When Hongmei opened her eyes, she felt like she was in a burst of cotton when she was landing just now...

She stared around, but found the Xuanguang snake body sitting under her, her pretty face slightly startled.

I saw that Li Yaodao, who had restored the form of a mysterious snake, was holding the snake's head and looking at Sister Hong. Seeing that the other party was not harmed, he spit out a snake letter and said, "It seems that you should be fine."

After hearing this, Hong Mei's pretty face climbed into a trace of blush, she gently raised her hand and stroked Li Yaodao's big snake head, and smiled and said: "It seems that you were a cushion just now. You are quite a human gentleman."

Li Yaodao spit out a snake letter and grinned, "It is Li Yaodao's responsibility and obligation to protect beautiful girls!"

Hearing this, Hong Mei's blushing even worse, she couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering, and immediately got up and left Li Yaodao's snake body, her voice was obviously much softer than before.

"Then thank you very much, gentleman demon sword."

Seeing Hongmei leaving her snake body area, Li Yaodao turned the snake body a few times, and the mysterious light shone out from between the scales again. He was restored to his figure, still with black pupils, black hair and a long black trench coat.

When Hongmei looked at the humanoid Li Yaodao again, thinking of the words she had said in the air before, she couldn't help turning around and pretending to look around. Her voice was soft and soft, with a little bit less heroic and lively. Like a little girl.

"I haven't fully recovered yet. It is estimated that I will not be able to take you away from here until tomorrow morning, so I am not sure where we are currently."

Fortunately, it was nightfall now, and she couldn't see her blushing color.

Hearing that, Li Yaodao also stretched out the human body on his own. He also looked around subconsciously, without realizing the change in Red Girl's speech, and said: "It's okay. I'll stay vigil tonight. You have a good rest."

He had never confronted the Ice Crystal Pterosaur before, except that when he and Hong Sister fell, he transformed into the deity as a mat, with a scaled armor on his body, which would not do any harm at all, so he took the initiative to assume the vigil. Work is also normal.

After all, it was Hongmei who was injured, and she needs to take good care of her state to return to its peak.

Hong Sister turned and looked at the black-clothed boy not far away. Although the slender figure was thin, she had an indescribable sense of security. She smiled and said, "Then I will leave it to you tonight."

"Don't worry." Li Yaodao smiled and nodded, looking at the dark area surrounded by scorched earth, feeling the somewhat high temperature here, and suddenly there was a strange feeling in his heart.

"Strange, why does it feel a little hot here?"

"Maybe because of the geomorphology." Hongmei found a standing dead tree on the **** and sat leaning against it, feeling the faint temperature from the scorched earth under her body, and thinking: "Hey, it's a bit hot. feel..."

Li Yaodao didn't get entangled with the matter, so he took the opportunity to stand and lean on the other side of the dead tree pole, and he took out the jade pendant.

After all, this jade pendant saved his life again!

Looking at the surface of the brilliant jade pendant, there was a tiny crack. Although it was not big, it was very clear. This made Li Yaodao look a little surprised. He looked at this magic jade pendant carefully and couldn't help communicating with the system. stand up.

"System, what's the matter with the crack on this jade pendant?"

"Ding! Although this jade pendant can help the host resist absolute damage, it has a limit on the number of times. When the jade pendant is completely broken and destroyed, it is also when it runs out."

Listening to the system's answer, Li Yaodao felt inwardly, looking at the jade pendant, couldn't help but smile silently, expressing his understanding.

After all, these powerful tools that can withstand absolute damage, if there are no weaknesses, wouldn't they be called divine tools?

"It seems that I have to pay attention to the number of uses in the future. If it is not a last resort, I must not use it again..." Li Yaodao whispered, and then retracted the jade pendant into the storage space.

Under the quiet night sky, Li Yaodao also sat down with his back against the stem of the dead tree, closing his eyes to feel this special tranquility.

Thinking back to the various things in the previous period, since Long Yiwu's silent farewell, Li Yaodao realized that it seemed that he had not had such a quiet rest for a long time.

At that time, Hong Mei looked up at the starry sky and smiled: "Hey, can I call you Brother Dao?"

Li Yaodao turned his head to look at the other party, and said with a smile: "Why suddenly want to ask? You don't realize that I am taking advantage of you?"

"It just feels like this is called Shunzui." Hong Sister shook her head slightly, and she took a deep breath, as if she had gathered courage, and whispered: "Brother Dao, come closer."


Li Yaodao was a little unclear about the reason, but he took the initiative to move his body to the same direction as Hongmei.

"Come closer..."

"Come here a little bit...Oh, forget it!"

Seeing that the other party was really rubbing here little by little, she was speechless, and after cursing the wood in her heart, she simply leaned forward, stretched out two slender arms, and embraced one of Li Yaodao's arms. In the arms.

"You are..." Li Yaodao was stunned by the opponent's operation. This black lamp was blind, a man and a woman getting along so close.

Although Hong Sister is also a demon, but at the moment they are all human forms, which is somewhat inexplicable...

"Little shit, I'm saving me before thanking you. I don't like to owe favors." Hong Mei snorted with her eyes closed, her expression proud.

"Oh..." Li Yaodao heard the words and did not think much, so he closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, but in his heart he was very alert to the movements within a kilometer of the other party.

Seeing that the other party hadn't moved for a long time, Hong Sister quietly shook Li Yaodao's hand, her pretty face flushed, and she couldn't help but said softly: "Your palm is actually hot, but as a monster, we should all be cold-blooded. Yeah."

Li Yaodao felt the cold little hand in the palm of his hand. The first time he had such close contact with the girl like this, he was also a little at a loss. He coughed and said, "But... maybe because I'm warmhearted."


Hong Sister was amused and laughed again and again, "Haha, and you are so proud of yourself, you are really the best among the monsters!"

"Oh, I thank you!" Li Yaodao glanced at the other party, and said in a bad mood: "The first time you are a demon, how much experience is lacking in shortcomings?"

"Yes, you are Brother Dao, you have the final say, hahaha..." Hong Mei smiled jokingly.

Before she knew it, she squeezed Li Yaodao's hand slightly and felt the temperature of the other's palm. Finally, she slowly closed her eyes and whispered: "I sleep lightly. If you dare to do strange things, I will kick you!"

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