"Haha, even in the advanced Saint Venerable realm, it would have to be me first." The Dean of Earth seemed to be used to it, and immediately came to Li Yaodao and the others in a vague way of movement.

Looking at Li Yaodao, his face was only slightly pale, and there was no danger to his life. The head of the ground smiled peacefully and shook his head, patted the other person on the shoulder, and smiled and said: "Next time, don't just come here to play, if it's me You are late, you are about to explain here."

However, his next sentence was compressed into a thread and transmitted to Li Yaodao.

"If you have three longs and two shorts today, I won't be able to face that adult. Therefore, as the chosen son, don't play with fire."

Hearing this, Li Yaodao looked slightly startled, and immediately clasped his fists and said solemnly: "Thank you for the dean's concern and reminder, the younger generation will pay attention next time."

The other four people saw Li Yaodao directly when they saw that the dean came. Everyone looked at each other. They were all smart people, and they clearly saw the clues.

Especially Long Yiwu, when he saw Li Yaodao still have a connection with the Dean, he was quite surprised.

Because she knew that this guy lived in the Demon God Mountain Range from beginning to end, and even after he came out, there was no other chance to contact the landmaster.

But from the eyes of the head of the land, she could easily see that Li Yaodao seemed important to him.

Could it be that the Dean also visited the Demon God Mountain Range?

Long Yiwu was puzzled inwardly, but didn't think much about it. After all, he was obviously here to save Li Yaodao, so he saved others by the way.

"Not much gossip, in order to prevent the guys in the deep forest from feeling my presence, I will take you out immediately and hold my hand!" The dean stretched out his slender hand and smiled.

Li Yaodao and the others looked at each other, and put their hands together on the back of the head of the ground.


In the next second, everyone, including the Dean of the Earth, teleported and disappeared into place in a moment of distortion...

In the distance, the group of chiefs who felt the existence of the Supreme Three Realms had already led people to disappear, and the heavy pressure also dissipated. They only then gained the courage to move forward one after another.

However, when they discovered that Li Yaodao and others had already left here, they suddenly roared and roared again and again.

"Hehe, a bunch of ugly **** chores, worthy of yelling here?" Tianchao Qiong Moose stepped on the void with her four hoofs, ripples of violent spiritual power, waves of her own nine-star Celestial Realm level. Marks, one after another diffused.

When an unshakable supreme three-level monster appeared, these seven ancient Dao monsters suddenly became frightened. The previous anger disappeared in an instant, and they turned around and wanted to go back underground and escape.

"I want to run now, are you a little late?" I saw Tianchao Qiongmo sneered, and the antlers exploded with the brightest white brilliance. The powerful purifying light vented from the sky and directly enveloped ten miles. The world of scope.

The land shrouded by the purified white light is gradually turning into nothingness, whether it is a dark old tree or a dark grass, it is broken down one after another.

Chi Chi!

The movement of these ancient monsters on the ground slowly twisted their huge bodies. Because of their speed, they were so heavy on the ground that the light of purification was enveloped and they began to break down their bodies strongly...

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