Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4859: Free space

The reason why Zhou Zhong was able to get the first qualification to enter the free space was entirely because of his performance on Tongtian Road.

After knocking out six opponents, I started looking for the capital with Zhao Wen and four people. Before this, I almost defeated Shen Baidao. This series of realizations completely exceeded the others, but despite this, I still did not take the second place in the middle of the week. The first place in the field test.

The first place was indeed given by Shen Baidao.

Since there was a battle with midweek on Tongtian Road, although I did not take advantage of it, I was almost eliminated by midweek, but using midweek attacks to make myself the first to enter the third field, it is also considered a comparison. Good adaptability.

And Xue Wangchen, who always thought that he could get the first place, didn't perform anything on Tongtian Road, so the judges gave him a low score.

Xue Wangchen did not get the first place to enter the free space, and everyone else was very surprised, but after hearing the judging criteria of the referee team, they were all convinced.

The judgement of the referee team did not have any favoritism and it can be said to be very fair.

It's just that Xue Wangchen doesn't seem to be able to accept this result.

The eyes of Liu Qingqing beside Zhou Zhong are full of envy. In front of many masters, Zhou Zhong's ability to stand out has already demonstrated the excellence of Zhou Zhong.

Moreover, which of these people in the referee team is not a pivotal figure, and being recognized by them shows that all of this is well deserved.

The order of the ranking has been announced, and without any hesitation in the middle of the week, he raised his leg and walked towards the portal of the free space.

Xue Wangchen's face was ugly. He thought he would definitely drink the first position, but he didn't expect to be picked up by the middle of the week. Xue Wangchen, the number one arrogant of Luzhou in Beiju, couldn't bear to stand in front of him.

"Dare you midweek!"

"Do you sit in the first position securely? Don't swell your face to fill the fat man. Now give me your position. I promise you can stay in the free space until the end, otherwise, don't care if I enter the free space and be the first I'm looking for you."

"If you think you have a fight with me, you can ignore me, but if you think about it, once you walk into the free space like this, you will be an enemy of me."

"Do you know what it will be like to be an enemy of me?"

Without waiting for Xue Wangchen's words to finish, Zhou Zhong looked impatient, and after throwing a word coldly, he walked into the free space without looking back.

"If you lift yourself so powerfully, you will fight me in the free space, don't talk so much nonsense, like a sissy."

The voice of midweek reverberated over the third venue, and he himself had disappeared in front of everyone.

Watching Liu Qingqing's move into the free space at the end of the week, in line with the domineering and contented words just said, her cheeks rose and her heart jumped wildly.

Although I was deeply attracted by what Zhou Zhong did and did, I also blamed Zhou Zhong for being a deadhead, and offending a large number of people wherever he went.

This holy war has just begun. In the middle of the week, the first Tianjiao of Beiju Luzhou has been offended, and there are also people from the four big families of Zhaoqian, Sun and Li.

Xue Wangchen watched Zhou Zhong disappear into the portal, a fierce light flashed under his eyes, apparently he had already included Zhou Zhong in the list of kills.

Zhou Zhong dared to reject him in front of so many people, which made Xue Wangchen, the No. 1 arrogant, feel that he was greatly insulted.

It was the first time that Xue Wangchen, who had been the object of everyone's flattery since he was a child, was so ignored.

"In the middle of the week, you will remember to me that we are not finished with today's affairs."

Xue Wangchen secretly swore in his heart that he must let Zhou Zhong understand the consequences of offending him.

As the first to enter the free space in the middle of the week, Zhao Wen, who ranked second, and Qian Yu and Sun Jian behind him, also began to prepare to enter the free space.

Entering the free space will be restricted by the space inside. Only by finding the unique fragments inside can you offset the restrictions of the free space on the contestants, that is to say, the earlier you enter the free space, it will be beneficial.

It's just that in the middle of the week, he didn't know the limits of the free space, he just guessed a little bit from Xue Wangchen's eager look just now.

But the midweek is just to guess the order of entering the free space may be helpful to the players, but the specific help is not known at all.

In other words, being the first to enter the free space this week did not give full play to the real advantage, it was just a waste of this opportunity.

If Xue Wangchen could discuss with Zhou Zhonghao before, it is really possible for Zhou Zhong to give him the first position. After all, there is no conflict between Zhou Zhong and Xue Wangchen. If he wants to be the first to enter the free space Let him go first.

But Xue Wangchen wanted to play sideways with Zhou Zhong, and it was naturally impossible for Zhou Zhong to get used to his problems.

Even if this opportunity was wasted, it would definitely not be cheaper for Xue Wangchen.

The first one entered the free space in the middle of the week, but just after being teleported into the only space, in the middle of the week, he felt that the whole body was suppressed by an inexplicable force on the seventh floor.

At this time in the middle of the week, only the strength of the usual three layers can be exerted.

And because it was the first one to enter in the middle of the week, it was empty and there was no one, and there was no food to get some information.

Fortunately, there is only one person in the middle of the week at this time, so he can think about what to do next with peace of mind.

This time the game of a few people is to decide the last ten of the forty people as the winner of the final game. That is to say, in the free space, it is the most critical game to determine whether to obtain the origin of the field of enlightenment.

If you didn't win the game this time, you can say goodbye to here. As for the realm of comprehension, you don't have to think about it.

Zhou Zhong looked at his fists, then squeezed them fiercely, feeling the strength that he could exert now, and then looked around.

Xue Wangchen wants to give up his first position in the middle of the week, not just to prove how strong he is, but to enter the free space earlier.

And Zhou Zhong, combined with the suppressive force that suddenly hit him after entering the free space, probably also analyzed some situations.

If you don't guess wrong, there must be something in this free space that can release the suppression of the free space, so whoever can be the way to remove the suppression as soon as possible will be able to occupy a huge advantage.

With the strength of the early ancestors in the middle of the week, the strength of the seventh layer has been suppressed after entering the free space. If you remove the suppressing power early, even if you can restore your strength to half of the usual level, then in the free space Able to walk sideways.

Although I guessed the general idea in the middle of the week, the specific situation was still uncertain, so I decided to hide first to see what other people were doing.

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