Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 333: Treasure fight, start

At this moment, Li Yaodao touched the hilt behind him and looked at the vigilant crowd around him. Coupled with the passage of time, there were figures rushing in and his complexion became serious.

"Two of you, get ready, there is going to be a **** storm here soon."

The two women were startled when they heard the words, and immediately looked around, feeling the thick and ready-to-go killing intent, and immediately looked at the surroundings in a triangle to prevent someone from secretly attacking.

"Xiao Hei, you will protect Yaoyao!" Li Yaodao said solemnly.

"Don't worry about Brother Dao, as long as I'm here, no one can touch her." Xiao Hei promised, patting his chest.

"Then what do you do?" Zhou Yaoyao asked with a bit of a bit of her teeth, looking at Li Yaodao with some worry.

Li Yaodao shook his head slightly and said, "One more thing, Xiao Hei, if I don't let you move your blood, you can't move, is it clear?"

Xiao Hei looked at the forward with some surprise, and still chose to nod obediently, and said, "Don't worry, Brother Dao, you let me drive, I'll drive again."

Li Yaodao nodded slightly, and after explaining these things, it was a little easier. Xiao Hei was the strongest trump card they had hidden here. It was not a last resort and absolutely could not be used.

Staring at the fading mask of the treasure ahead, Li Yaodao's eyes also flashed a bit fiercely.

The best way for the sky cluster cloud to quickly upgrade is to use it to absorb the spirits of other earth-patterned artifacts, and even the spirits of the sky-patterned artifacts. This is the only way to quickly increase the level of the treasure.

Li Yaodao looked around, and asked quietly in his heart: "System, do you predict how many treasures Tian Cong Yun needs to swallow before he can rise to the upper-class Geotextile?"

"Ding! The host only needs to devour a super high-grade one, but if you want to upgrade from a high-grade ground pattern device to a super high-grade one, you need a sky pattern device or ten super high-grade ground pattern devices. "

Hearing this, Li Yaodao nodded slightly, and he knew that this kind of growth-type treasure is not as simple to upgrade.

At this time, everyone was vigilant and stared at the mask with greed and fanaticism. Everyone was not stupid, knowing that it was definitely a treasure, even the four great geniuses. Faintly tempted.

"This light mask, it seems that it will take some time to wait for it to die." Zhou Jin was slow from beginning to end, as if in no rush.

"Now there are eight hours, can this mask work?" Wang Ling, as a typical irritable temper, cursed with a burning spear.


In an instant, Lin Tianji, who was in a blue shirt, looked exceptionally calm from beginning to end. At this moment, the golden phoenix in his hand was surging, while the blue light filled his hands, a sharp blue scaled sword was held in his hand, and the space around him was faintly visible. Shocked and became slightly distorted.

"Hehe, did you sacrifice your blue light sword before this started?" Wang Ling raised his eyebrows and looked at the Qingshan youth with a grin.

"Since time is waiting for no one, then split it!"

Lin Tianji's complexion was calm, and the cyan light sword in his right hand was swung, and the traces of the cyan vigorous scenery were gradually condensed in the blade like a whirlpool. The surrounding space was trembling. Many practitioners saw the momentum and then retreated, for fear of being caught Wounded by strong transverse waves.

Li Yaodao looked at the blue light sword in the Qingshan youth's hand and narrowed his eyes.

The fact that a mere high-quality ground pattern device can exert such power is enough to demonstrate the power of Lin Tianji.


With the blue light sword suddenly swung down, the blue light whirlwind sword mark cut down, the weakened light mask must be difficult to resist, and it suddenly exploded, eight treasures flew in response to the light, and everyone swarmed up.

At this time, the battle for treasures began...

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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