Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 895: The sultry dragon and two butterflies

Li Yaodao, who didn't dare to face it, did it extremely honestly. He just ate the fruit peeled by Long Yiwu in his hands without raising his head.

"Brother Dao, what's wrong with you?"

Long Erdie was also stunned with a pretty face. Seeing the boy's blushing look, she glanced at her body wrapped in a bathrobe, smiled jokingly, and immediately sat next to the boy, not caring at all.

Feeling the distance between the two, it can be said that between the bathrobe and the pants, Li Yaodao's face flushed involuntarily, and the figure moved a few minutes without leaving a trace.

Upon seeing this, Long Erdie suddenly smiled, and first glanced at the somewhat helpless Long Yiwu, and then gently brought his face to the other's ear, spitting out blue air.

"Brother Dao, how do I feel, you are excited..."

As he said, those slender little fingers were still drawing circles on Li Yaodao's chest, full of sultry...

Hearing the words, Li Yaodao immediately felt he was choked. He swallowed abruptly, feeling the unique sunny fragrance from the girl, resisting the urge of nosebleeds, and stiffly said: "Ah... Well, I didn't!"

Now he suddenly feels uncomfortable!

Li Yaodao now prefers to play a game with a paragon of a mysterious traveler, rather than staying like this. It is simply too torturous. He dare not make big moves at this time, for fear of touching the other party.

"Hey, you're just excited, I feel it all." Long Er's butterfly orchid vomited lightly, still deliberately holding each other, there is a clear difference from Long Yiwu's conservative reservedness.

Long Yiwu looked at her sister secretly and helplessly. She knew that the other party was lively and playful by nature, and sometimes she was crazy. Now it is rare to have a partner of the opposite **** with a good relationship, and it is inevitable to tease.

Li Yaodao's gaze at this moment meant a bit of confession, and the look of "nothing to love" simply gave up.

Poorly, he wants to eat the dragon and the butterfly, but he dares not and has the courage to endure it like this. Is this human doing?

Seeing that the young man had given up resistance, Long Erdie suddenly looked at each other with a smile, and then suddenly stretched out her slender white arms and embraced the young man's arms with a sweet smile.

"Brother Dao, honestly, do you want to eat me now?"

Long Erdie’s sweet smile, coupled with the harmless golden eyes of humans and animals, made Li Yaodao finally unable to stand it. He would feel a torrent of water in his nose, squirting...

It's no wonder that Li Yaodao can't stand it, such a beautiful sunshine girl, wrapped in a bathrobe at this time, who can stand it?


Seeing the embarrassment of Li Yaodao's nosebleeds instantly, Long Yiwu really couldn't help it, and laughed unkindly.

"Hahaha, amusing me to death, Brother Dao has a nosebleed!" Long Erdie suddenly let go of the boy's arm, and smiled presumptuously with the appearance of achieving his goal.

Long Yiwu smiled with some pain in her lower abdomen, but in the end, under the unhappy gaze of the teenager, she gradually converged and passed a handkerchief.

Taking the handkerchief, Li Yaodao darkened his face, wiped away the nosebleed, and said nothing.

"Haha, Brother Dao, why are you so cute?" Long Erdie still laughed again and again, and she didn't forget to stretch out her hand and pat the other's shoulder. However, her next sentence made Long Yiwu, who was originally laughing, It stopped abruptly.

"When you were in the Demon God Mountain Range, in that abominable ancient tomb, didn't you all look at me? Why can't you control it today?"

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