Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4782: Tyrant

Wang Wuyou withdrew from the phantom array. The sword just broke Wang Wuyou directly. Even though he had already withdrawn from the phantom array, he was still confused and there were some problems in his spirit.

Obviously, failing to defeat his lifelong enemy caused a great psychological shadow to Wang Wuyou.

After a little bit of relaxation, Wang Wuyou's expression became even more ugly as he watched the success of the horse who was still sitting in the ring.

Although he did not defeat the enemy of his life in the phantom formation, he believed that Ma Chenggong could not last long in the phantom formation, but he did not expect that Ma Chenggong would still stay in the phantom formation.

More and more people withdrew from the fantasy array and looked towards Ma Chenggong one after another.

"What the **** is this kid doing with a relaxed look on his face."

These people don't know how comfortable Ma Chenggong is in the illusion.

But in the middle of the week, he didn't want Ma Chenggong to be too prominent, and told the spirit to let Ma Chenggong withdraw from the phantom array.

The array spirit controlled the phantom formation, and the picture in front of Ma Chenggong changed again. The green mountains and green waters immediately turned into a sea of ​​fire, and Ma Chenggong's foot was light, and the whole person kept falling downward, and was submerged by the sea of ​​fire below.

Ma successfully quit the magic array automatically, his head was already covered with fine sweat, and he looked at Wang Wuyou in surprise.

The last change in Ma Chenggong's expression was so sudden that everyone else wondered if Ma Chenggong did it on purpose.

With the help of the middle of the week, Ma successfully won the game easily. Although Wang Wuyou was not convinced, there was no way. Although he suspected that Ma succeeded in cheating, there was no evidence.

Ma Chenggong has won two games. If he is allowed to continue to win, Wang Wuyou can only watch Ma Chenggong get closer and closer to the position of the big brother. This is what he doesn't want to see.

After the butler announced the result of the game, he immediately started the third game.

In the third match, the horse won't have to make a successful shot. Instead, the disciples will help each other to fight against each other.

Although Wang Wuyou lost two games, he was confident in the third game.

Wang Wuyou is a descendant of a family, and his strength is good, so the people he meets are naturally not comparable to Ma Cheng.

The so-called fish looking for fish and shrimps and shrimps, the people Ma Chengxing found probably didn't even have a name in the Namzhan Empire.

"Next, please help the punches you find to come to the stage and wait for the third match."

In the middle of the week, he stepped into the ring, his whole body aura converged, just like ordinary people.

Wang Wuyou glanced at Zhou Zhong, lacking interest, but did not forget to mock Ma Chengcheng.

"Ma Chenggong, who are you looking for? You are running for the seat of the big disciple. Are you willing to let such an inconspicuous person come to help you play the game? Are you kidding us?"

Ma Chenggong knew that Wang Wuyou would never let go of this opportunity to mock him, but he had seen the strength of midweek, he was extremely confident in midweek, and revealed the origin of midweek.

"The help box I was looking for was the upright elder Ke Qing, Lu Fengtian."

In the middle of the week, I told you in advance that if you introduce yourself, you will say that he is called Lu Fengtian.

As soon as Ma Chenggong's words fell, everyone burst into laughter.

"I heard that right, the boy Ma Chenggong actually found someone from the upright sect. Isn't this kid's brain not good? It's not good to find someone, he just wants to find someone from the upright sect."

The Zhengqi Sect was completely squeezed out in the Nanzhan Empire, and even many people have forgotten the existence of such a sect.

Zhengqi Sect is a third-rate sect, and it is always trying to find the trouble of laziness. If it is not because of too weak strength, laziness feels that it is a waste of time to deal with the Zhengqi Sect. Otherwise, the Zhengqi Sect has long disappeared from the Nanzhan Empire. Ma Chenggong asked for help.

"Ma Chenggong, have you put this competition in your eyes? For such a serious matter as the big disciple of the campaign, you unexpectedly find someone from the righteous sect to help you."

Wang Wuyou wants to use his identity as the elder of the Zhengqizong in the middle of the week to make a fuss. After all, the Zhengqizong has always wanted to deal with laziness. At this time, people from the Zhengqizong appear on the scene of the game. It may be directly exempted from the eligibility for election.

But midweek did not give Wang Wuyou a chance to speak.

"This friend, Ma Chenggong once helped me once. I came here this time just to change my personal feelings. Don't think about messy things."

"I have always done things honestly and honestly. Even if Ma Chenggong is a lazy disciple, but he helped me, I still have to pay this favor."

How can you not see Wang Wuyou’s careful thoughts in the middle of the week? When I became the elder of the orthodox school, in the middle of the week, he had already considered that his identity of the orthodox school was somewhat sensitive and might be used by others, so early I figured out the corresponding method.

"It's an upright and upright person, worthy of a third-rate sect of righteousness. It is indeed bold."

Wang Wuyou deliberately said that the third-rate sect was particularly important in order to humiliate the middle of the week.

There was no response in the middle of the week, and I didn't care about this kind of painless words.

"Since you are here to repay the favor, I naturally won't say anything, but I want to remind you that the help box I found has some old grievances with your upright sect. You should be careful when you fight."

Wang Wuyou looked at Zhou Zhong with a gloomy expression, and then asked his own fist to come to the stage.

Wang Wuyou invited the boxing aid and strode into the ring. Unlike in the middle of the week, his aura was released without any concealment, as if he was thinking of a demonstration in the middle of the week.

"I would like to introduce you to everyone. The helper I requested is the elder of the Tyrant Sect, Feng Wuhen."

Wang Wuyou's face was arrogant, and the Tyrannical Sect had a fierce reputation in the southern empire. He was extremely powerful, and he was still a lazy dogleg.

Knowing that the help box Wang Wuyou invited turned out to be the elder of the Tyrant Sect, other disciples cast envy eyes.

"As expected, Wang Wuyou, even the elder of the Tyrant Sect can be invited. It seems that this time Ma Chenggong's dream of becoming a big disciple cannot be realized, but this is fine."

"He is a **** among rubbish, if he sits in the position of the big disciple, where will we put our faces."

"Yes, you can't let Ma Chenggong get what he wants."

Ma Chenggong listened to the unscrupulously belittled himself by the surrounding seniors, and felt unhappy, but he was unable to refute. He knew his strength. If it were not for the help of midweek, he would have lost the second game.

Feng Wuhen looked at Zhou Zhong contemptuously, without paying attention to Zhou Zhong at all.

"You are the elder of the righteous sect, are you courageous?"

"The last time your Elder Wang was almost killed by my Tyrant Sect, I don't know how he is now? Give me a good greeting after you go back."

Feng Wuhen deliberately brought up the previous events, trying to put some pressure on the middle of the week.

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