Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 162: Accelerated heartbeat

"Dirty ants, get off my back!"

The ice crystal pterosaur roared when it heard the words, it kept tossing the dragon body, unfolding with various difficult and tricky impact movements, trying to throw Li Yaodao and Hongmei out.

Li Yaodao hugged the red **** her shoulder tightly with one hand, and tightly held the long handle of the cone with the other hand, and sneered: "I can't get rid of the little master, I am angry with you, and you are angry!"

"Ah! I'm so angry!" I saw the ice crystal pterosaur roaring again and again, it suddenly flew to the sky, and soon rushed out of the dragon pit, flying to the sky.

When it flies to a certain height, it no longer shakes the dragon's wings, but its body falls vertically, and its speed becomes more fierce!

Li Yaodao was unable to open his eyes by the fierce roaring wind. He opened a gap and looked at the top of the blue crystal that gradually enlarged below. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he immediately shouted at the red girl: "This animal thinks Drop us to death!"

Hong Mei couldn't hear anything. Due to her rapid and super weightless inertia, she now looked like a helpless little girl, holding Li Yaodao's waist tightly.

"This damn..." Li Yaodao gritted his teeth and watched the ice crystal pterosaur lead them down together. Knowing that he couldn't delay any longer, he suddenly drew out the cone hammer and waved it towards the sky, using the power of the spiritual weapon to attack and swept again. sky.


The ice crystal pterosaur felt the opponent's departure. It suddenly turned around, and the dragon's wings patted again, as if it expected the opponent to be like this, it exhaled a fierce blue crystal breath in its mouth, trying to seal Li Yaodao and Hongmei in ice. Lan Jingzhong.

"Don't move, I'll come!" At this critical moment, Hong Sister suddenly stretched out her small hand to hold Li Yaodao's hand that was held in the cone hammering. Accompanied by the vigorous spiritual power at the peak of the Sky Void Realm, she cone hammered blood powder. The light shines.


I saw the light of blood powder instantly cast into a barrier, and then violently collided with the blue crystal breath that struck from the sky, and the aftermath of the impact was like ten thousand horses galloping and powerful!

Facing the aftermath of the shock from the backlash, the ice crystal pterosaur, which was already a little weak, had to give up the idea of ​​chasing the two Li Yaodao and finally hid in the dragon pit.

However, Li Yaodao and Hongmei were raised hundreds of feet high by this aftermath. The two figures drew two beautiful arcs in the sky, and finally began to fall downward.

While Hongmei was falling, watching the last sunset and evening clouds of the sunset, such a beautiful day, she suddenly felt calm in her heart.

Suddenly, a hand appeared next to her. The girl looked along this hand and saw that Li Yaodao, who was also falling, was stretching her hand towards her. Gradually, the red girl's pretty lips lifted slightly, and she stretched out her hand to hold it. To each other.

"That I said... Li Yaodao!" the girl suddenly shouted.

"What?" Due to the swiftness of the fall, Li Yaodao did not hear clearly and shouted, "What did you say?!"

The next moment, Hong Mei took a deep breath. The pretty face flushed, ignoring her accelerated heartbeat, as if she had exhausted all her strength, and shouted: "I said! Li Yaodao, I like you!"

"I like you the most!"

However, Li Yaodao only heard the harsh wind whistling in his ears. He only vaguely saw the movements of the girl's lips and teeth, but he didn't know what the other party was saying, and immediately shouted: "I can't hear you! You say it again!"

"Hahaha... it doesn't matter!" Seeing Hongmei laughing freely, she followed Li Yaodao's arms, and immediately wrapped her slender arms around the other's neck. The silver bell-like laughter seemed to spread. All over the air.

In the sky above the evening sun, two young figures were seen, under the flicker of profound light, swept toward the sky like meteors and the moon...

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