All the old students who saw Li Yaodao’s two-story small villa, now turned into a first-floor open-air villa, were secretly sighing and speechless. Many people had facial muscles and crazily twitching...

Poorly this villa was destroyed by four majestic forces. It was really too difficult...

In the villa, Li Yaodao watched the four beautiful girls fight so hard to talk, and demolished his own house. His facial muscles were really pulled out to the extreme!

Xiao Hei was holding the barbecue with a frightened expression. He really didn't know what to say. In its eyes, the four girls fought, unless they turned on the power of their blood, otherwise, it was nothing.

Among the people on the scene, the most calm person is definitely Long Sanxue.

Long Sanxue turned to look at Li Yaodao, whose facial muscles twitched crazily, and asked calmly, "Brother Dao, it's good to be used to it. Our house was demolished in the same way."

Li Yaodao was speechless at this moment. He raised his head and glanced at the blue sky, and felt the sun shining on his face. He had already endured the extreme in his heart and shouted immediately.

"If you fight again, I won't barbecue anymore!"

As soon as this sentence came out, it was as if it was more effective than the heavenly spirit skills, the four slender and beautiful figures who were fighting and fighting on both sides suddenly stopped their movements.

Everyone's eyes were concentrated on Li Yaodao. The young man took a deep breath, glanced at the girls, and simply sat down cross-legged, without saying a word.

As time passed, Li Yao was sitting on the floor of the outdoor villa without saying a word.

Because of the protection of Long Sanxue and Xiao Hei, the bonfire in the living room was not destroyed, but was preserved intact.

The girls were sitting around the bonfire in dislike each other. The three sisters of the Long Family were naturally sitting together, while Dao Tianyin and Yanyue were also sitting on the other side. At this moment, the atmosphere was really quiet, only the bonfire was burning. Kind of noisy noise.

The eyes of all the beautiful girls fell on Li Yaodao from time to time, as if the other party did not speak, they would not dare to speak.

And Xiao Hei, in the arms of Li Yaodao, looked east and west, grinning, and didn't know what to say.

The only one who can let go at this moment is Long Sanxue, looking at the boy who is expressionlessly roasting meat, passing the barbecue dipping sauce beside him from time to time.

Li Yaodao silently results in the barbecue dipping sauce, looking at the barbecue grill in front of him, brushing his face blankly.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the villa can be described as extremely quiet. Li Yaodao turned the barbecue grill with a calm face. He found that the newly roasted meat had reached the most delicious point, and he glanced around.

I found that the other girls were all looking at the bonfire in front of them in a daze, without knowing what they were thinking.

Seeing this, Li Yaodao looked at everyone honestly a lot, and an imperceptible curve formed at the corner of his mouth. He wanted to taste his roasted meat. Suddenly, he found something was wrong.

Because these girls destroyed the villa before, now they don't even have a knife for cutting meat.

Li Yaodao looked around. Suddenly, his gaze was fixed on the sky Congyun not far away, and suddenly on a whim.

Tian Congyun saw it:? ? ?


Seeing Li Yaodao slowly approaching, the sky cluster clouds buzzed lightly, as if to say.

Don't come over, don't come over!

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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