Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 894: Brother Dao, are you excited?

"Think about it clearly?" Long Yiwu would stay in front of the peeled fruit, flicking his slender fingers, and then flew to Li Yaodao with a light smile: "Let's listen."

The girl's always cold and beautiful face, once she showed a soft smile that ordinary people couldn't see, even the bright attic hall was dimmed a bit, and she didn't dare to compete with Haoyue.

Looking at the beautiful and intoxicating smile on his face, Li Yaodao took the fruit from the other party, took a bite, and grinned: "Of course it is, it's a secret!"

The movement of Long Yiwu's hand clearly paused for a while, and then he glanced at the black-clothed boy sitting opposite, inexplicably: "Brother Dao, I found that you are becoming more and more humane."

"What... Are you complimenting me?" Li Yaodao couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Long Yiwu took a bite of the fruit he peeled, and smiled lightly: "I found that the innocent energy you used to be in the Demon God Mountain Range is somewhat lacking."

Hearing this, Li Yaodao sighed long and thoughtfully: "There is no way, people will become. After all, the past few years in the human world have really taught me a lot..."

Before he finished his words, Li Yaodao suddenly reacted, and immediately raised his brows, looking at the girl with silver eyes and smiling, with a weird expression: "What is innocence? You mean I was stupid?"

"Hehe, you said it yourself, I didn't say it." Long Yiwu chuckled lightly while holding the fruit, and a bit of joke flashed in his twinkling eyes.

Li Yaodao secretly shook his head, calling for the insider...

"Sister, are you here? It's so familiar... Could it be Brother Dao here?"

At the same time, a slender and pleasant voice came from the stairs.

I saw the blond girl who wrapped her hot slender body in a bathrobe, wiping her wet long hair and slowly walking down the stairs.

Seeing Long Erdie appeared in front of him in this form, Li Yaodao suddenly felt a little blood swelling, his face flushed, and he looked away, afraid to look at him.

Long Yiwu sat opposite the young man, looking at his sister like this, her heart was secretly speechless, but she looked at Li Yaodao's eyes full of nowhere, and the urge to bleed. She hid her mouth and laughed without saying anything.

An expression that I understand.

Li Yaodao, who quickly turned his gaze away, subconsciously ate the rest of the fruit, which in turn evoked the **** feeling in his body...

Long Erdie, who was wiping her golden and soft long hair, looked at the stiff boy, did not expect the other party's dilemma at the moment, and slowly approached, saying: "Brother Dao, you are floating, I said hello to you, but I didn't reply. I?"

"Ah...oh, hello..." Li Yaodao still ate the fruit a little hastily, without raising his head at all, and then cast his helpless eyes on Long Yiwu who was sitting opposite.

Long Yiwu, who received the distress signal, smiled lightly, ignored it at all, and cast a playful and playful look.

In this regard, Li Yaodao secretly couldn't laugh or cry.

At the critical moment, none of them are reliable...

Seeing the other party greet herself so bluntly, Long Erdie also stunned her pretty face. Seeing the boy blushing, she glanced at her body wrapped in a bathrobe, smiled jokingly, and immediately sat next to the boy, bringing her face closer to each other In the ear, Lan Qi spit lightly.

"Brother Dao, how do I feel, you are excited..."

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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