Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 138: The unshakable jiao law

"Ding! Be careful, the host, there is still one minute left to maintain the power of blood!"

When the sound of the evolution system's prompt sounded in his mind, especially when he felt the condensing range of the air wall around his body became smaller and smaller, Li Yaodao knew that he could not delay like this any longer!


At this time, the situation was so severe that he could no longer allow him to think about it. Li Yaodao could only use the most primitive and most effective method, which was to use a hard head to violently hit the shrinking position of the sky.

The vigorous blue and white spiritual power wave attached to a point of the snake's head, Li Yaodao's gums clenched, and with the blessing of the blood, the contraction of the heavenly position was indeed delayed.

In fact, the previous evolution system also explained the power of blood in Li Yaodao's body. On the one hand, it was activated by the blood of the devil dragon. In fact, this special power has a domineering name.

Rage of blood!

This was also only when Li Yaodao reached the Spirit Profound Realm, that the power of his bloodline was the violent power obtained by stimulating his own blood to boil and evaporating the power of the bloodline.

Seeing the phantom of the demon dragon behind Li Yaodao appeared, the guardian who saw this scene for the first time murmured, and suddenly said: "It turns out to be like this... I understand why I am so curious about you."

"It turns out that your body has the power of the ancient dragon's bloodline that is more precious than the black skylight beast. It's a great achievement from heaven, ha ha!"

Li Yaodao ignored the other party's words and still desperately wanted to break through the opponent's position. At this time, a faint blood stain appeared on his head, but he knew that he would never give up!

After the spiritual power level has been improved, the blood raging he has released is now comparable to the invincible nature, and can even break the wrist with the weaker Immortal Ascension realm.

But it is a pity that what Li Yaodao has to face this time is the protection law that is not inferior to the earth dragon bear!

The Jie protector is like a vast sea, no matter how hard he tries, he can hardly shake the slightest...

"Hehe, do you really think that with your proud blood, you can break through the blockade of this guardian?"

Jie Protector smiled disdainfully, his right hand suddenly clenched his fist, and sneered, "Let you see how big the gap between the Heavenly Transcendent Realm and the Spirit Profound Realm is!"

In an instant, the huge sky-reaching spiritual power instantly diffused above the sky-reaching position, and the sky-reaching position suddenly shrank violently, slamming Li Yaodao in all directions.


The phantom of the demon dragon of the gods was isolated and helpless in this heavenly position, instantly annihilated like broken glass, and Li Yaodao was also impacted by the position that was suddenly flanked and spewed blood.

This time, directly beat his blood violent back to its original form!

In the face of absolute strength, Li Yaodao finally understood how small he was, even if the strongest trump card was pressed, it was still of no avail.

Perhaps in the eyes of the magician, his hole cards are absolutely powerful, but in front of the Jie Protector, they appear so fragile!

At this moment, Li Yaodao was unable to move under the attack of the all-around position, and the all-around position continued to squeeze him, making his body painful. The snake scales with spiritual energy gradually appeared blood stains, and the blood dripped down.

A lot of his own blood has evaporated from the start of Blood Rage before, and coupled with the bleeding from the trauma now, the snake face of Li Yaodao becomes paler and weaker, as if it has become worse!

But even so, he clenched his gums, his eyes were full of perseverance and uncompromising stubbornness, and even a flash of scarlet killing intent!

However, judging from the current situation, Li Yaodao knows that he is in a desperate situation. This time, unlike the previous desperate situation, he may be really powerless...

"Hehe, I like your expression just like those guys who were killed by the guardian before."

The Jie protector slowly stepped into the air, approached Li Yaodao's body, and sneered: "Full of unwillingness and anger, but you are better than those who died in the hands of this protector, because you are not afraid. It surprised me."


Li Yaodao snorted coldly. His eyes were shining with red and gold lustre, staring at the jade protector, ignoring the blood from the corners of his mouth, and sneered: "You better kill me now, otherwise you will regret it. of!"

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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