Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4858: Ranking order

When everyone arrived at the third venue, the referee counted the number of people.

In addition to the six people who were eliminated in the middle of the week, another four people were eliminated. A total of forty people arrived at the third venue.

In the middle of the week, I thought that there would be a fierce competition on Tongtian Road, but I didn't expect these people to be so friendly.

Except for the four who played against Zhao Qian, Sun and Li in the middle of the week, and Shen Baidao, as well as the six people who made his idea at the beginning, basically no one was working on Tongtian Road.

It seems that everyone wants to show off in the third game.

After counting the number of people, the referees of the Jihad began to introduce the rules of the third game to the players.

"First of all, congratulations to you all for successfully reaching the Hanging Island, which is considered as the venue for the third game and also the venue for the final game."

"We have laid out a lot of formations here to project what happened in the venue below, and the audience below will watch it, so please pay attention to your words and deeds, and speak as tactfully as possible."

In the middle of the week, when I first entered the Hanging Island, I noticed that there were formations everywhere, but I didn't expect it to be used to broadcast the game.

"Hurry up for the third game, I can't wait."

A scary man with blue fangs urged.

This person's name is Gan Tianlei, nicknamed Qing Gui. Because of Zhang's scaryness, he was often bullied when he was a child. Especially at night, Gan Tianlei almost never went out of the house. I was afraid that some unlucky guy would be scared when he saw him Anyhow.

But despite this, Gan Tianlei has been ostracized by the people around him. In the end, he can only spend all his time practicing. Gan Tianlei believes that as long as he is strong enough, no one will dare to make fun of his looks.

Don't look at Gan Tian Lei Chang's scary, but his mind is particularly clear. A total of forty people participated in the third game, but the ones who really didn't suffer any injuries were very few.

Although only ten people were eliminated on Tongtian Road, other people did not compete in secret, so many people were slightly injured.

And this Gan Tianlei is a small number of people without injuries, so he rushed to start the third game.

It would be better for him to draw one of the four of Zhao Wenqianyu and the others. Although these four people arrived at the third venue, the injuries on their bodies were the most serious. Inexplicably, many people wanted to target them. .

And Zhao Wen and the four of them looked at other people's unkind eyes, and their hearts were also cold.

The representative of the jury smiled slightly and motioned for everyone to be quiet.

"Next I will introduce the rules of the third game."

"I believe everyone must have seen the door in the middle of the hanging island. This is the door connecting the free space of the hanging island."

Zhou Zhong had long suspected that this gate was the entrance and exit of other spaces, and it seemed that he was right about it.

The representative of the jury continued.

"The third game, every player, must play in a free space."

Many of the forty contestants showed puzzled expressions.

An arena has already been set up on the floating island, but why do you want to compete in a free space? Isn't this a superfluous act?

"I believe you must have a lot of doubts, please listen to me to finish."

"In this third game, ten players who are eligible to compete for the top three will be selected from among you for the final match."

"So the ring you see is actually for the fourth game, which is the final game."

"And you only need to make sure that you persist as much as possible in your free space until there are only ten people left."

"Free Space will automatically monitor the number of people in it. Once there are only ten people left in Free Space, it will send you out for the final duel."

Zhou Zhong frowned slightly. He didn't expect the cruelty of the jihad this time. These people are all the top fifty of the jihad squad. Which one is not, Tianjiao, it seems that this jihad is going to change blood.

"Forty people keep ten, which means that thirty people will die in it. Will it affect the jihad list?"

In the middle of the week, he looked at Liu Qingqing and asked.

Liu Qingqing shook his head.

"Don't worry, it's not as serious as you said. Death in a jihad is a real situation, but jihad does not mandate that the opponent must be killed, so I think they must have other ways to ensure the safety of the contestants. "

Liu Qingqing's cause just fell, and a jade glowing with green brilliance suddenly appeared in front of the forty contestants.

"Everyone, the jade in front of you is a token that allows you to leave your free space at any time."

"When you are in danger or your life is threatened, you can crush this thing, and then you will be automatically teleported out."

"Of course, those who are using the token to leave the free space are also regarded as voluntarily abstaining, so please consider whether you want to use this token."

"Okay, next I will announce the order of entering the free space."

"The ranking of the order is based on your performance in the first round and the second game."

In the middle of the week, I thought that the results of the first and second games were useless, so I didn't care about it, and it would affect the order of entering the free space in the third game.

"The person whose name is pronounced below takes a step forward and prepares to enter the free space."

As soon as the judges had finished speaking, Xue Wangchen walked out on his own.

Although the first level was ranked first in the middle of the week, Xue Wangchen was the first to complete the game, and although Shen Baidao took the lead in the second game, Xue Wangchen still entered the third venue with a second result.

Moreover, there was a big gap between Shen Baidao and Xue Wangchen in the first game, and the results on Tongtian Road in the middle of the week were not to mention, completely uncompetitive, so Xue Wangchen believed that he must be the first to enter the free space.

Others also think that the first person to enter the free space is Xue Wangchen.

Just as Xue Wangchen was about to enter the free space first, an old man suddenly appeared in front of him.

The old man glanced at Xue Wangchen, then stretched out his hand to stop him, and at the same time motioned to the referees to announce quickly.

"Midweek, Zhao Wen, Qian Yu, Sun Jian..."

The judges said the names of seven or eight people in one breath, and did not read Xue Wangchen until the ninth place, and the tenth place was Zhang Poshi.

Xue Wangchen refused. Although he won second place in both the first game and the second game, when combined, it is impossible to be ranked such a low position.

However, the reason given by the referees is that the second game is not completely based on the order of entering the third venue to determine the ranking.

Battle results on Tongtian Road will also be counted.

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