Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 925: I feel like him a little bit

Li Yaodao was caught in the middle, and there was already a tendency to give up struggling, because he didn't know who to stand next to him.

Although in terms of the depth of the relationship, Li Yaodao naturally has a deeper relationship with Long Yiwu, but they don't seem to be the kind of mortal enemies, and they didn't let themselves choose anyone. This is the most helpless.

It seemed to be in dispute, but there was no result at all.

Long Yiwu and Dao Tianyin are also Bingxue smart. In order not to let themselves lose, they are "too miserable", but they are very tacitly not letting Li Yaodao make a choice.

On the contrary, they are only competing for the victory or defeat between the two women, and will not hurt the "innocent."

Although this so-called innocent person is stuck in the middle at the moment, he cannot move.

Seeing the two women arguing, Li Yaodao also looked unlovable. Long Erdie had a stomachache that was already laughing on the side, and he had to endure not making a sound. It was very difficult.

"I suddenly... kind of like him..." Long Sanxue said softly without leaving a trace.

Long Erdie, who was still snickering, stopped abruptly, and then suddenly turned his head to look at his sister, her pretty face full of surprise.

As if thinking about this situation, Long Sanxue turned his head slightly to look at Long Erdie beside him, and said calmly: "What's the matter? Do you like Brother Dao, are you so surprised?"

Long Erdie immediately pulled the girl out of the living room, and then to the hallway, pinched Long Sanxue's shoulders with both hands, her pretty face was full of surprise and said: "No, you can like Brother Dao, you forgot, we dragon Family..."

"The Long Family’s generation of demon killers must not have any connection with the demon clan, and, moreover, must not have the slightest relationship with the demon of the demon **** clan alliance, second sister, do you want to say this?" Long Sanxue is the first step. , Replied.

Long Erdie nodded earnestly, with a pretty face full of rejection, and said anxiously: "Sanmei, you can have a close relationship with Brother Dao, but you must not like it because we can't have feelings with demons!"

Hearing this, Long Sanxue nodded lightly, but did not take it seriously, and said: "Emotional matters, who can say for sure, although I also dislike the monster race, but I am not against Brother Dao. I hate it, don’t hate it, it should be the same as liking it."

Wipe, three sisters, your brain circuit...

At this moment, Long Erdie seemed to have eaten a shocking melon. Looking at Long Sanxue's serious appearance, her mouth opened slightly, and she couldn't say a word.

She knows Long Sanxue too well, her sister is good at everything, but only one thing. Once the other party is looking for something, it will be difficult to change if she wants to change it!

Seeing the blond girl next to her was shocked and speechless, Long Sanxue didn't say anything, but continued to look at Long Yiwu and whispered softly: "Actually, I can feel that the older sister is interesting to Brother Dao. of..."

Long Erdie rubbed his temples, feeling that today's melon was a bit big, and said speechlessly: "How did you see it?"

"You don't need to look at it at all, you don't realize it, the eldest sister now except for her own cultivation, she will pay attention to all things with Brother Dao for the first time." Long Sanxue shrugged and said softly.

"It's not normal. Friends are paying attention to each other." Long Erdie glanced at each other and said, "What do you think about this?"

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