Without hesitating too much, Li Yaodao raised Yanyue's arm again, preparing to absorb the poison for the second time.

After all, detoxification must be a race against time, and every second delay will gradually become less optimistic about the situation in Yanyue's body.

At the same time, Yanyue, who was originally asleep, slowly opened her eyes at this moment, watching the boy's movements, her pretty face was suddenly stunned...

Li Yaodao also didn't expect that this action just lasted halfway, and his mouth was almost touching Yanyue's slender arm, but the other party suddenly woke up.

In the ruined ruin palace, there was only the splash of the bonfire, and the boy and the girl faced each other in silence.

"You...you are awake." Li Yaodao grinned, showing an awkward but polite smile.


Yanyue, who was extremely weak, looked at Li Yaodao's wretched movements and the seemingly wretched smile, the girl immediately exclaimed, withdrew her hand, subconsciously lifted another small hand, and slapped it.


An extremely clear applause resounded through the silent and deserted hall...

Li Yaodao turned his head to the side and his eyes widened. The facial muscles with red handprints were constantly twitching, and suddenly he looked extremely aggrieved.

Yanyue was guarding her mountain pass with her small hands, her weak body moved back lightly, her pretty face was full of shame and looked at the teenager, among the purple pupils, full of anger, she said angrily: "Li Yaodao, I am really I misunderstood you, you are such a person!"

Hearing this, Li Yaodao turned his head, looked at Yanyue with a puzzled look, squeezed his tongue, with a question mark on his face, and said with all doubts: "What am I like this? What are you talking about? Don't move! "

Seeing that the young man was about to come over, Yanyue shook her small hand, but found that she could not use spiritual power at all. He could only use the tiny strength of his body to resist and fight, and screamed: "Don't come over, I am really Regret to believe in you demon."

"You demon race didn't do it well, you are a scum monster, a beast, a hooligan... rascal!"

Facing Yanyue’s resisting angry shouts, Li Yaodao was stunned. With a question mark on his face, he subconsciously pointed at himself and asked: "I am a beast? I am a gangster?"

"Yes! You are a beast, a hooligan!" Yanyue screamed angrily.

"It's in vain to save you like that before, how are you planning to avenge revenge?"

Only then did Li Yaodao realized that the other party had misunderstood him, and immediately hid his face and smiled bitterly, and said: "My grandmother, I am saving you, don't get angry, be careful of toxins that will kill you!"

He clearly felt that the silent poison in Yanyue's body was originally suppressed by the spirit fire. When the girl was excited, there was a clear tendency to rebound, and he immediately stopped it with a loud voice.

"Don't get angry, I'm really helping you detox. I will never think of you wrongly, can you trust me?"

Yanyue was a little excited at this moment. When she thought that the other party's saliva was still on her arm wound, her body was trembling in anger, but because of toxins, her body was extremely weak, and she couldn't use any strength at all.

"Li Yaodao, you dare to belittle me today, I...I will kill myself! Then let my brother kill you!"

Facing Yanyue's nonsensical threat, Li Yaodao couldn't help but roll his eyes. He knew that the explanation was useless, but the main thing was to save the other party first, and then explain later if there was a misunderstanding.

Seeing Li Yaodao calmly approached Yanyue, he immediately clasped his fists and made a deep voice.

"It's offended. If you don't follow it, you have to follow it. I must **** it out today!"

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