"What are your weird thoughts?" Long Erdie looked at Long Sanxue with a bit of speechlessness, thinking about it inwardly, and after careful sampling, it seemed that it was really the case.

As a relative of Long Yiwu's character, she naturally couldn't understand it better. In the past, it was really like what Long Sanxue said, except for cultivation, it is cultivation, and it will not be disturbed by other things at all.

But since this monster boy named Li Yaodao broke into the lives of their three sisters, although he didn't want to admit it, the other party was indeed invisible, affecting Long Yiwu and everyone.

Long Sanxue seemed to know that the other party was thinking, and immediately learned the other party's usual appearance, raised his slender hand, and patted the blond girl's shoulder lightly, an appearance that I know all about.

"Actually, Second Sister, there are some things that I didn't explain, you should be able to detect a little bit." Long Sanxue said softly.

Hearing these words, Long Erdie looked at the strange brain circuit of Long Sanxue some inexplicably, and her eyebrows frowned lightly: "What do you say?"

Long Sanxue looked at the two women and one man who were arguing in front of him, gently squeezed her neck with her right hand, and whispered: "Second sister, you have never been so affectionate to any opposite sex. Don't admit it, you In his heart, he certainly doesn't hate Brother Dao."

Hearing that, Long Erdie finished the product, nodded slightly, and said: "I don't hate it, otherwise, I will never be okay to tease him."

"That's the problem. Since you don't hate it, things you like will come sooner or later." Long Sanxue shrugged slightly and said this sentence in a casual and calm appearance.

Long Erdie laughed at the words, and whispered: "My silly sister, you wouldn't think that I would really like a demon boy? Like Brother Dao?"

"Is feelings, who can say it accurately?" Long Sanxue spread his hands, with a very indifferent appearance, and whispered softly: "Follow your own heart, second sister, cherish your current thoughts, in the future, I will Bet you will regret it!"

"Impossible! I would never like Brother Dao!" Long Erdie said firmly.

Long Sanxue tilted his head to look at the opponent, with a slight curve of the corners of his mouth, and whispered, "No bet?"

Long Erdie stared slightly, then said: "Fight!"

Ding Dong!

At this moment, there was a soft sound of the doorbell ringing outside the door, and the originally tense atmosphere in the living room suddenly became quiet.

Li Yaodao looked at the two young girls who were facing each other coldly, smiled awkwardly and politely, and tentatively said: "Door, the doorbell rang!"

"Then go open the door!"

This time, Long Yiwu and Dao Tianyin’s surprisingly tacit agreement was 100% coincidentally. They saw their two daughters and one of them stretch out a slender hand, which was filled with faint waves, and immediately stared at Li Yaodao with wide-eyed eyes. Down, won on its chest.

It may be that the second daughter was out of good intentions, just wanting to help him out faster, never thought, Li Yaodao was completely defenseless, and her body suddenly flew upside down and stamped on the wall fiercely.

Xiao Hei, who was eating meat, looked at the Li Yao knife printed on the wall, his eyes widened, and exclaimed, "Brother Dao, are you okay?"

Hearing it, Long Yiwu and Dao Tianyin realized that their hand strength just now seemed to be uncontrollable. They stared at each other. Long Yiwu said coldly, "You dare to use such great power against Brother Dao, you will die. !"

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