Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 799: Toxins are on the top

Lifting Yanyue's wrist gently, Li Yaodao leaned his face up, looking at the somewhat hideous round-hole wound, which at this moment had become a kind of cracked purple wound.

Around this kind of wound, it seemed that there was a lavender air that was accompanied by a toxic, and the entire wound was already purple-black. Just smelling the nauseating smell, Li Yaodao frowned.

He didn't feel sick, but found that the poison in Yanyue's body seemed to have reached a certain critical value, and he had to help her quickly **** out the poison in her body!

"Ahem, come on old iron, you can, Ollie will give it!"

Li Yaodao took a deep breath, then opened his mouth and licked the wound on Yanyue's wrist.

"Hmm..." As if feeling pain, Yanyue's already closed eyes, Liu Mei suddenly stood upside down, but there was no sign of waking up.

This gentle whisper, if heard by the boys in the nuclear academy, it is estimated that they would be as excited as a wolf's cry. I didn't expect that Yanyue's voice could be so soft and pleasant to hear, so exciting.

Listening to the soft murmur that was completely opposite to the usual hot personality, Li Yaodao was almost choked by the toxins, and smiled bitterly: "My aunt, just call it, can you stop being so ecstasy?"

However, Yanyue definitely couldn't hear the other party's voice, she was still in the pain of sleeping.

Unable to spit out such a sentence, Li Yaodao shook his head slightly, and once again dropped his mouth on the wound on the girl's arm. This time, he did not hesitate at all, and directly took a bite!

With such a brutal bite, Li Yaodao clearly felt the toxin in the opponent's body, following the terrible wound into his mouth.

When the toxin entered the first mouth, Li Yaodao did not even react. The purple-black toxin quietly entered the body along the mouth like an air current.

It's as if the mouth is not sucking toxin liquid, but an airflow toxin...

"Cough cough cough..."

Since Li Yaodao's first mouth of toxin was a fierce inhalation, he rolled his eyes instantly, then let go of his mouth, coughed violently, and suddenly felt a warm feeling all over his body.

Li Yaodao rolled his eyes, sat down on the ground, couldn't help but pressed his forehead with his hands, and said disgustingly: "This toxin can't be vomited? This is too **** high!"

Originally, he wanted to spit out the toxins, but he didn't expect that the toxins would not give him this opportunity at all, and would directly enter the stomach in the form of airflow...

The stench of toxins was so foul that he could spit out the barbecue he had eaten last year.

He now feels that there is an invisible force that is impacting his Tianling Gai, very sour and refreshing, very high!

It's like an ordinary person who doesn't care about three or seventy-one, directly swallowing a ball of ice cream into his mouth, and then the feeling of ice-cold impact on Tianling Gai is exactly the same.

"I'll take help people get rid of the poison, and I almost sent myself away..." Li Yaodao stretched out his hand and kneaded his forehead fiercely. When the trend of the toxin hitting the Tianling Gai gradually eased, the teenager's face , This becomes comfortable.

After tut, Li Yaodao suddenly discovered that this monster is very poisonous, it seems that it really does not harm his body, and even the taste is a little sweet later...

Because Yanyue had her eyes closed, her painful expression at this moment was also gradually eased after a soft "um" sound, proving that Li Yaodao's method was effective!

Seeing this, Li Yaodao didn't hesitate too much, and raised Yanyue's arm again, preparing to absorb the toxin a second time.

At the same time, Yanyue, who was originally asleep, slowly opened her eyes at this moment, watching the boy's movements, her pretty face was suddenly stunned...

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