"Hehe, you little guys, it's really a bit uncomfortable."

At such an extremely urgent moment, Li Yaodao and the others were even preparing to have a dead fish with Daogu monsters, and the net broke, and a peaceful laughter slowly sounded from the extremely dark sky.

At the same time, in the originally dark sky, I saw a white light that seemed to purify the heavens and the earth. It directly pierced the black clouds. The light of white clouds shone on the land, making these seven ancient monsters and Li The five demon swords looked at the same time.

When everyone found out, they saw a person and a beast stepping on the void at the same time, appearing in the sky and the earth. The figure was dressed in a white robe, and his complexion was gentle and stable. There was no pressure because it was the core area of ​​the forbidden forest.

The demon beast with antlers stayed quietly next to the white-robed man. Those copper bell-sized eyes stared at the figure below, revealing a touch of kindness.

And when this snow-white elk's gaze fell on the ugly Dao ancient monster below, the eyes flashed with disdain.

"Dean Dean!"

After seeing the person who came, Li Yaodao's five expressions became obviously happy. They never expected that the dean of the nuclear academy would choose to take action to save people.

Especially the brothers and sisters of God Yantian, and sisters of Long Yiwu, the four of them looked at each other a little bit, and their delighted faces were also somewhat surprised.

"What's the situation with the dean of this place? His old man has never cared about the life and death of students, and his old man once said that no matter what it is, he will never help a student who is in danger. Does he have his destiny for life and death? "

Yanyue leaned close to Yan Tianshen and couldn't help but whispered quietly. On the other hand, Yan Tianshen looked at his sister with a slightly frowned brow. In the godless gaze, she seemed to respond to each other.

You ask me, who do I ask?

The head of the ground looked at the intact Li Yaodao among the five figures. In those gentle and steady eyes, he slowly relaxed, and smiled: "Only this time, there won't be such a good thing next time. !"

"Yes, Lord Master!" All five people, including Li Yaodao, clasped fists and saluted.

After all, the dean of the land is one of the deans of the Nuclear Academy, and his strength is second only to the existence of the holy state in the three realms of the supreme. Its own strength and prestige are naturally beyond doubt.

Even after the backgrounds of Yantian, Yanyue, Long Yiwu and Long Erdie are prominent, they have to be obedient.

After all, on the face of it, the nuclear academy is now returning to the dean, but everyone knows that the real superpowers of the nuclear academy will not show up easily.

To be able to become the first ancient super academy in the deserted ancient continent, naturally there are two brushes.

Tianchao Qiong Moose glanced at the owner around him with a squishy mouth, and said silently: "Master, if the son chosen that day would be in danger next time?"

The Dean of the Earth smiled stiffly, and immediately glanced at the monster companions beside him, saying: "These monsters are handed over to you, I will take them back!"

"Slicing you will call me, I tell you, when I break into the Holy Venerable Realm someday, I will beat you first!" Tianchao Qiong Moose also slammed back, even though it was only I complained, because I can’t deal with my master...

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