight Rings a bad edge, and then help him find Chang'e, is that enough?"

"What a joke? Isn't it the bastard's sin fate? You call it the dead sheep to make up for the mistakes. Um, you don't say this, I almost forgot, my relationship with Xueer, but also The thread you are pulling?" Su Hang looked at Hong Jun with a bad intention. If he dared to nod, he would have to pull him a beard down if he tried hard today.

"The conscience of heaven and earth." Hong Jun smiled bitterly, "Although I can control the marriage, but the marriage of all living beings is born, you don't want to think about it. If everyone's red line is led by me, I will be billion. My avatar is too busy, don't you give me exhaustion? Besides, when you and Ao Xuemai were born, I was just a broken robot."

After listening to Hongjun's words, Su Hang thought about it for quite a while, and it didn't make too much investigation now.

"Anyway, it's okay to ask me to help you and give some benefits." Su Hangdao.

Hongjun's face is big and he is still thinking about benefiting from his own little shrimp. This time Su Hang thought he had caught the opportunity and naturally wanted Hongjun to bleed.

Hong Jun thought for a while and said, "So, I will give you a marriage line. With it, you can bind yourself or someone else."

"What's the use of that thing?" Su Hang didn't seem to be interested.

Hongjun smiled, "You can't look down on it, its usefulness is getting bigger, no matter whether it is used on one's own body or on other people, there will be an extraordinarily well-made marriage, Bajie that little Guy, isn't it affectionate to Chang'e, you take this red thread to tie them up, hehe, they won't be able to dismantle them when the sky sinks."

Su Hang thinks about the fact that the marriage line connects the marriage, and listening to Hongjun said that it really has some magical effects.

"Too few, I want a dozen." Su Hang directly opened the lion.

Hongjun's face shook, and the kid was really willing to talk, if it was a dozen, it should be known that the marriage line is used indiscriminately, but the marriage spectrum is reversed, this thing is messed up, Hongjun still has the energy to talk To fill in the blanks and patch up, I really need to send a dozen out, twelve marriages, but how much effort it takes to wipe the ass.

"No, at most one." Hong Jun waved his hand and refused flatly.

"Ten roots!"

"No, just one!"


"Well, at most give you two."

"Six roots!"


The two of them bargained. At the end, Hongjun only promised to succeed, and gave Suhang three marriage Suhang feared that he would regret it. He first asked for one, which was equivalent to a deposit.

A red line, two feet long, is different from the red line I saw before. This red line is not nothingness in the hands of Su Hang, but an entity, which can be stretched and shortened by the intention of Su Hang, that is to say, Su Hang can use it , Wherever you want to be tied.

It has to be said that it is really strenuous to talk about business with Hongjun. Fortunately, Su Hang is wise enough to bid high enough from the beginning. Although it retreated from time to time, it also got three marriage lines.

"Okay, I hope you can talk."

Su Hang finally accepted Hong Jun's request, first put the red line away, and turned his eyes to the picture between the clouds.


Suhang didn't react, Hongjun grabbed Suhang's shoulder and pushed Suhang down the cliff.


In an instant, Su Hang did not have time to call, so he crashed into the picture. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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