Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4781: Courage test

The crowd looked incredible at Ma Chengcheng, and no one thought that a person who was usually bullied by them would defeat Wang Wuyou.

Ma Chenggong, standing on the ring, made a victory sign towards the mid-week match. He was so excited that he did not expect that he would actually defeat someone he could not even think of before.

The joy of victory did not make Ma Chenggong addicted, he knew that there was a severe postgraduate entrance examination waiting for him.

Wang Wuyou and other disciples are all arrogant people, so they don't admit that Ma Chenggong won the game by strength.

"Ma Chenggong, you are despicable. I didn't expect that you would use three indiscriminate methods in the ring. You should not disqualify."

Looking at the ugly faces of the people, Ma Chenggong felt for the first time that these people, who were in the same discipline with him, thought of him in this way.

However, Ma Chenggong didn't care about these. Winning the game was the most important thing, and he himself didn't use any tricks at all. It was Wang Wuyou who won by his own strength.

The butler motioned everyone to be quiet.

"A game is a game. If you lose, you lose. Even if the opponent uses means to win the game, that's his skill. Don't blame others here, one by one, and don't affect the next game."

When the housekeeper spoke, these people immediately calmed down.

Ma Chenggong glanced at the housekeeper gratefully, but the housekeeper ignored him.

From the steward's point of view, this is just a game, and there has never been a rule that no means can be used, and these people are lazy disciples, it doesn't matter who wins the game.

Wang Wuyou lost the first game and has missed the position of the big brother, but the rules of the game are that all three warehouse games are won before they are eligible to sit in the position of the big brother, so the competition between the two will continue.

Although the horse succeeded in the first race, it does not mean that he can win the second and third game.

After the first game of all the disciples was determined, the butler announced the start of the second game.

The second game tested the courage of the disciples. Wang Wuyou was originally a child of the family, and he was a master of the lazy sect. He was much more courageous and knowledgeable than Ma Chenggong.

Therefore, Wang Wuyou is very confident in this game. Now he has no chance with the big disciple, but even so, he absolutely can't let Ma Chengcheng sit on the position of big disciple.

That would be equivalent to shame to him. If the horse that he usually calls like a cow or horse succeeds if it rides on his head, it will be fine, so he has to pull the horse off successfully anyway.

"Ma Chengcheng, don't think that I won a match by sneak attack to prove your strength. I was just a momentary carelessness. I will let you know the gap between us in this match."

"You are a bug in front of me, I can run you down anytime, anywhere."

The other lazy disciples also cheered for Wang Wuyou one after another, and ridiculed Ma's success, only making small moves, and when the real test comes, it will be revealed as soon as possible.

Ma Chenggong's complexion is ugly, and the test of courage is really bad for him. Being suppressed by these people has already brought him a lot of pressure.

Ma Chengcheng couldn't guarantee that he could survive the second match.

In the middle of the week, the voice was delivered to Ma Chenggong, so that he could rest assured that despite the game, he would handle the rest.

However, this game is also a test for the horse's success, so mid-week does not intend to help the horse succeed at the beginning, but let the horse experience it first.

"All the disciples prepare, the ring you are on has been set up with a phantom array. Once the phantom array is activated, your mind will be drawn into the phantom array. There will be difficulties in the phantom array that exceed your imagination. Among the two, there is only persistence. The talent at the end is the winner of this game."

After the butler announced the rules of the game, he activated the magic array.

In the middle of the week, I didn't expect the test of courage to be in the phantom formation, but that's okay, with the formation spirit, it will be easier to help the horse succeed in the middle of the week.

All the participating disciples entered the phantom array, their thinking was affected by the phantom array, and the phantom array experienced by everyone was different, and they faced things that they didn't want to experience the most.

Ma Chenggong has just entered the phantom formation, his expression has changed. Although I don’t know what Ma Chenggong has experienced in the phantom formation in the middle of the week, I know from Ma Chenggong’s expression that it must not be a good thing.

On the other hand, Wang Wuyou seemed to be more calm, and his expression has not changed at all until now.

It seems that Ma Cheng has a long way to go, and he has to overcome some things.

In the middle of the week, the array spirit has been on standby, ready to dive into the phantom array to help the horse succeed.

As time passed by little by little, I thought that many people were also showing painful expressions, as if they were experiencing something painful.

Ma Chenggong's expression became more and more painful, and even his body began to tremble. Knowing that Ma Chenggong should have reached the limit, he immediately let the formation spirit enter the phantom formation.

The formation spirit quietly entered the phantom array and saw Ma Chenggong facing a woman, and Ma Chenggong actually kneeled in front of the woman, begging her bitterly, with a very painful expression.

Array spirit immediately used his abilities to interfere with the phantom array. The picture before Ma Chenggong changed. The previous woman disappeared and replaced by a beautiful paradise. There is no pain and no worries. Ma Chenggong is in a good mood. Proudly relieved.

Successfully sat cross-legged in the ring, his expression changed from pain to comfort, which surprised many disciples who did not hold on to the illusion and quit the illusion.

They all experienced the most painful things in their life in Huanzhenzai, but it was obviously very enjoyable to see Ma Cheng's expression.

Everyone looked at the success of the horse on the ring in surprise.

"This guy enjoys such a look, is he a masochist?"

No one knows how comfortable Ma Chenggong is in the magic array at this time, backed by the sea and the spring flowers are blooming.

The formation spirit became very playful and entered Wang Wuyou's fantasy realm. Wang Wuyou was at war with a man, but at this time Wang Wuyou was already covered in bruises, and it was obvious that the strength of the person he was dealing with was above him.

But Wang Wuyou is still struggling to persevere.

The difficulty of the array spirit given to the changing array, the strength of the man opposite Wang Wuyou suddenly skyrocketed, and the fight Wang Wuyou was retreating steadily.

"Impossible, it is impossible, why your strength suddenly increased so much."

Wang Wuyou may be facing the enemy he thinks in his life, but in front of him, he suddenly appeared so weak. The arrogant Wang Wuyou could not accept it, and shouted hysterically.

The opponent's strength made him feel a deep sense of powerlessness, and finally he was stabbed in the heart by the opponent's sword, and he withdrew from the fantasy formation.

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