When the package was slowly opened, Li Yaodao and Xiao Hei's eyes fell on the opened package at the same time.


The package was opened, as if the seal had been opened, Li Yaodao and Xiao Hei both widened their eyes at the same time, looking at the black light bursting in the package, the light emerged, but it was extremely hot and corrosive.

An erosive light emerged, shining on both of them, Li Yaodao and Xiao Hei simultaneously released spiritual defense barriers to resist the black light that appeared suddenly.

Bang bang bang...

Along with the emergence of black light, the impacted living room, successive vases of glass exploded, and the dark impact that slowly broke, filled with desperate aura waves!

After the light emerged, everything finally returned to calm.

Li Yaodao looked at the mess in the living room, his facial muscles twitched for a few minutes, and immediately swiped the spiritual value badge in the air. An invisible gentle force in the living room quietly restored the messy living room that had been blown to pieces. .

All houses in the villa area have the ability to repair themselves, but under the premise of repairing, a certain amount of spiritual value must be paid!

Seeing quietly lying on the pitch-black long sword wrapped in white cloth, Li Yaodao swallowed slightly, and he couldn't help looking at Xiao Hei beside him.

At this moment, Xiao Hei couldn't help but look at each other. The two eyes met, and they read incredible messages from each other's eyes.

What a strong magic sword!

Feeling the monstrous magic power contained in the dark magic sword, Li Yaodao couldn't help reaching out and touching it, stroking the back of the sword.


It seems to feel that someone is touching itself. The dark magic sword emits a slight magic wave, but it does not transmit any emotional waves. It is like a baby at the moment, as if waiting for someone to take it away!

"Brother Dao!" At this moment, Li Yaodao's mind suddenly sounded a soft call.

The young man's expression was slightly startled, and his heart couldn't help being surprised, because this familiar call was undoubtedly from Hongmei!

"Brother Dao, I have forged this magic sword for you. It may be because the magic pattern jade is too strong. It is now a growth-type sky-patterned device, and it is the same level as the sky cloud in your hand!"

"Brother Dao, although this magic sword is strong, there are still some areas where it is not fully consolidated. If you can, or Brother Dao, if you have time, go back to Turin Mountain once, and I will forge it for you a second time."

"Because I didn't think of a better solution at the time, so the hostile spirit in the magic sword needs your magic sword to settle a town first. Please remember, don't be lost by the magic sword of the magic sword, and wait for you again. Come back, I guess I will be able to find a solution to the evil spirits of the Devil Sword!"

This message is just the voice of Hongmei attached to the magic sword, not the kind of dialogue in the air.

Hearing these few messages, Li Yaodao narrowed his eyes, took a deep breath, and soon held his hand on the hilt of that magic sword...

Holding the hilt, everything is just like what Hongmei said, the devilish energy in the magic sword is indeed beyond imagination!

Li Yaodao released Tian Congyun and stood beside Demon Sword. Only then did Li Yaodao suppress the fierce demon energy spilling from the opponent!

"This sword... is it your second treasure of Brother Dao?" Xiaohei grinned, and looked at Li Yaodao somewhat incomprehensibly, and asked: "Brother Dao, don't you want the heaven in your hand? Cong Yun?"

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