Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 823: Something underground

"Just now... did you hear it too, it seems that something is approaching here?"

Li Yaodao stopped abruptly and stretched out his hand to signal Yanyue to stop as well, staring at the already burned ground in front of him, his voice solemn.

He clearly felt it just now, as if there was some shock in the ground under their feet, moving in an extremely secretive way.

Although this kind of shock is extremely subtle, so subtle that even Yanyue hasn't noticed it, he, as a reincarnation for several lifetimes, naturally felt it in his powerful soul.

Of course, he only felt a little bit. If it wasn't for the evolutionary system to remind himself to be careful, he really thought he felt wrong.

"Is there something approaching here?" Yanyue was confused when she heard it. She also followed the boy's gaze and looked towards the ground ahead, but shook her head slightly and said: "I didn't feel anything, you mean there is something, Approaching... us?"

Facing the girlish doubts, Li Yaodao nodded slightly, and his expression was very solemn, without joking at all, and said solemnly: "Be careful, that thing seems to be getting closer and closer to us!"

Looking at the scorched land surface that had been completely burnt by Huang Yan Tian's anger, although it was very peaceful, Li Yaodao could clearly feel that the so-called thing did exist!

Although the tremor on the ground is extremely subtle, it can be said that it is almost impossible to be discovered, but it is a pity that even if it is hidden, it can't escape the visit of the powerful soul Li Yaodao.

What's more, he also has a plug-in evolution system, any danger that comes close will be hidden away!

Yanyue looked at Li Yaodao's serious and solemn appearance, and she didn't know what to say for a moment. She looked around the peaceful land around her and couldn't help asking: "You can't be... really feel wrong, right? "

"I really didn't feel it at all. Except for the two of us who are alive, it seems that there is really nothing around. Are you too nervous?"

As she said, Yanyue stretched out her hand and squeezed Li Yaodao's face, and laughed: "I didn't expect you to be a demon, but you are more cautious than human beings. Relax, or give you a loving hug?"

Li Yaodao couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words. He pulled Yanyue behind him and looked around with dignity. This lasted more than ten seconds, and found that the so-called underground "thing" was so tolerable, and it took so long to pay. Did not appear.

For a while, the two sides seemed to be stronger, Li Yaodao didn't move, and the "things" in the ground didn't seem to move.

Seeing such a serious expression on the young man, Yanyue also knew that the other party was definitely not joking. The laughter gradually faded away. Instead, she stared slightly at the surroundings.

It's just that... within a hundred miles now, there is basically a scorched earth where no grass grows. There is no cover. If there is a sneak attack by a monster, it can only be underground, as Li Yaodao said.

As for a sneak attack by monsters in the sky? The possibility is unlikely, because the deeper the forbidden forest area, the stronger the suppression, the flying spirit wings are here, and it is not useful.

Li Yaodao frowned slightly, and took Yanyue's hand tightly, then turned to look at the girl next to him, sighed, and smiled: "Maybe...I'm really too nervous..."

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