Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 935: Distribution of the first piece of meat

The Tian Congyun standing quietly by the wall seemed to feel that Li Yaodao was gradually approaching him, and also seemed to understand the other party's intention to come to him, and immediately buzzed softly.

It seems to be passing the message of "Don't come here" to the other party!

However, the familiar Li Yaodao didn't care about it at all. He pulled Tian Congyun out of the scabbard and walked towards the meat he had cooked before.

Seeing the boy gradually moving towards the barbecue position, the eyes of the girls fell on it curiously.

They don’t understand, what this guy is going to do with his demon sword...

Li Yaodao ignored the inexplicable gazes of the other girls and walked straight to the barbecue position where he was before. He sat down cross-legged, looking at the barbecue in front of him, and immediately the sharp blade of the knife made a few strokes on the barbecue.

At this moment, whether it was the three sisters of the Long Family, Yanyue and Dao Tianyin, except that Xiao Hei's eyes were still very calm, they couldn't help but glance at each other.

The girls all read a little bit of incomprehension and inexplicability from each other's eyes.

Cut meat with a treasure? Regarding the degree of preciousness, even the most beefy meat in the world, it is impossible to be more precious than the sky pattern artifact.

And at this moment, Li Yaodao used the sky clouds to cut the barbecue?

This operation is true for everyone, and none of them understood.

But Li Yaodao didn't care about this. He cut the barbecue to himself, using the sharpness of the Yaodao Tiancongyun, first a good piece of meat was cut out from the top.

Seeing that Li Yaodao brought out the grilled meat slices, the women seemed to have a sense of eager anticipation.

What they were thinking at the moment, naturally they wanted to see, who did Li Yaodao want to give this first piece of meat?

After all, there are these so-called secret contests among girls.

Especially, although the relationship between the three sisters of the Long Family, Yanyue and Dao Tianyin is good, bad or bad, the contact point of all of them is Li Yaodao.

To put it bluntly, Li Yaodao has a good relationship with them.

This shows a potential problem, and that is the question of whom is the first piece of barbecue cut by Li Yaodao.

If it was the first piece of meat that Li Yaodao gave to which girl, it would show that in the subconscious of this group of girls, in the heart of Li Yaodao, it occupies a more important position.

This kind of invisible contest was even more terrible for Li Yaodao.

It's done, this is a multiple-choice question, if it doesn't, this is a proposition to send!

"Xiao Hei, come and have a taste. This piece of meat is not cooked."

In the next second, under the gaze of the five pairs of bright eyes, Li Yaodao gently blew the barbecue, and then handed it to Xiao Hei in his arms.

Li Yaodao had anticipated the psychology of these Nizis a long time ago. He knew this was a proposition, so he would naturally expect it.

No one can give this first piece of meat to myself, otherwise, once this piece of meat is given to someone, it will be exploded in place, spiraling into the sky!

Xiao Hei took the barbecue with his mouth, and after tasting a few times, he nodded seriously and happily said, "Brother Dao, you deserve your barbecue. This technique seems to be much more mature than before!"

The five beautiful girls looked at Li Yaodao's first piece of meat, and did not give them any of them, and immediately felt a little disappointment in their hearts.

But these Nizi have more in their hearts, it is fortunate!

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