Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 139: Earth Dragon Bear Reappears

Hearing what Li Yaodao said, the Jie Protector was also stunned by the oppressive eyes of the other party. He dismissed it and stretched out his hand to grab it.

I saw Li Yaodao's body soaring into the air uncontrollably, and was immediately clamped to the seven-inch position by the Jie Protector. Although breathing was a bit difficult, he did not show any fear from beginning to end.

On the contrary, as long as there is a chance, he will instantly counterattack, his eyes are Mori!

"Haha, even though you are not the strongest in my opponent's career, you are indeed the hardest. This momentum makes even the guardian a little moved."

The Jie Protector shook his head slightly, clamped the seven-inch of Li Yaodao with his right hand, and gradually used force, and said with a grin: "It's a pity that this world can't just rely on a hard mouth to walk the world!"


As it gradually became difficult to breathe, Li Yaodao's face, which had been pale and weak due to a large amount of blood loss, gradually rose to a touch of redness.

He was controlled by a powerful spiritual force, unable to enlarge the size of the deity, but he did not choose to give up, but at the right time, he shook the snake body and entangled the opponent's waist.

Li Yaodao preemptively tightened his body at this moment, and immediately opened his big mouth and bit on the wrist of Jieda. However, the opponent's body was too strong, and the surface of his skin was covered with heavenly spiritual power. Can't bite!

"Huh, overwhelming!" The Jie Protector just snorted in disgust, and the whole body burst out with a powerful spiritual impact, and the snake's tail wrapped around his body was blown off directly, and then he slammed his right hand and slammed the Li Yaodao hard against him. On the cliff.


The powerful spiritual impact inertia, coupled with the hardness of the cliff, caused Li Yaodao’s collision to spurt blood again. His consciousness became weaker and weaker. As his body fell to the ground, he watched as he was standing in the air not far away. My heart is slightly bitter.

It seems that I have tried my best to the end...

At that time, the law of protection was to shake his sleeves in disgust, and immediately stretched out his big hand to urge the majestic power of the sky to condense a big palm in the sky, his voice disdainfully cold.

"I wanted to save your life and ask about the whereabouts of the black skylight. Since you choose to die, you will be destroyed first, and then your demon soul will be dissected!"

Seeing the big palm of Senbai suddenly appearing in the sky slowly suppressed, Li Yao's knife was lying on the ground, no longer able to fight back, he smiled bitterly.

It seems that this time I really want to say goodbye to the world...

Not reconciled, I haven't got the transformation grass yet, haven't gone to the human world...

Especially when I thought of the two indelible beautiful shadows in my heart about to leave completely, it made Li Yaodao feel sorry.

But this time, what he is facing is the Guardian of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm. The ending can be said to be no suspense...

"Haha, gave up?" Seeing Li Yaodao buried his head in the curled up snake body, the guardian sneered, "In the next life, be a smart beast."

Seeing that Sen Bai's big hand was about to suppress Li Yaodao, the space of heaven and earth was trembling, as if mourning.

Li Yaodao finally closed his eyes calmly, as if waiting for the last moment of the end!

"Brother Dao!"

At such a moment of desperation, a somewhat anxious roar came from the forest and instantly passed into Li Yaodao's ears. He opened his eyes and listened to the familiar low roar, and he was stunned. ..

In the next second, I saw a majestic beast shadow descending from the sky, with a body similar to a cliff protecting Li Yaodao behind him. Following the roar of the beast shaking from the sky and the earth, it swung a punch to gather the power of the sky and suppressed the sky. Senbai's big hand shakes the front hard!

At this moment, the shadow of the fist and the handprint strangled and collided, and the aftermath of the riot broke the lush woods in an instant, and the scene was in a mess.

Seeing that his skills were broken, the guardian's eyes flashed with a fierce light hidden under the purple mask. He, who had always been calm and calm, finally yelled: "Earth Dragon Bear! How dare you break the good deeds of the guardian!" "

"You can't die?!"

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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