Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1511: Huaxia Doctor

"Okay, let's go."

Similarly, Shi Dali felt that if these two people continue to stay here, maybe something special will happen.

Therefore, the best way to avoid danger is to keep the risk factors at an absolute distance.

Taking a look at them, Kong Erdan returned to the room again.

For this great scientist from Tutou Mountain, there is no doubt that staying in the laboratory for scientific research must be the happiest thing in the world.

At the same time, after Shi Dali went downstairs with Poison Insect, he directly contacted Tam with a phone call, and then set off to the manor.

Almost just after they left, Pan Shuangyu knocked on Teacher Shi's door.

Just got news that Shi Dali was back, but Pan Shuangyu rushed over immediately. In the two days that Shi Dali left, she had been trying to find a way, but there was no news.


However, in the end Pan Shuangyu didn't get any response, instead the door of the empty Erdan's room next to it opened.

"Are you looking for Shi Dali?"

After taking a look at Pan Shuangyu, Kong Erdan asked directly.

Looking at the guy in front of him, Pan Shuangyu subconsciously stepped back.

In the two days when Shi Dali was absent, she had seen the destructive power of the guy opposite her beyond imagination. Although she still didn’t know the relationship between Shi Dali and Kong Erdan, Pan Shuangyu knew she had to stand. Farther.

"Yes, I heard that Mr. Shi is back, isn't he in the room?"

A cautious voice sounded, and at this time Pan Shuangyu really had nowhere to ask.

"They are gone again and don't know when they will be back."

With a wave of his hand, Kong Erdan gave an answer.

Slightly stunned, feeling disappointed inexplicably, Pan Shuangyu paused for a while before speaking again.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, I will tell you when he comes back."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

After a simple conversation, Kong Erdan returned to the room, leaving only Pan Shuangyu standing there with a complicated expression in his eyes.

She could feel that Shi Dali did not trust her at all.

This kind of thing is not good news for Pan Shuangyu, because all the plans behind her need to be built on Shi Dali's trust.

Now that there is no trust that should have been established, then...maybe all her thoughts need to be changed.

Completely silent, Pan Shuangyu returned to the room without doing anything extra, she just wanted to wait for Shi Dali to return.

However, this idea of ​​her was finally broken by the sudden call.

"It's almost time, what did you hear? Where is Shi Doufang?"

The voice was still familiar and deep, familiar and cold.

"I do not know."

Nothing was hidden, Pan Shuangyu replied.

"If this is the case, I hope your family can be safe."

After a short pause, the voice sounded again, and then hung up.

Sitting on the chair in silence, Pan Shuangyu looked out the window. Why is life so helpless? He clearly does not want to continue, but he has a reason to continue.


Besides, Mr. Shi brought the poisonous insects to Tam's manor without stopping.

Because the phone had been communicated before, Tam was waiting for them at the door at the moment, and Haeckel was also standing by.

Today’s Hecker, I have to say that the situation is indeed quite embarrassing. He originally hoped to become a strong backbone of the dark forces, but after all these things now, he has nowhere to settle, so he can only continue to follow the stone. Go forward vigorously.

After getting out of the car, Shi Dali and Poison Chong walked straight to them at first sight.

"How is your grandpa now? Is there any change?"

It was for this reason, so Teacher Shi didn't mean to be polite, and asked questions directly. After all, Mr. Ramo's condition was the most important.

"It's still the same as before, but... my second uncle has found a Chinese genius doctor and is treating him inside."

After these words were said, Tam's expression was also strange.

In the past, his second uncle didn't pay much attention to the old man's affairs, but this time he brought the so-called genius doctor, and it was from China.

He just came back to find out, so he was quite surprised.

However, Mr. Ramo didn't belong to Tam in the first place, so the second uncle wanted to do something for the old man, he was not qualified to stop him.

On Shi Lili's side, he was taken aback when he heard this.

It's a coincidence, and... the genius doctor of China?

This is even more interesting.

"what's your name?"

Subconsciously, Shi Dali asked.

"Yi Hong, it should be this name. According to my second uncle, this Yi Hong should be China's No. 1 genius doctor. He is very powerful. Have you heard of it?"

Seriously, Tam said these words.

After he finished speaking, Shi Dali who was opposite was dumbfounded with Poisonous Insect.

"It's called Yihong? Are you sure it's called Yihong?"

He raised his voice completely subconsciously, and Shi Dali felt that things were quite incredible.

Old man Yi and Ye Zhien have completely disappeared. Originally, Teacher Shi was worried about this, but who knew that he had heard about Yi Hong here.

"Yes, it's called Yi Hong, do you...know?"

Tam's face was stunned. If Shi Dali and the others really knew Yi Hong, it would be amazing.

"Take us in and take a look, don't be surprised."

In a short period of time, many thoughts flashed through Teacher Shi's mind, and in the end he was basically sure that the Yi Hong that Tam said should be fake.

No matter what, Old Man Yi could not be here.

First of all, he and Ye Suan have disappeared. Although the reason is not clear, it is definitely not simple.

Secondly, if the old man Yi really came back, he would definitely contact him first, and he shouldn't be in front of Uncle Tam.

Just like this, things absolutely have hidden secrets.

"Okay, follow me!"

Tam's expression also became serious at this time. Originally, he thought that it was not a big deal for the second uncle to bring a Chinese genius doctor to see the old man. On the contrary, he was quite filial, but now from the reactions of Shi Dali and several people, he also felt Things may not be that simple.

In this way, several people hurried into the manor, and then hurried to the room where Mr. Ramo was from the other direction.

At the same time, in this room, there were five or six people surrounded by Mr. Ramo's wheelchair.

The headed one, with gray hair and vicissitudes of eyebrows, is indeed a Chinese.

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