Super Study God

Chapter 832: I am a water friend!

Hongjun's mouth curled with a smile, "Don't let me down."



Earth, two thousand seven hundred years ago, East Zhou, Nanyang Sanglin, Sun Yizhuang.

The sun slowly disappeared from the distant mountain peak, leaving an afterglow shining all over the world, reflecting the western half of the sky.

On the hillside, the cows are eating grass, and the young man is sitting on the hillside, with a grass in his mouth, playing a melodious song, like a bird song in the mountains, very beautiful.

"Thank you, thank you for the five "good box" sent by "Taibai Little Star"..."

"I think Brother Niu blows nicely, the gift goes a wave..."

"Thank you, thank you everyone for your gift?"

"Ah? Let a cow help you?"


After blowing a song, the young man looked at the screen of the mobile phone and seemed to be interacting with someone. "Okay, I will broadcast it here today. It will start at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. I will go to Lotus Pool to help my big brother catch fish. There is water nearby. If you are friends, you can come to sniper..."

Niulang nodded his cell phone, turned off the live broadcast, and had a satisfied smile on his face. The harvest today was really good. Five or six merit boxes should be enough to raise his skills to the realm of martial arts?

"I wipe, is this too advanced?"

Suddenly a voice came from behind. The Cowherd jumped and turned sharply. He suddenly became alert. There was a young man standing behind him, not knowing how long he had stood.

"who are you?"

Niu Lang frowned, his cell phone was in his pocket, and stood up to watch Su Hang, his face full of precautions.


The person came with a laugh and quickly waved his hand, "Don't get me wrong, water friends, water friends."

This person is Su Hang, who was just sent here by Hong Jun, and found the Cowherd in a short while. Unfortunately, the Cowherd has been shut down and he hasn't had time to read it.

"Water Friends?"

Niu Lang looked at Su Hang up and down. When Su Hang said that he was a friend of water, his attitude immediately changed, and he had a simple smile on his face.

Niu Lang still learned the name "Shuiyou" from this phone. If he is not a real Shuiyou, he will definitely not know this name. Since the people in front of him claim to have Shuiyou, they must have watched his live broadcast.

"Haha, this big brother, wouldn't you come to snipe me? How do you call it?"

Niu Lang seems to be very happy. He hasn't played live for a long time, and there are not many fans. This is the first time that some water friends have come to the door to snipe. Moreover, seeing that this man is well-dressed, there must be a lot of oil and water.

"He is also from Nanyang in the lower Suzhou Airlines. He came here specifically this afternoon." With a smile on his face, Su Hang arched his hand at Niu Lang. "What should I call you? Niu Lang?"

Niu Lang scratched his head and smiled, "My name is Sun Shouyi, everyone else calls me Niu Lang, Brother Su, whatever you call it."

"That's called Cowboy."

Su Hang smiled, the first impression this baby gave him was pretty good, "Does your family live nearby?"

But there is something in it, and it is clear that I want to go to your house.

Niulang didn't think anything. Since it was a water friend, of course, it is polite to take home to sit down. After all, the tradition of Huaxia from ancient times is very hospitable.

"My house is not far away. If Brother Su doesn't dislike it, go to my house for a night and let me do all the friendship of the landlord." Niu Lang said immediately.

No precautions, um, there is a rescue.

Su Hang secretly said in his heart that when the Cowherd brought the old cow, he followed the Cowherd down the mountain and entered the village.


There are dozens of families in the village, and the houses are very dilapidated, many of which are thatched wooden houses. It can be seen how poor the villagers are, and occasionally some villagers are mostly burlap and ragged.

The cowboy was very popular in the village. The villagers greeted each other when they met, but almost all of them turned back because of Su Hang. One was because of their strange faces, and the other was because Su Hang was dressed brightly.

Village head, a broken house.

I said it was a broken house, and I really lifted it up a bit. Thatched roof, with wind on all sides, old wooden boards separated by a wooden door, and it was just a decoration.

Next to it, a thatched cowshed with a lot of hay piled in the shed.

There is a fence around the periphery to form a small courtyard, barely, here can be regarded as a place to live.

The cowboy bolted the old oxen into the cowshed, and then introduced Suhang into the house.

What is poverty, Su Hang is now fully aware of it.

The house is very simple, a few stones in the corner frame a broken cauldron, I think it is the pot of the Niulang's house, there are some daily necessities such as firewood, bowls and pots piled on the side, and some animal fur and Half-dried hare.

In addition, there was only one crumbling bed. Su Hang looked around. The only valuable thing in this family was the old yellow ox in the cowshed outside.

The wall must be leaking. If it rains, the roof might leak.

Su Hang was born poor, and he used to live a hard life as a child, but at this time, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

"Cowboy." For a long time, Suhang finally couldn't help but open his mouth.

Niu Lang found a wooden stake to make Su Hang a stool. Hearing Su Hang calling him, he looked up at Su Hang, "Brother Su, what's the matter?"

"You really are..." Su Hang held back for a long time, and didn't know how to describe it. "You are really, so poor."


The cowherd stumbled and almost fell down.

"Let Brother Su laughed."

Niulang laughed a little, let Su Hang sit down, set fire to himself, boiled a pot of scum, and cooked the half of the rabbit together.

Entertaining water friends is certainly not sloppy. Besides, this water friend looks quite generous, Niu Lang thought to this.

Su Hang looked at Niu Lang's serious look beside This young man is really good. Think about the purpose of his trip, to deceive people's mobile phones, and have a little guilt.

"Cowboy, do you live alone?" Su Hang looked at the situation in the house, and he should have only lived alone.

Niu Lang nodded. "Now I live alone. Before, I lived with my elder brother. Later, when the elder brother married his wife, I moved out."

Su Hang looked at the cowboy strangely, "Move out? Won't it be driven out?"

For the story of Niu Lang, Su Hang also heard about it, remembering that there seemed to be someone who didn't want to see his brother-in-law.

Niu Lang smiled a little awkwardly.

"I don't blame my brother. We didn't have parents since we were young. My brother pulled me up. My brother is actually very good to me, just..." Niu Lang was a little speechless.

"It's just that your sister-in-law is not good to you?" Su Hang helped him say something he didn't say.

Niu Langgan smiled, apparently defaulting on Su Hang's words. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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