Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 870: Parcel from Turin Hill

Hearing this, Li Yaodao reacted, and then pushed the door open, and then made a slightly lame gentleman's appearance, smiled and said, "Please come in!"

"Hahaha, you gentleman is really casual!" Shuiyue was also amused by the other party with a chuckle, and immediately coughed, then took the basket and walked into the villa first.

Closing the door of the villa, Li Yaodao looked at the clean and dry room in front of him, as if someone had come to clean it, and smiled: "I haven't come back for a while, I didn't expect it to be so clean..."

"Don't worry, all of our housing areas are cleaned by dedicated people from time to time. Unless it becomes something of no owner, as long as there is your Li Yaodao's identity certificate outside, this house belongs to you." Shuiyue walked by. Hanging corridor, came to the living room.

Li Yaodao also followed, looking at the large living room, sitting in front of the glass door leading to the courtyard, with his back facing the black monster beast sitting on the ground with his back, the boy grinned and said: "Xiao Hei!"

The next second, Xiao Hei, who was sitting cross-legged and thinking, suddenly turned his head and looked at the man and woman who appeared. He immediately exclaimed excitedly, "Brother Dao, are you back?!"

"You are water...what is the water coming from?" Xiao Hei looked at the chestnut-haired girl who showed a polite rather than an awkward smile. Although she was impressed by her, she was not very deep. For a while, she couldn't even call her name. .

"Shuiyue..." Li Fa girl reminded with an awkward smile.

"Oh..." Xiao Hei nodded slightly, and suddenly his eyes widened, and then he hugged a long package in front of him, but the package was dead heavy. Xiao Heizong used all his strength to drag the package. Put it in front of Li Yaodao.

"Brother Dao, this is the package you received yesterday. It is said that it was shipped from Turin Mountain in the Demon God Mountain Range!"

"Demon God Mountain Range?" Shuiyue couldn't help but look at the teenager next to her when she heard this. She secretly wondered, who can send him something to this guy there?

As we all know, the Demon God Mountain Range is the habitat of the demon race, unless human beings have hunting needs or other needs, they will never go there!

At first he heard the words "Monster Mountain Range", Li Yaodao was also secretly puzzled, but when he heard Xiao Hei talking about the words "Dolin Mountain", suddenly, the young man suddenly became clear.

"From the Turin Mountains? It seems that Red Girl has already made the second parallel treasure!" Li Yaodao was overjoyed, and immediately squatted down, stroking the package that was only entangled, and the pair of obsidian-like eyes flashed a little bit. Light.

He could even feel the monstrous devilish energy contained in the package even through the package, the sense of sight of the devil over the world, making Li Yaodao feel the pores all over his body trembling.

Shuiyue looked at the squatting boy, knowing that this was the privacy of the other party, and did not ask too much, but turned and walked towards the huge kitchen.

"Look at it first, I'll sort out some materials."

"Okay!" Li Yaodao responded simply, and continued to look at the long, restrained package under him.

"What kind of existence is the treasure made of magic vein jade?"

Whispering inwardly, Li Yaodao slowly unwrapped the package, moving very cautiously. Xiao Hei watched from the side, and he was a little bit too dare to wear it, because it clearly felt that the things in the package were not simple!

When the package was removed, Li Yaodao and Xiao Hei's eyes widened!

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