Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 872: Disadvantages of using two treasures

Hearing Xiao Hei's words, Li Yaodao shook his head slightly and said, "Tian Congyun is one of my main trump cards, how could I give up."

Xiao Hei suddenly frowned, and couldn't help but stretch out his small paws, pulling the corner of the boy's clothes, and said in surprise: "Brother Dao, you don't know that there is no coexistence between treasures!"

"The reason why the treasure is powerful is because it has its own legal route. Brother knife, if you use two treasures at the same time, the mutual repulsion between the treasures will swallow you!"

Xiao Hei's worry is not unreasonable, because on the entire barren ancient continent, everyone knows that the power of the treasure is beyond doubt.

But because of the powerful nature of the treasure, no matter whether it is a human, a monster, or the life of another race, it is impossible to escape the fate of a treasure.

To put it bluntly, any statement can only use one treasure. If you want to use the power of another treasure, you must abandon the disconnection of the previous treasure in order to establish contact with the other treasure. contract.

This is the eternal law!

It’s not that no one has thought that a treasure can exert enough destructive power. If two of them are used at the same time, wouldn’t it be even better?

However, a cultivator who once had that idea, when using two treasures at the same time, was unable to withstand the extreme repulsive force between the two treasures and eventually exploded and died!

That's why, Xiao Hei realized that Li Yaodao had received another treasure, and when he heard that the other party wanted to use two treasures at the same time, his face suddenly became a little anxious.

It doesn't have any relatives anymore, and he treats him as his own brother. In Xiao Hei's eyes, Li Yaodao is its only relative.

Therefore, it will never let Li Yaodao get out of something that seems stupid and extremely dangerous.

Hearing this, Li Yaodao looked startled, then smiled and shook his head, and said, "Of course I understand what you said. I'm not stupid, it is impossible to make fun of my life."

"Of course, this magic sword, I naturally want to shed blood to recognize the Lord, and I really need to use it with Tian Congyun at the same time to be able to display my true strength!"

Hearing this, Xiao Hei became more confused as he listened, and his expression became a bit exaggerated. He eagerly said, "Brother Dao, this is not possible. You can't bet your life!"

It's no wonder that Xiao Hei is worried and eager, because everyone who has had this idea before, and has used it, basically died tragically in the repulsive force between his own treasures without exception.

"Hahaha, others may not work, but I am different. Don't worry Xiao Hei, I will never make fun of my life, please trust me!" Li Yaodao laughed, he knew what Xiao Hei was worried about, and his heart was very deep. Moving.

However, this magic sword, his Li Yaodao is also bound to win!

Seeing the boy insisted on being so persistent, Xiao Hei knew that he couldn't persuade him, so he could only put his head together, with a somewhat aggrieved appearance, and muttered: "Then...well, Brother Dao, I believe you."

"Anyway, I'm just a relative of you. If something happens to you, I don't want to live..."

Hearing this, Li Yaodao's movements were obviously stiff. He looked at Xiao Hei and couldn't help but smile and said, "You guy..."

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