Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 824: The last boss of the wild blood spider forest

When facing the young man, Yanyue rolled her eyes helplessly, and slammed the young man’s shoulder with a small pink fist, humming: "I'll just say it, you must be too nervous, do you need me to hold Give you a hug? Don't worry, don't take advantage of you."

Hearing this, Li Yaodao smiled and shook his head, and immediately rubbed the girl's head. When he was about to speak, the smile on his face suddenly solidified, and the pair of obsidian eyes flashed with a bit of awe.

Seeing the former's expression changed in an instant, Yanyue was also a little confused, just about to speak, but with an exclamation, she was taken into her arms by the teenager.

"Hey, just hug you, do what you do with so much force..." Yanyue curled her lips, but before her words fell, she saw Li Yaodao violently retreat with her in her arms, instantly retreating to a hundred meters away.


At the same time, the ground where Li Yaodao and Yanyue were originally located suddenly cracked, and the cracking speed was much faster than imagined. Everything was like a tornado coming too fast.

Under the broken ground, a black pit suddenly appeared. This black pit was a black hole formed because the ground had been hollowed out.

Facing the huge black pit that suddenly appeared and the cracked ground that continued to spread to the side, Li Yaodao held Yanyue and retreated violently until after a hundred meters away, the two listened.

Yanyue, who was hugged, always subconsciously hugged Li Yaodao’s neck, and in those bright purple eyes, she was also full of amazement. He watched the sudden emergence of the pit and collapsed the earth, and muttered: "It was fine just now. , How can it be said that it is cracked..."

Li Yaodao stared at the huge black pit with cold eyes, and said in a deep voice, "This was dug by that thing. It is estimated that now that guy is in the pit!"

After hearing this, Yanyue's expression was light, she now completely believed in all the predictions made by Li Yaodao, and she discovered that the other party was really saying something.

At the same time, Yanyue suddenly blushed, looking at the hand on her thigh, and then at her slender hand, only to realize that the situation was urgent just now, and Li Yaodao was actually held by the princess. The situation has always held myself like this.

Yanyue, who has never been embraced so intimately, has a pretty face blushing. This is the first time that she has been treated like a princess...

However, Li Yaodao still held Yanyue at this moment, not paying attention to the other side's expression at all, staring at the black pit in front of him, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Um... why don't you let me down first?" Yanyue, with a blushing face, saw that the other party didn't let her down, she coughed lightly, her voice with a tense vibrato.

After all, she was also a girl, and she was treated like this for the first time, even if she had a heroic temperament, she was a little uncomfortable.

"Oh..." Li Yaodao heard the words and gently put the girl down, looking at the huge black pit in the distance, his expression was slightly condensed, and he said solemnly: "Get ready to fight!"

"It is estimated... the last guy who came out is the last boss of this mad blood spider forest!"

Hearing this, Yanyue was stunned, and couldn't help repeating: "The final violence of the mad blood spider forest... violent death?"

"It's the strongest monster in this radius."

It was only then that Li Yaodao realized that the other party did not understand the meaning of BOSS. After a simple explanation, the blue blue mark in his hand was condensed, and the Yaodao Tian Cong Yunning shook hands and made a gesture of drawing the sword...

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