Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1512: Tarzan and Feather

"Mr. Yi Hong, what do you think of my father? What needs to be done next?"

Standing next to this Chinese man was a middle-aged man with a yellow beard. After carefully looking at the genius doctor in front of him, he asked aloud.

After hearing this question, the genius doctor shook his head solemnly.

"Your father's situation is very serious, but thanks to meeting me, if it weren't for me, he would be dead."

A low voice rang from the genius doctor, making Huang Beard happy. Some members of his clan who belonged to Mr. Ramo's family also showed excited smiles.

Again, in the matter of Mr. Rameau, the interests of the entire family are the same.

If this old man can survive, then everyone in the family can live well, and the entire Ramo family can continue to develop.

On the contrary, if the old man is out of breath, then everything is over.

Therefore, it is absolutely great news that a genius doctor can cure Mr. Ramo.

"Then what do you think is needed? I'll prepare."

Huang Beard continued to speak, his eyes were full of pride at this time, after all, he found the genius doctor.

"Give me paper and pen, wait for me to write down what I need, and then you go to prepare, as long as you prepare what I need, then Mr. Ramo won't have any problems."

Continue, the genius doctor said.

As a result, everyone in the entire living room began to take action, hurriedly preparing things.

As for the genius doctor, he sat on the chair with his usual complexion, waiting for the follow-up.

At this time, Tam took Shi Lili and the others to the room on the other side. Following the window, you could see the scene in the living room.

At first glance, Shi Dali and Poison Chong looked at the genius doctor.

After taking a look like this, there was a strange flash in both eyes.

First of all, this person is indeed not Yi Hong!

In other words, I didn't meet Old Man Yi on the same day, so others may admit mistakes, but they will never admit mistakes to Yi Hong.

Before entering the living room, Shi Dali had already thought of this.

But what he didn't expect was that he actually knew this person, and not only he knew it, but also poisonous insects!

Zhang Heshun!

The founder of Chun Cao Tang, and Yi Hong's enemy, was killed by Shi Dali in a series of actions when he was in Beijing. After that, Zhang Heshun and his son Zhang Linran left Beijing.

At that time, Teacher Shi felt that maybe he would never meet Zhang Heshun again in his life, but he didn't expect that things would be impermanent, so he would run into him again here.

What's even more ridiculous is that this old man actually used the banner of Yi Hong.

"Mr. Shi, do you know this person? Is he a genius doctor?"

Tam was standing beside him, but he was really anxious. If Shi Dali was right, the second uncle brought the so-called genius doctor not to treat the old man, but for other purposes, then he must stop it. .

Keeping his eyes on Zhang Heshun, Shi Dali shook his head slowly.

"This person is not Yi Hong... and he is not a good thing."

After much deliberation, Shi Dali can only use such an evaluation for Zhang Heshun.

Because in a sense, Zhang Heshun is really a genius doctor. Maybe he still has a gap with Old Man Yi, but that gap is definitely very small.

Although the various behaviors of this guy are disgusting, there is no doubt that his medical skills are worthy of recognition.

Therefore, such an evaluation is more accurate.

"What is not a good thing? Is this guy worse than me?"

The poisonous worm curled his mouth, followed by a sound.

It's just that after he finished speaking, he felt a little awkward.

Why is it worse than yourself and can't be judged by not being a good thing?

Could it be that your own evaluation... is not a good thing?

While pondering such a neurotic problem in Poisonous Worm's mind, the dialogue between Shi Dali and Tam continued.

"Mr. Shi, what should I do next? Drive him away?"

Tam's face became more worried. He absolutely recognized the strength of Shi Dali, which is absolutely fully proved by what happened to the cannibal tribe.

So since Shi Dali commented on Zhang Heshun so, he already had great doubts.

And think again, if this genius doctor is really trustworthy, why should he pretend to be Mr. Yi Hong?

Hearing Tam's question, Shi Dali did not rush to answer, but after thinking it over, he looked at Hecker.

"If you are now asked to continue to understand with the people above you how to use three-eyed blood clams to treat Mr. Ramo, can you do it?"

Heckel was a little surprised when he heard Shi Dali's question suddenly, but he immediately shook his head in denial.

"I don't dare to contact the above anymore, let alone ask about this kind of thing, let alone... I'm not sure that the above will tell the truth to me."

Hecker's mind is quite clear, and these words are definitely very reasonable.

After Shi Dali listened, he also nodded in agreement.

Tam looked at this scene, of course he was even more anxious.

"Then what shall we do? You don't know how to save my grandpa with three-eyed blood clams?"

Finally brought the three-eyed blood clam back, if you don't know how to use it, then even holding the three-eyed blood clam is useless.

And Tam also knew that the three-eyed blood clam was on the top ten list, and that was a natural poison.

If there is no correct way to use it, let alone save the father, maybe the people on the spot will be gone.

When the poisonous insect heard this, his heart was quite happy.

If there is a comparison in his mind about Mr. Ramo and the three-eyed blood clam, it is completely the concept of Taishan and Hongmao.

There is no doubt that the three-eyed blood clam is Tarzan, and Mr. Ramo is the feather.

To be more specific, maybe not even a feather!

He was worried at first, but now that the big guy doesn't know how to use the three-eyed blood clam to save people, then he is at ease.

"Ahem, there are some things we can't force, and if you force it, it's not necessarily a good thing. Maybe destiny will make the best arrangement."

In the clouds and mist, the confused poisonous insect said something.

Although he didn't know what it was, he thought it was quite powerful.

It was also because of his words that Tam's face became difficult to look at. After all...Is there still no way to save the old man?

But immediately, Shi Dali smiled slightly, and then pointed at Zhang Heshun in the living room through the window.

"Don't worry, although we all don't know, but... this guy must know."

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