As the mask exploded, the radiant treasure blasted out, and in the originally silent hall, vigorous spiritual power burst out almost instantly.

Everyone's eyes reddened greedily at this moment, and their figures jumped into the air, wanting to grab the precious treasure.




The sword and the sword shadow arrogantly abused, the palm wind filled with fierce wind, and soon, the smell of blood spread, and the corpses appeared one after another.

In the whole hall, there is a tragic melee, everyone is fighting for their own, but also for the treasure.

After all, there were dozens of people present, but there were only eight precious treasures, so someone was destined to not get it.

Seeing such a chaotic battle scene, Li Yaodao didn't join for the first time, but watched it coldly.

Zhou Yaoyao didn't move when she saw the former, knowing how many catties she had, so she naturally wouldn't participate. On the other hand, Yaoer was equally smart and didn't show up. She looked at the black-clothed boy with a smile, her charm sounded like a silk.

"Brother Demon Blade, why don't you worry, there are only eight treasures."

Hearing that, Li Yaodao grinned and said, "I don't want to be a working employee, just wait."

After all, the scene is very chaotic now. Under the violent and wild spiritual impact, there are already corpses lying on the ground one after another. As the corpses, their eyes widened, full of regret and resentment.

These guys are all fallen in the process of becoming the strong, and they are all past, no one will remember.

The eight treasures have been floating in the mid-air of the main hall since they were shot out of the light shield. Their positions are not fixed, and they are running around in a mischievous manner, which has secretly annoyed many cultivators.

They couldn't keep up with the shuttle speed of the treasure, the latter's flashing was definitely much faster.

"Haha, I caught it!" The next moment, during the fight, a burly figure holding an axe grabbed a golden treasure, and his greedy eyes suddenly became hot.


But the next second didn't wait for him to be excited, the arm holding the treasure, suddenly separated under his horrified gaze.

The burly figure with the broken arm suddenly screamed heartily. Before he could see the figure cutting his arm clearly, a blue light flashed, and his head flew up and fell to the ground in panic.

After Li Yaodao saw the green light figure that he shot, his eyes narrowed slightly. It turned out that the man who did it was Lin Tianji, who had opened the mask with a sword before.

I saw Lin Tianji standing proudly in a blue shirt. He stepped on the cyclone that had externalized his spiritual power and could stay in mid-air for a short time. He threw away the broken hand and smashed the golden treasure to pieces. Inside were the scars of red gold. Long sword.

Seeing that the winner of the first treasure turned out to be a genius from the Central Capital Lin family, other practitioners who killed the red eye naturally did not dare to compete with them, joking, and they could use the spiritual power of the Sky Profound Realm. Fang, just this point is incomparable, how can we fight?

Unless anyone thinks that his life is too long, he will fight for his head, but the final result is death!

"Good sword!" The corner of Lin Tianji's mouth slightly lifted, before he put the scarlet gold sword into the storage space, and then turned his head slightly to look at the other three geniuses, his voice faint.

"Everyone, Lin has what he needs, so he won't accompany him. Take one step now!"

Seeing a flash of blue light, Lin Tianji swept along the hole at the back of the hall, and disappeared in a flash.

"Hey, let's move faster too. We can't let this guy go to the Great Wilderness Gate first." Wang Ling sneered before leaving.

Li Yaodao narrowed his eyes at this moment, knowing that the time had come, and ordered: "Xiao Hei, protect Yaoyao!"

When the words fell, I saw his figure swift and fierce as the wind, joining the battle for the treasure!

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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